Nishino Mu said anxiously: "I'll drive you, Ye Shan is not suitable for driving now."

"Don't worry, don't drink and drive, I have a driver."

Nishino Mu and Hikigu Hachiman couldn't care about what happened after that.

Whether Hayama Hayato's appeal was revoked or he was released on medical parole all depended on Yukinoshita Yoshino, a woman who is an angel on the surface but a devil on the inside, and she is unwilling to let outsiders know her character, Nishino Mu.

Send Hikigu Hachiman to the bookstore, go to the company to work crazily, and hold a few more meetings to stabilize people's hearts, and the day passed like this.

In the next few days, large-scale news reports on the whitewashing of Yukino Yukinoshita appeared on the Internet.

Mai Sakurajima was so busy that she didn't even have time to flirt with Mu Nishino.

She temporarily stopped filming work, and wholeheartedly cooperated with the Eastern Election Committee to call on the public to participate in the Tokyo Governor's vote.

She also needs to cooperate with Yukino Yoshita to do the action agreed before, which can be regarded as a face for Nishino Mu who has figured out a way.

On the one hand, Shinomiya Kaguya wanted to ensure that Yukinoshita Yoshino became the governor of Tokyo, and on the other hand, she wanted to suppress her three older brothers so that they could not really marry Yukinoshita Yono.

In the eyes of Shinomiya Kaguya, who did not have the status of the heir of the Shinomiya family before, the latter is more than a hundred times more important than the former.

As long as she can get rid of her three older brothers, it doesn't matter if the governor of Tokyo is a competitor to be her. These three rotten fish still want to marry Yukinoshita Yono, dreaming!

Shinomiya Kaguya would never allow any of them to get help from Yukinoshita Haruno.

In the undercurrent, Yukinoshita Yukino came to free time. Although she still reads now, she is not as nervous as before, and it is more of an insurance role.

Yukinoshita Yoshino's reputation has recovered a little bit, even if he can't become the governor of Tokyo, he won't be removed from his position completely.

In this case, Yukinoshita Yukino naturally doesn't need to be in politics anymore, she can still think about when to chat with Nishino Mu without any worries.

At 8 pm on August 15th, the sun was scorching outside, but the house was cool and comfortable.

Nishino Mu's upper body was naked, resting on his back on the tatami, with a cute puppet cat lying on his chest.

At this moment, Mai Sakurajima's voice came from outside the door. "Nishino, the time is set. Go to the live variety show tonight."

Nishino Mu, who was still quite at ease, was startled, hurriedly pushed the cat away, grabbed the T-shirt and put it on.

Mai Sakurajima opened the door and came in. Seeing Mu Nishino wearing a T-shirt, she teased, "It's not like I haven't seen it before. Wouldn't it be better to be casual?"

"This is the basic upbringing." Nishino Mu gave a sloppy eye, and stared at the cat who didn't know what happened.

Mai Sakurajima took off her shoes, jumped on the tatami, and pulled the collar of her collar in front of the air conditioner on the floor. This action was very interesting, and Mu Nishino, who was sitting on the tatami, wanted to stick her head into her collar.

"It's much more comfortable. You don't know how hot it is outside. These days, I have participated in various promotional activities with the staff of the Eastern Election Committee, and my high heels are going to wear off."

Nishino Mu joked: "Everything is for work, how much money did you make?"

"Not much, [-] million."

Not much more than [-] million?It's been less than a month since I became a publicity ambassador.

Nishino Mu got up and poured a cup of tea for Sakurajima Mai, and handed it to her, "It's enough to make enough money, and you can't spend too much, so you don't have to work so hard."

"Well, I will take a break when I get married." Sakurajima Mai took a sip of water, with a smirk on her face.

Nishino Mu shook his head again and again: "It's better for a woman to have her own career, instead of being a full-time wife."

"You're right, but women occasionally want to rely on the feeling of being supported by their husbands."

Nishino Mu was slightly taken aback, and then looked at Mai Sakurajima curiously: "I thought successful ladies like you don't like to rely on men."

"I'm not," Mai Sakurajima said while sitting on the tatami mat, "I like to rely on men."

Nishino Mu coughed: "What variety show are you going to participate in this afternoon?"

"'Happiness is Big'."

It's a popular spoof show, Xi Yemu frowned, and asked in puzzlement: "Why is this show, can't you refuse?"

"I think it's fine. It's no big deal. Besides, I'm not afraid if you protect me."

"You are on stage and I am off stage, how can I protect you?"

Mai Sakurajima raised her head and said with a smile: "You and I go to record the show together, clean up tonight, this is a live broadcast, don't be ashamed."

Mai Sakurajima, what a big name!It's a matter of bringing people on the show with a word.

Chapter 120 What is cooked rice?

At 9:56 p.m., Mu Nishino and Mai Sakurajima, who had been well-dressed, came to a building, and they were accompanied by the crew of "Happiness is Big".

"The live broadcast officially starts at ten o'clock sharp. You two can do some activities according to the reminders in the card." The director said with a smile: "I have already mentioned the specific situation, please be sure to keep it in mind."

Nishino Mu nodded, and Sakurajima Mai asked curiously: "I've watched your show before, can you tell me in advance the guests who will come this time, besides me and Nishino, is there anyone else?"

The director said in embarrassment: "Sakurajima-san, it's not that I deliberately concealed you from you, but the rule of our crew has always been to keep the identities of the guests secret."

"Sorry, I was rude." Mai Sakurajima sincerely bowed and apologized.

The director suddenly felt that the eyes of the staff around him were a little cold, and he was so angry that he forgot that many staff members in the crew had unrealistic fantasies about Mai Sakurajima.

Sure enough, the person in charge of the management couldn't wait to say: "For others, the identities of the guests must be kept secret, but for Sakurajima-san, there is no need to do so."

The assistant director smiled: "Sakurajima-san's acting skills are good enough, even if you know the identities of the guests in advance, the audience won't see it, director, I think we'll tell her."

"That's it."

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