"Nishino-san, do you think [-] million can you help persuade Sakurajima-san to be our anti-drug ambassador in Nanao City?"

Without Rizu Ogata and Fumino Furuhashi, [-] million yen would be enough.

"No." Nishino Mu muttered in a low voice, "I don't care if it's [-] billion, let alone [-] million."

"Heh!" Kirisu Mafuyu couldn't listen anymore, she hit Nishino Mu on the head, and criticized: "The more you talk, the more you talk to the sky?"

【Contact with high-quality human beings: Mafuyu Kirisu】

[Gain supernatural ability: talent is dusty]

[Talent Dust: You will lose a talent for ten years, after ten years the talent returns, you lose another talent, and this cycle]

[Note: The loss of talent this time is writing. Losing it does not mean that you cannot write, but that you have no talent in writing, and it is only at the level of ordinary people]

Teacher Kirisu, you are awesome!

Xi Yemu is not angry at all, really, he has [sleep time], and there is a high probability that he will truly live forever.

For immortals, wealth, power and women in the world are all within easy reach.

It's just a loss of writing talent, what a big deal.

At this moment, Xi Yemu felt that everything in the world was a bit ordinary.

He picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, looked at Rizu Ogata and Fumino Furuhashi, and sighed silently.

"What's wrong?" Kirisu Mafuyu asked worriedly, "Did the teacher hurt you?"

"No, I just feel that no matter how beautiful a woman is, she will die in the end, so I feel uneasy."

"You should consider how to enjoy life, death is not something you should consider." Fumino Furuhashi said.


Nishino Mu suddenly rejoiced that he didn't have contact with Teacher Tongxu's younger sister, maybe there was something bad about her.

Negative supernatural ability, can't afford it!

Chapter 111 Kato's presence is too low

Mu Nishino did not agree to help persuade Mai Sakurajima, and Si Mei thought that she would not be able to do anything if she stayed, so she said goodbye and left.

After she left, Nishino Mu planned to return to Tokyo quickly while it was still dark.

Mafuyu Kirisu persuaded: "The sky outside is still covered with dark clouds and gray. It's hard to say when there will be another heavy rain. It's not safe to drive in rainy days. It's better to stay for one night and leave tomorrow morning."

Staying for one night is staying, staying for two nights is also staying, Xi Yemu has no strong choice to leave.

If he leaves, he will definitely take Ogata Rizu and Guqiao Wennai with him, in case something happens along the way, even if he regrets it, it will be too late.

[Crisis Insight] You can only protect him, not others, and you can't be careless.

There are only three bedrooms in Kirisu's house, but the girls can sleep together.

Nishino Mu didn't care about how they slept, and went back to the bedroom first, and called Qingshan Qihai.

"Aoyama, do you have Kamijinga's cell phone number?"

"Well, it's about Mitaka Jin, I plan to have a better understanding of their relationship."

"That's it, thank you."

After getting the desired number, hang up Qingshan Qihai's call.

Nishino Mu thought about it, and called An Yilun.

"How much do you know about Misaki Umikusas?"

"Tell me what I usually call her, and what are her characteristics."

"okay, I get it."

An Yilun lived up to expectations, and spent ten minutes telling Nishino Mu what kind of person Kamikusa Misaki was.

In Ayi Lunya's description, Misaki Kamisau is always full of energy, she is Mitaka Jin's childhood sweetheart, she has always liked Mitaka Jin, and she is a girl who doesn't have much scheming.

In his heart, he was roughly sure that Misaki Kamigusa was not a terrible scumbag who had tricked Jin Mitaka to death, and Nishino Mu somehow felt worthless for her, hesitated again and again, and still called her.

"Senior Kamijinga, I'm Nishino."

"Xiao Mumu, I haven't contacted you for a long time. How are you doing recently? Why did you change your phone number?

Let me tell you, Ah Ren is crazy, he was injured when he came back, and he wants to transfer all the property to me, and he is still forcing me to sign, oh my god!

I'm just an ordinary wife, how can I take on the responsibility of supporting my family as a husband, but he just doesn't listen to me, and even said that he's going to change his surname tomorrow..."

Misaki Uejingsu seemed to have the opportunity to talk about these things with people for the first time. Before Nishino Mu had time to confirm whether she really had feelings for Mitaka Jin-senpai, and not an ignorant girl who was deceived, she was confused by her long speech.

"Stop! You said a wife just now? Senior Mitaka is still forcing you to sign?"

"That's right, we've been living together for a long time, he's taking a shower, and I'm signing in the living room."

Well, Mitaka Jin, you really are not a good thing, and you lied to me that you didn't meet Misaki Ikusa.

Nishino Mu frowned, and then relaxed it again.

Just because they are living together, it cannot be determined that there is a relationship between them. Mai Sakurajima and the others have lived together, so it is not the same.

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