Entering the bedroom, Hayama Hayato lay on the bed with a sad face, put his hands on the back of his head, and stared blankly at the ceiling.

Hikigaya Hachiman leaned against the closed bedroom door, lowered his head and played with his mobile phone.

Nishino Mu sat at the desk, looking through the various books on the table boredly.

Hayama Hayato is quite interesting. The books he reads are not legal books, but literary classics.

"Is what I'm doing unethical?" Hayama Hayato's eyes were blank, he didn't know if he was talking to himself or asking someone else.

Nishino Mu was stunned for a moment, and closed the book that he had only read a page, "What you did is not insincere, but very insincere."

Hikigaya Hachiman said sincerely: "Actually, I don't want to care about what you do is not authentic, but if you do so, it is very likely that Yono-san will not be the governor of Tokyo, and she will not be the governor of Tokyo. The chance to become a success is gone.

Although my family is not short of money and has little power, but I have never disliked more money and less power. Sister Yango became the governor of Tokyo. With the relationship between Komachi and her younger sister Yukino, life in the future will definitely be much more convenient than that of the Tokiya family, but One of your irresponsible remarks will most likely wipe out this beautiful future. "

Hikigu Hachiman really dare to say.

Nishino Mu was full of admiration, and also said: "If Miss Yukinoshita becomes the governor of Tokyo, based on the relationship between me and her sister, Wenyuan's future development will definitely be very fast, maybe I will soon become an influential money man."

"That's right!" Hayama Hayato rolled over and sat up, hugging his head in pain: "We are all poor, Nishiki, we are actually on the same road, you want to marry the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family, I want to marry the Yukinoshita family Missy.

But you must have had more hardships than I have.

Blame me!This time it's my fault!If I hadn't blocked Miss Yukinoshita from becoming the governor of Tokyo, you might have gotten closer to Miss Shinomiya, and it's all my fault! "

There was a big question mark on Nishino Mu's forehead, Miss Shinomiya?Who?do i know herCould it be Shinomiya Kaguya?

But it's not like, she doesn't seem to be rich yet.

Why do you say that I encountered more difficulties and obstacles than you encountered in wanting to marry her, I am worth a billion yen, better than you!

In a few years, I will definitely be worth tens of billions, and in the future I will be worth hundreds of billions or trillions. Unless Miss Sigong is worth trillions, there is no way I am not worthy of her!

"How much money does Miss Sigong have?" Nishino Mu didn't believe that there were women in this world that he wasn't worthy of.

Hayama Hayato ignored Nishino Mu, and was more excited than Kigu Hachiman. He patted Nishino Mu on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "You earn tens of billions or hundreds of billions, which is enough to be worthy of the two of Yukinoshita's family." Miss, as for the one from the Shinomiya family, you can get married!"

Chapter 116 I have nothing to do with Sigong!

"It's impossible to get married, and it's not short and poor who lack money and women." Nishino Mu said confidently.

Hikigu Hachiman nodded approvingly, "Perhaps no one wants to marry except short and poor."

Hayama Hayato was stunned for a moment, and said anxiously: "I'm not short and poor."

"Compared to Miss Yukinoshita, you are short and poor!" Nishino Mu said.

"Compared to Yono-san, this face of yours is not bad." Hikigu Hachiman's tone was very affirmative.

"What Bi Penguin said makes sense, but Nishiki, I don't understand. I'm short and poor compared to Miss Yukinoshita, aren't you short and poor compared to Miss Shinomiya?"

"of course not."

"Where did you get the confidence?" Hayama Hayato asked incomprehensibly.

"Ability!" The ability in Nishino Mu's mouth refers to supernatural ability, but Hayama Hayato and Hikigaya Hachiman mistakenly thought it was talent.

"Indeed, you are more capable than me." Hayama Hayato said unwillingly: "But no matter how powerful you are, what good is it? No one can acquire more wealth than the Sigong consortium in just a few decades, and you no!

Just like with my ability, I can't earn the wealth to marry Miss Yukinoshita in several lifetimes, so she looks down on me. "

Just because you can't do it doesn't mean I can't!It doesn't mean others can't!Do you know how many self-made bigwigs there are in history?

It's really not possible, a few lives are nothing, at worst, they live for tens of thousands of years, and survive until the Sigong family declines due to prosperity.

Also, the last sentence is too much, how can you think that your lack of wealth is the main reason why Miss Yukinoshita looks down on you.

Xi Yemu retorted: "The earning ability is not important. Anyway, for Sister Yang Nai, no matter how hard you work, you will not be as rich as her. I think she looks down on you because of other reasons."

"Yes." Hikigu Hachiman said: "The ability that Nishino is talking about is not the ability to make money, but refers to the overall quality and upbringing of the individual. Don't you wonder why Nishino can easily enter the Shinomiya family, but you cannot enter the Yukinoshita family? ? You must know that Nishino's status in front of the Shinomiya family is barely equal to your status in front of the Yukinoshita family."

Can I easily enter the Sigong's family?Assuming that Shinomiya Kaguya is Miss Shinomiya, unless she likes me very much, she will definitely not be able to marry into the Shinomiya family easily.

On the one hand, Nishino Mu guessed that Shinomiya Kaguya was Miss Shinomiya, but on the other hand, she was entangled in her being too indifferent towards him.

The Shinomiya consortium with the Shinomiya family as its core is one of the largest consortiums in the island country, and only the Sanzenin consortium can compete with it.

The combination of the Sigong Consortium and the Sanzenyuan Consortium is enough to influence [-]% of the members of the National Assembly, and the remaining [-]% are gentlemen who do not fear power, do not admire wealth, and do not love beauties.

Anyone who understands politics knows these things, just like many people in previous lives believed that Bangzi Kingdom belonged to Sanxing, and Sanxing did not belong to Bangzi Kingdom.

Hayama Hayato regained some of his energy at this moment, and said dejectedly: "Nishiki, Miss Shinomiya likes you, it should be easy for you to marry me, but I can't, Miss Yukinoshita doesn't like me, and it's hard to marry me if you want to marry me." no way.

Than Penguin is right, I am not as good as you. "

For men in island countries, marrying into a family is already very embarrassing, and what is even more embarrassing is that they are rejected.

For Nishino Mu, it is embarrassing to be praised for being able to marry easily.

He was afraid of exposing the fact that he had lost his memory, so he didn't dare to ask the two people in front of him if Kaguya Shinomiya was Miss Sigong.

I can only ask politely: "How did you find out that Miss Sigong likes me?"

"Does it need to be said?" Hikigu Hachiman saw Nishino Mu's careful thoughts, and said in a casual manner: "She lived in your house some time ago."

Shinomiya Kaguya has not released photos. Hikigaya Hachiman knew her from Hikigaya Komachi, and Hikigaya Komachi knew her from Yukinoshita Yukino.

Hayama Hayato knew Shinomiya Kaguya because his father was the chief lawyer of the Yukinoshita family.

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