Leaving aside the relationship between Yukinoshita Yukino and Shinomiya Kaguya, let's just talk about the Shinomiya family and the Yukinoshita family.

The relationship between these two families has been very close in recent years. The Yukinoshita family has long known that the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family is called Shinomiya Kaguya, and they have also known her appearance from various channels.

It's just that Shinomiya Kaguya has not posted public photos, and her identity has not been hidden from anyone who cares. When she was studying in Xiuzhiyuan, all the teachers and students in the school knew her identity, although most of the teachers and students in Xiuzhiyuan were not simple.

Nishino Mu didn't know this, but he was depressed and Bi Qigu Hachiman's rough judgment, what's wrong, do you have to like me to live in my house?

Although this sentence proves that Shinomiya Kaguya is Miss Shinomiya, but Nishino Mu recalled Sigong Kaguya's behavior in Gensokyo in his mind, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't think she liked him.

The most likely statement that proves that she likes herself is what she said when she planned to live in Gensokyo, saying that she can't stand the person she likes living with other women.

The problem is, he lives with Sakurajima and the others now, and Shinomiya Kaguya has never seen him come out to make trouble, so the person she likes may not be herself.

Shinomiya Kaguya also said back then that he only had [-] million yen on him, the family's money was the family's money, and his own money was his own money.

Judging from her character and identity, there is no need to hide the fact that she likes herself, so she is likely to run away from home and temporarily live in Gensokyo, but the outside world mistakenly thinks that she likes herself.

One more question, why does she live in Gensokyo? !

Nishino Mu guessed that it was because the two met several times in high school, and the people around her felt that they were more credible when they arranged for her, so they arranged for her to Gensokyo.

Who knew that Kaguya Shinomiya seemed to have forgotten herself... It's better to forget than to forget!

Nishino Mu used his brains crazily, leaving the relationship between himself and Shinomiya Kaguya completely clean.

There must be no relationship between the two!Who knows if the sons of some dignitaries who are eager to marry Shinomiya Kaguya will do stupid things like Hayama Hayato out of jealousy and bring him a lot of trouble.

Nishino Mu is not afraid of facing a rival in love, but he doesn't want to be a shield.

If the woman likes him, he also likes the woman. Needless to say, if there is a rival in love, he will kill one.

But if he and the woman don't like each other and end up being provoked by the woman's suitor for no reason, it will be a big loss.

Behind every outstanding woman there are a bunch of suitors.

For a woman like Shinomiya Kaguya, if the suitor behind her doesn't have a few sons of big bosses, who would believe it?

Nishino Mu felt uncomfortable thinking that he would be brainlessly provoked by a bunch of inexplicable people in the future, so he still wanted to ask Shinomiya Kaguya to send a notice to clarify the relationship between the two.

"Nishiki, what do you think?" Hayama Hayato asked expectantly: "If Miss Yukinoshita becomes the governor of Tokyo, she may marry a certain young master of the Shinomiya family. Can you ask Miss Shinomiya to think about it?" To find ways to?"

"No, I have nothing to do with Sigong, there is nothing between us," Nishino Mu warned, "Don't talk nonsense, otherwise I won't let you go."

Hikigu Hachiman rolled his eyes, and Hayama Hayato was stunned and speechless.

Chapter 117 Is She Pitying Me?

Nishino Mu was not very satisfied with the performance of the two, but he didn't say much, he just stepped forward and punched Hayama Hayato in the face.

"What are you doing?" Hayama Hayato had visible red marks on his face, but he didn't fight back, he just asked angrily.

"This is one of the prices you paid for preventing Miss Yukinoshita from becoming the governor of Tokyo. We have settled mine." Nishino Mu casually said while feeling the supernatural ability brought by Hayato Hayama in his mind. One said.

[Contact with high-value human beings: Hayama Hayato]

[Gain supernatural ability: aura of goodness]

[Halo of Goodness: No matter who it is, the first impression of you is "Look at your face, this is a good person"]

[Note: Please don't rely on this face to do bad things]

When Rayeyama Hayato got up before, he didn't touch his skin, but just pulled the clothes on his shoulders. Now that he touched him, it's good that he didn't get negative supernatural powers.

Nishino Mu glanced at Bikigu Hachiman. This guy is ugly, not good looking, and has no supernatural ability. In this respect, he is not as good as Hayama Hayato.

Hikigu Hachiman was caught by Nishino Mu, mistakenly thinking that he was going to hit him too, so he stepped forward and punched Hayama Hayato's handsome face again.

This time Hayama Hayato still did not resist, but roared in grief and anger: "What can I do? I am also very desperate! Miss Yukinoshita will marry the young master of the Shinomiya family when she becomes the governor of Tokyo. In order not to let her marry For others, that's all I can do.

I'm sorry for you, she can't be the governor of Tokyo, your interests are damaged, you have the right to beat me. "

"Lick the dog until there is nothing left! My condolences." Nishino Mu turned and left.

"If you treat Sister Yang Nai wholeheartedly, maybe you can't do it now, but in eight or nine years, even if Sister Yang Nai gets married, you don't mean that you have no chance. Now, you and her definitely have no chance." Bi Qi Gu Hachiman shook his head, and left with Nishino Mu.

"It's impossible for me to have anything to do with a married woman..." Hayama Hayato said, looking at the empty room, he lowered his head in frustration.

Nishino Mu went down the second floor, thinking that he had kicked Mitaka Renguang last time. He didn't know whether it was because he was not handsome enough, or because he didn't touch him during the kick, and he didn't get supernatural power from him.

On the sofa in the living room, Yukinoshita Yono rested his chin with his hands, wondering what he was thinking.

"That..." Nishino Mu decided to call her Sister Yoshino just like Hikigu Hachiman, but before she could say anything, Yukinoshita Yono slapped the coffee table hard, only to hear a "bang", and the wine glass on the coffee table slightly Tremble.

Nishino Mu was taken aback, Bi Qigu Hachiman was even more frightened and almost ran away.

"You two, can you solve the problem I'm encountering now?" Yukinoshita Yoshino asked, but his tone was very strong.

Nishino Mu remained silent, the solution he thought of had already been mentioned before.

Hikigu Hachiman said cautiously: "I recently thought of another method."

"Say it!" Yukinoshita Haruno's eyes were full of expectation.

"This method may affect the reputation of you and Ye Shan."

Yukinoshita Yang Nai waved his small hand, and said indifferently: "It's okay, just say what you want."

Hikigu Hachiman hesitated, with a weird look on his face: "You can pretend to be drunk, then go to Hayama's room and take a picture of him trying to moles you, and then you can let people say that Hayama likes you and wants you, so he did it on purpose Slander you for turning against the law and threaten you.

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