"Senior Shangjingcao, I would venture to ask, are you still a virgin?"

"I hate it! I like Jin, so don't get me wrong."

Mother!This kind of topic is outspoken, as expected of Misaki Kamikusa, and Ai Lun is also very reliable at certain times.

"No, I didn't pay your attention, I just asked, I swear, I will never rob you with Senior Mitaka."

"Xiao Mumu, you are so kind, you know not to embarrass my sister, since this is the case, let me tell you, my sister is still a virgin, we have lived together for many years, but no matter what I do, he will not touch me, I suspect he is sick ..."

"Senior Shangjingcao, have you forgotten our previous agreement?"

"Promise? By the way, we still have a lot of promises. Oops, I just got confused and forgot."

Regardless of whether Misaki Uesui Kusana is really forgetful or not, Mu Nishino doesn't care, he has already confirmed that Mitaka Jin and Misaki Uesai Kusana have concubines and intentions, and they are not unforgivable villains, so he smiled freely: "When will you hold the wedding?"

"You, you mean, you agree with Jin!" Misaki Kamisaki screamed, "It's great, Jin, don't take a shower, we can get married, open the door! I want to go in..."


After hanging up the phone, Xi Yemu covered his ears in pain.

Misaki Umikusa!Why don't you get confused at this time, and instantly understand what I mean.

Also, when you scream, can you tell me in advance or stay away from the phone, so that you can kill someone...


Before going to bed at night, because he didn't know why he didn't agree to the marriage of Misaki Kamigusa and Hitomi Mitaka who liked each other before he lost his memory, Mu Nishino silently speculated.

Among the various results obtained, either they were dissatisfied with Jin Mitaka, or they fell in love with Misaki Ikusa, or they deliberately dragged the two of them, insisting that they would not get married even if they were not married.

Among the various possibilities, the second and third are directly ruled out, because both Ai Lunya and Aoyama Nanami have said that their relationship with Misaki Umikusa is normal.

Nishino Mu knows that he is not a person with a dark heart, and he will definitely not let Misaki Umigussa, who has a normal relationship with him, suffer from lovesickness.

It's impossible to say that I don't get married, and just suppress the marriage of the two of them. If I am really this kind of person, I will definitely not be liked by Qingshan Qihai. That girl is a kind child.

The biggest possibility is that he hates Mitaka Jin. Whether this emotion is jealousy or simply looking down on him, in short, it is the existence of this emotion that makes him suppress his marriage, even from high school graduation to two years after college graduation. Years later today.

To sum it up in one sentence, to deal with scumbags, one must go all out.

I have a question, Jin Mitaka has been bullied by me for so many years because of Kamigusa Misaki, will he take revenge on me when he gets married?

Nishino Mu had no sleepiness at all, and was thinking sadly whether to subdue Mitaka Jin in advance, or wait for him to come to find something to do before subdue him.

Nothing to say all night, early the next morning, simply had breakfast.

Nishino Mu took Ogata Rizu and Furuno Furuhashi on the road back to Tokyo.

Jin Mitaka, who lives in Nanao City, got up early in the morning and forced Misaki Kamigusa to go through the procedure with him and take over his property and name.

Tokyo side.

Ai Lun is also shamelessly begging Eriri, who is far away in Sakura Country, and Kasumigaoka Shiwa, who lives on the other side of Tokyo, to help draw illustrations, and promises to continue to provide Mu Nishino's recent photos as a reward.

Hikigaya Hachiman is happily taking his younger sister Hikigaya Komachi to work in the bookstore.

The two Yukinoshita sisters are in a hurry to prepare for elections and exams.Among them, Yokino Yukinoshita, who loves her sister and lost [-] grams because of studying, decides to meet the man she has always looked down upon.

Shinomiya Kaguya took advantage of the election to contact various congressmen and family consortiums, quickly expanded his control over the Shinomiya family, frantically attacked the three older brothers who had the legal right to inherit, and kept Ai Hayasaka busy without touching the ground.

Chapter 112 Yukinoshita's Fake Anger Is Really Jealous

Back in Tokyo, first send Rizu Ogata and Fumino Furuhashi home.

Thanks to this trip, Nishino Mu knew where the two girls lived.

Ogata Ritzu's home was just an ordinary residential building along the commercial street, Fumino Furuhashi's home was extraordinary, a luxurious villa in a high-end residential area.

Say goodbye to the two and return to Gensokyo.

Passing by a building, it suddenly occurred to Wugeng Liuli that her new home was nearby. Xi Yemu looked up at the towering high-rise buildings, and finally chose to leave.

It doesn't make any sense to visit others rashly.

In Gensokyo, Mai Sakurajima is mopping the floor. Her long hair is tied on top of her head, and she is wearing a beautiful printed apron. She follows the automatic sweeping robot step by step, mopping away the dirt that the robot cannot clean up.

"Nishino, welcome home!" Seeing Mu Nishino, Mai Sakurajima smiled and opened her arms like a good wife and mother.

"Yeah." Nishino Mu nodded, changed into her slippers, ignored her embrace, and lay lazily on the sofa.

"Nishino~" Mai Sakurajima lay behind Nishino Mu, put her mouth next to his ear, and said softly, "During your absence, I cleaned the whole house carefully."

"Not bad." Nishino Mu responded with satisfaction.

"Look at how bright the ceiling is, there is no spider web, and how smooth and shiny the floor is, all of these are my credit." Mai Sakurajima proudly showed off.

child?Ask for compliments.

"Awesome!" Nishino Mu shrank his neck, feeling ominous.

"You think it's great too, so is there any reward?"

Come, Nishino Mu asked vigilantly: "What do you want?"

"I want you... to accompany me to participate in variety shows," Mai Sakurajima complained, "You don't know, the TV station is too good, and it likes to bully female artists the most."

Island TV is indeed too much, even dare to punish popular idols, but Mai Sakurajima is not an idol, but a big name in the entertainment industry, her status and status are high enough, no TV station would dare to punish her.

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