Fumino Guqiao's lost umbrella has been carried away several meters by the wind and rain.

Fumino Guqiao was unwilling to pick it up: "I've already been soaked by the rain, I'll go pick it up."

Nishino Mu shook off the water droplets from his hair, which made Guqiao Fumino scream again and again.

Nishino Mu said happily: "Actually, I got wet too, everyone is the same."

It was only then that Fumino Guqiao noticed that Nishino Mu had covered most of his body outside the umbrella in order to cover himself who was already drenched.

"Are you an idiot?" Guqiao Wennai covered her mouth, feeling ashamed, angry and moved.

"You said yes, umbrella, do you want it?" Nishino Mu passed the umbrella forward again, and the whole person was completely in the rain.

Fumina Guqiao stretched out his hand to pick it up with tears in his eyes, and their fingers touched lightly.

[Met with high-value human beings: Fumino Furuhashi]

[Gain supernatural ability: sleeping time]

[Sleep time: starting from the acquisition of this ability, if you sleep enough for eight hours a day, your body will begin to age after your 80th birthday. If you don’t get enough sleep, every day you lose, your body’s aging time will advance from the day of your [-]th birthday One day, accumulatively, until you recover to the level of physical aging you should have]

[Note: The longer you sleep, the greater your chance of immortality. If you sleep for ten hours a day, your body will age indefinitely! 】

The chance of immortality came, and it came unexpectedly on this rainy day.

There is no need for three thousand imperial daughters.

No need to go to sea to find medicine.

There is no need for people to make alchemy.

You only need to sleep ten hours a day, which is easy for the sleep god.

Nishino Mu was a little dazed for a moment, and stood there stupidly.

Fumino Guqiao grabbed the handle of the umbrella and was about to take it away, but who knew that Muzheng Nishino was looking at him obsessively, and didn't let go at all.

Guqiao Fumino's mood has mostly recovered, she blinked her eyes lightly, and said playfully: "Nishino, what's wrong? If you like me, you should give up quickly, we are not suitable."

He was laughing and joking on the surface, but actually the sadness deep in his heart flowed upstream.

God knows how much effort she put in to say these words, and her heart is cut like a knife is by no means empty words.

Nishino Mu came back to his senses, smiled awkwardly, handed the umbrella to Fumino Guqiao, and went to a distance to pick up the umbrella that was blown away by the wind.

Mitaka Jin, who lay on the ground and retched for a long time, finally regained his strength. He got up with hatred on his face, and asked Nishino Mu in a roar: "When will Misaki marry me?!"

"Misaki Umikusa?" Nishino Mu walked up to three meters in front of him and stood.

"Don't make fun of me, who is she? Are you?" San Yingren wiped the rainwater from his face, then turned his head and spit on the ground. His body was full of evil spirits. Merry men linked together.

"What does it matter to me when Ui Kusana Misaki marries you? What are you asking me for?" Nishino Mu didn't understand what happened, his mind was full of confusion.

"You're still pretending to be stupid at this point!" Mitaka Jin bit his lips crazily, more like a psychopath than Teacher Kirisu.

Nishino Mu had lingering fears, rolled his eyes, and said softly, "Don't worry, explain the matter clearly, and I might tell you when you can marry her."

Mitaka trembled with benevolence, clenched his hands for a while and loosened them for a while, finally he gave up struggling, and said through gritted teeth: "In high school, you said that I was not good enough for Misaki, and I couldn't give her happiness. Witnessing the agreement I made with Misaki, if I couldn't pass the test of everyone at Sakurasou, Misaki could not marry me, and I could not marry her!

But now, it's up to you!You bastard, I look for you every year, and you say I am not qualified every year, but you tell me where I am not qualified. "

It turned out to be this matter. I said that in my memory, I would send this sentence to Mitaka Jin every year: No!

The corners of Xi Yemu's mouth twitched, and he sighed while resting his forehead.

Fumino Guqiao cast a skeptical look at him: "Nishino, you don't want to fall in love with Miss Kamisaka, are you reluctant?"

"What nonsense..." Nishino Mu didn't finish his sentence, and Mitaka Jin, who was dazzled by Guqiao Fumino's words, rushed forward again.

"Nishino Mu, today I will share life and death with you!"

Chapter 108

Even if the grievance and grief in Mitaka Ren's heart were about to break through the sky, he could only be ruthlessly defeated by Nishino Mu again.

The wind and rain were uncertain, and on the road full of falling water, Mitaka Jin challenged Nishino Mu time and time again.

No matter how he roared or howled, it was futile in this wind and rain.

Every time he charged, he got Xi Yemu's merciless beating.

"I said you, why are you so single-minded? Let me think about it carefully, and I will give you an answer tomorrow at the latest."

Nishino Mu kicked Mitaka Ren away again, and made a concession out of breath.

Wrapped in a coat, Guqiao Fuminao sat on a bench that sheltered the platform from the rain. She put away the umbrella and put it in a corner, took out the usual snacks from her bag, and ate with her small mouth incessantly. , without the timidity before.

Pedestrians and cars passed by in a hurry, as if no one saw a bad fight happening here.

Mitaka Ren lay on the ground in despair, letting the nosebleeds flow and the rain splash all over his body, and ignored what Xi Yemu said.

Nishino Mu squatted in front of him holding an umbrella, shook his head helplessly, and repeated: "I still don't understand the specific situation, so I will give you an answer tomorrow at the latest. If you agree, hum, and if you disagree, hum."

Mitaka Jin reluctantly raised his head, revealing an ugly face with a bruised nose, broken glasses, mixed with blood and rain, the resentment in his eyes still existed, and he let out a loud "Huh!"

"You!" Nishino Mu reached out and patted his head angrily.

Guqiao Wennai persuaded at the right time: "It's better not to fight, I think he is going to die."

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