"Impossible, Sister Yang Nai looks down on Ye Shan in her bones, she can't like Ye Shan, don't you look at her eyes and want to kill someone?"

Nishino Mu glanced at Yukino Yoshita, who just happened to collide with her gaze, was startled, before he could react, saw Miss Yukinoshita's red lips parted, and yelled coldly: "Kneel down! "

Nishino Mu's legs softened, and he subconsciously wanted to kneel on the ground. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and realized in time that there was no need to be afraid of Yukinoshita Yoshino. He straightened his back and stood upright.



There were two kneeling sounds in succession, and Mu Nishino looked at Hikigaya Hachiman and Hayama Hayato who were kneeling with contempt.

Isn't the floor cool?Is it uncomfortable to stand?Do not kneel.

"Hikigu, why are you kneeling?" Yukinoshita Yoshino held up the wine glass and shook it lightly, the red wine rippling in the glass.

Hayama Hayato glanced back at the two of them, and sighed in disappointment.

"Haha, I'm sorry, my legs are weak." Hikigu Hachiman laughed twice, and was pulled up by Nishino Mu.

"What's the matter with you?" Nishino Mu felt that Hikigu Hachiman was a bit ashamed, and asked him in a low voice dissatisfied.

Hikigaya Hachiman muttered: "Before the psychological shadow, Yono-sister once conspired with Mr. Hiratsuka to plot against us, and beat us up violently on the grounds of teaching us not to fall in love and affect our studies."

Thinking about it now, my stomach still hurts.

Hikigu Hachiman thought for a while.

At that time, the relationship between him and his sister was only relatively close, not considered a relationship.

Nishino was having an affair with several girls at the same time, but he just didn't treat Yukinoshita Yukino wholeheartedly, and it wasn't love either.

Since there is no love, the charges are naturally not guilty, but unfortunately, there is no way to appeal.

The school is what Hiratsuka Shizuka and Yukinoshita Haruno say, hateful school violence!I will spend my life fighting against it.

Chapter 115 Getting married is the easiest and easy way

Hikigaya Hachiman's determination to resist school violence cannot be shaken until he meets Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka.

After encountering him, unless he was severely beaten, he would still insist on resisting school violence.

Hiki Valley Hachiman's little friend, Nishino Mu, who suffers from amnesia.

Apart from being beaten violently by his father when he was a child, not only has he no memory of being bullied, but he has been bullying others recently, so he doesn't hate violence.

If this is not a civilized society, but a world where force is paramount, Nishino Mu feels that he can be the number one person in the world with his supernatural ability [absolute suppression].

Why is this world so ordinary, why can't there be aliens, superpowers and other extraordinary creatures?

Nishino Mu often complains that the world is too boring, so that he, the arrogance of the times, seems out of tune with the world.

Nishino Mu firmly believes that if he lives in an "interesting" world, he will never continue to live in such a stable daily life.

Now I am just used to stability and peace, and I am too lazy to make troubles.

This is called Great Hermit in the City!

"What are you two doing here?" Yukinoshita Yona took a sip of the red wine in the glass, and the upright figure of Nishino Mu was reflected in his pupils.

"We're here to find Ye Shan." Nishino Mu said generously, "Seeing that he's upset, I want to beat him up."

"Nishi wood, Bi Penguin, you want to hit me? Why?" Hayama Hayato knelt on the ground looking embarrassed, but he looked innocent when he asked.

"You don't need to know that much, we can hit you if we want to, we don't need a reason." Hikigu Hachiman put his hands in his pockets, his head drooping slightly, matching his dead fish eyes, he looked more like a gangster than a gangster on the street.

"You guys..." Before Hayama Hayato finished speaking, Yukinoshita Yoshino lifted the wine bottle and poured wine on his head, and said viciously while pouring: "Why are you kneeling here honestly, don't you have any idea in your heart? Feel free to ask why.

Do you know how much trouble your slander has caused me and the people around me? I wish I could kill you!

I thought you were loyal to me, so I sent you to supervise those experts to inspect the car. Unexpectedly, before the experts made a sound, you can't wait to announce to the media as my client: the problem of the car may be caused by a car accident of.

You, damn it! "

Yukinoshita Yoshino lost control of her emotions, she regretted that she was too careless, she didn't expect the tool man Hayama Hayato to bite her back and bring her such a heavy disaster.

If Hayama Hayato hadn't been the spokesperson she sent to supervise the experts to inspect the car, things might not have been so bad, but he had been the spokesperson first, and when he announced the car's problems to the media as a spokesperson, even if he denied that he had ever If he admits that he is lying, people will think that he said it under political pressure, and then they will think they are smart and choose to believe him.

Different people saying the same thing will have different effects.

Hayama Hayato uttered a simple sentence at the right time and place with the right identity, which almost ruined Yukinoshita Yoshino's political career.The public's demand for her punishment is getting louder and louder. If it weren't for the high-level parliament still playing games, the judiciary would have been independent long ago. Yukinoshita Yoshino is sure that he will be emptied of all positions by his competitors this time.

"Sister Yango, don't worry." Seeing that Hayama Hayato was poured with red wine, he simply closed his eyes, clenched his fists, and said nothing, Hikigaya Hachiman took the lead to protect him behind him.

"I'm not in a hurry, it's just that I drank too much and I feel a little dizzy." Yukinoshita Yoshino threw the empty wine bottle on the living room floor.

The bottle is of good quality and didn't break.

Yukinoshita Yangno didn't care, put his hands on his temples, lay on the sofa exhaustedly, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Nishino Muchao Hikigu Hachiman winked, the latter nodded, and then remained indifferent...

what a man!

Nishino Muqi's teeth were itching, and finally went to battle in person, pulled Hayama Hayato and left, "Find a place, let the three brothers have a good chat."

Hayama Hayato glanced guiltyly at Yukinoshita Yono for a few times, seeing that she didn't stop him, he got up and took Nishino Mu to his bedroom on the second floor, Hikigu Hachiman didn't dare to be alone with Yukinoshita Yono, and hurriedly followed.

Hayama Hayato's bedroom is quite tidy, and the bedroom that the angel has tidied up is probably like this.

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