Because most of the experts who inspected the car at that time said that there was a problem with the car first, which caused the car accident, so it should not be difficult to set off a storm of public opinion to whitewash you. "

"Hikigu Hachiman! What kind of rubbish method are you doing?" Nishino Mu was furious.

Yukinoshita Yoshino is Yukinoshita Yukino's older sister, if he really used this method of almost killing each other, he would not be able to explain to Yukinoshita Yukino at all.

Hikigu Hachiman said: "Is there any other way to do things now? It's not really to make sister Yang Nao lose her virginity, but just take a few photos. Fame and benefits, I choose benefits."

It is undeniable that Hikigaya Hachiman's method is good. It not only solved Yukinoshita Yono's bad reputation of changing lanes, but also gave her the title of victim, which will allow her to gain the support and recognition of the public to the greatest extent.

At the same time, this method also fulfilled half of Hayama Hayato's wish not to want Yukinoshita Yono to marry someone else. The Shinomiya family, an ancient family that values ​​blood, is unlikely to let the direct line marry a "dirty" woman. So even if Yukinoshita Yoshino becomes the governor of Tokyo, it is impossible for her to marry into the Shinomiya family again.

The problem is, the disadvantages of this method are too great.

Yukinoshita Yoshino needs to pay for the reputation of chastity that is more important to women, and Hayama Hayato might end up in prison.

Not to mention Nishino Mu, even Yukinoshita Yono thought for two seconds before making a decision.

"Needless to say, let's adopt this method," Yukinoshita Yoshino raised his head and drank the remaining sip of red wine in the glass, and got up and walked to the second floor obliged, "You two hurry up, don't forget took a photo."

My goodness!

You have to do this kind of thing after hesitating for two seconds, it's too decisive.

Nishino Mu was a little at a loss, Hikigu Hachiman took out his phone and sighed.

"Are you sighing?" Nishino Mu said angrily, "I really didn't expect you to come up with such a flirty idea."

Hikigaya Hachiman smiled bitterly, and stepped up the stairs to the second floor.

Nishino Mu stared at his back with a solemn expression.

Since ancient times, the most scolded is not the monarch who gives orders, but the counselors who come up with evil plans and dedicate them to the monarch.

If the method of counting Hayama Hayato is known by someone with a heart, Yukinoshita Yoshino's status is high enough, few people dare to touch her, it will be worse than Kigu Hachiman, not only will be scolded by Hayama, maybe even by the old Hayama outside Dad revenge.

"Why bother? Even if Yukinoshita Yoshino became the governor of Tokyo, you can get some benefits!"

Xi Yemu took out his mobile phone and stepped heavily on the stairs.

Up to now, there is not much he can do, and he must not really let Yukinoshita Yoshino be taken advantage of by Hayama Hayato, but it would be too ruthless to him not to let him take advantage.

On the second floor, Yukinoshita Haruno pushed open the door of Hayama Hayato's bedroom.

The curtains have been drawn.

In the quiet and dark room, Hayama Hayato was sitting alone in the corner of the room like a walking corpse. If it weren't for his breathing and heartbeat, people would believe that he was a corpse.

Yukinoshita Yukino slowly approached him, squatted in front of him, and said in a gentle tone: "This is not the Hayama Hayato I know, do you need me to give you a chance?"

Hearing Yukinoshita Yono's voice, Hayama Hayato looked up at her as if mustering up all his courage, this glance brought his mood back to life.

There was no trace of disgust in Yukinoshita Yono's eyes, only a trace of heartache and intolerance.

She's pitying me enough to give me a chance?Great!

Chapter 118

Outside the door, Nishino Mu and Hikigu Hachiman held mobile phones, you looked at me with big eyes and small eyes, and I looked at you.

"Will Ye Shan be sent to prison?" Xi Yemu couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"Judging by Sister Yang Nai's character, it will definitely be."

Nishino Mu thought hard for a while, and when he heard that Hayama Hayato couldn't bear to kiss Yukinoshita Yono, knowing that he couldn't wait any longer, before Hikigu could react, he kicked the door open.

In the dim room, Yukinoshita Yono was lying on the bed with his shoulders half exposed, and Hayama Hayato was standing by the bed, holding a coat in his hand.

"Ya Shan! Don't mess around, this is a fairy dance. If you touch Miss Yukinoshita, you will definitely be sent to prison." Nishino Mu didn't care to think about why they are like this, but shouted anxiously .

After hearing this, Hayama Hayato was in a trance, his hand suddenly lost strength, and his coat fell to the ground.He was taken aback by Yukinoshita Yangno's initiative, and wanted to cover her exposed shoulders with a coat, but now it seems that it's not necessary, it's all fake.

Yukinoshita Haruno got up angrily, glared at Nishino Mu fiercely, grabbed Hayama Hayato's hand and was about to press it on his chest.

Hikigu Hachiman came in from the door and picked up his phone to take a picture.

Xi Yemu almost didn't come up in one breath, who are these people around?If deception is ineffective, do you have to force it?

Before Nishino Mu figured out whether to stop Hikigu Hachiman from taking pictures, or to stop Yukinoshita Yono's actions.

Hayama Hayato was the first to react, and before his hand touched Yukinoshita Yono's chest, he quickly retracted in horror.

As a man, he is naturally stronger than Yukino Yukino, so the "breast attack" incident did not happen.

Yukinoshita Yoshino's eyes were full of moisture, his face was flushed red, he let go of Hayama Hayato's wrist, as if he had made a lot of determination, raised his collar, and said coldly: "This is over, Nishino, I remember you!"

No, you must not remember me.

Nishinomu bit the bullet and said, "I've thought about it carefully, and there may be other ways to solve the matter."

Yukinoshita Haruno sneered: "So? What is the solution? You have no solution! Why are you pretending to be a good person!"

Nishino Mu stammered, "Believe me, the method I came up with before is absolutely feasible."

Yukinoshita Haruno pushed Hayama Hayato in dissatisfaction, and walked up to Nishino Mu: "Why do you make me believe you? Do you want me to bet my whole life on the three words "believe me" in your mouth? "

Nishino Mu subconsciously wanted to say that it would be better to wait for his method to be used, but he was afraid that the remaining time would not be enough for Yukinoshita Yoshino to plan, so he could only stand there like a goose.

The atmosphere was very delicate for a while.

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