"Rules are made by people, and there is nothing wrong with making concessions."


People who thought they had some status and could speak in front of the director spoke one after another.

The director knew their purpose, they just wanted to give Mai Sakurajima a face, and there might be commercial cooperation in the future.

"Okay, okay, I also trust Sakurajima-san, so let me tell you, the guest who came this time is..."

Mai Sakurajima interrupted him: "Don't tell me, it's not right to break the rules for me alone, I'm just asking casually, there's no need to know."

The director said with relief: "Sakurajima-san can understand our crew, it's really the best. In this case, please go ahead, just follow the prompts to enter the building and then come out. There are cameras throughout the process. In addition, the two When you enter the building, you must talk more, try not to let the atmosphere become cold..."

Nishino Mu and Sakurajima Mai responded and walked towards the building side by side.

Behind them, a female reporter held a microphone, faced the camera, and said in an exaggerated tone: "I like island variety shows the most, and the joy is overwhelming. Welcome everyone to watch "Happiness is Big". Next, I will introduce the people who entered the building this time." Ladies and gentlemen..."

At the entrance of the building, Nishino Mu glanced at the camera above the entrance, then turned his head and forgot to glance at the photographer who was following behind him, and pushed open the glass door with the word "push" printed on it first.


The accident was so caught off guard, the broken door fell down as soon as it was pushed, a gust of wind was blown up, and it lay straight on the ground.

"Ah!" Mai Sakurajima screamed and retreated behind Mu Nishino.

As early as the moment Nishino Mu touched the door, he realized that it was not real glass, but a kind of plastic that looked like glass, otherwise it would shatter all over the place.

And the sound of the door falling to the ground is also fake, plastic doors can't make such a sound.

"Nishino, the program team won't let us lose money, right?" Mai Sakurajima cried and performed vividly for the ignorant girl who was frightened and worried about losing money.

Xi Yemu began to show off his acting skills: "It's okay, there are cameras here, and anyone with a discerning eye will know that it is not our responsibility."

"But, what if everyone is not discerning?"

"How is it possible, the eyes of the masses are discerning."

"When you say that, I'm even more worried," Mai Sakurajima struggled, "This door doesn't look like real glass at first glance. How can real glass not break when it falls on the ground. The people's eyes are sharp, and they will definitely see this. It's fake glass, and the show crew will definitely be accused of cheating."

Nishino Mu said in disbelief: "If the show uses real glass, people with a discerning eye will definitely say that it is a safety hazard. If fake glass is used, will it still be sprayed and faked?"

"Of course!" Sakurajima Mai said worriedly to the cameraman: "Don't take pictures of this conversation and the glass door falling to the ground, just treat it as real glass. I'll send a notice back about the door. The team has already told me in advance. It will save you from being sprayed and cheated, or not paying attention to the safety of actors."

Nishino Mu rolled his eyes: "Sakurajima, we're live broadcasting, maybe it's already aired."

"What?!" Mai Sakurajima slapped her forehead angrily, "It's over, I forgot this was a live broadcast."

On the Internet, related comment areas have become noisy.

[The guest of this episode is actually Mai Sakurajima, I like it so much, I didn't expect that the program group could even invite such a big name]

[Oh my God, I was just about to spray the program group on purpose to make these gimmicky, safety-threatening things, and I was slapped in the face by Mai Jiang]

[I can tell at a glance that this is not a real glass door]

【what?Do you still want to be a so-called discerning person to criticize the program group for deceit? 】


As soon as the live broadcast started, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet. It was a free explanation to the program group about the reason for using fake glass.

This made the director and others very gratified, and they were more willing to transfer the shots to Mu Nishino and Mai Sakurajima.

Entering the gate, Nishino Mu and Sakurajima Mai saw a table in the middle of the empty hall with a card on it.

Nishino Mu walked over and picked it up to have a look, with a terrifying expression on his face.

Mai Sakurajima asked fearfully, "What's written on it?"

"Hey, you can see for yourself." Mu Nishino handed the card to Mai Sakurajima with an unhappy face.

"You need to choose to take the elevator upstairs." Mai Sakurajima read it again, and said puzzledly: "There is nothing bad up there."

"Can't this be called? Let us take the elevator, it is clear that the program crew looks down on our physical fitness!"

"Are you in good physical condition?"

"Of course, if you carry a bag of rice up to the fifth floor, you won't be out of breath."

"But this building has 30 floors."

"..." Xi Yemu continued to blow without changing his face: "Let's not talk about the 30th floor, the 100th floor is not a problem, but the program team asked us to take the elevator, we have to go."

"You don't need to listen to the program team, how about we go up the stairs?" Mai Sakurajima said, "At that time, you can treat me like rice, and you can carry me upstairs, or you can cook me and eat me."

I always feel that something is weird, forget it, it's all for the effect of the show.

Nishino Mu looked at Mai Sakurajima's innocent expression, and shook his head: "You are still young, so you don't know what cooked rice means."

"Have you eaten?"

"I haven't eaten."

Mai Sakurajima's eyes widened: "You don't have a wife now, and no one will do it for you. Do you want me to do it for you?"

"It doesn't matter whether you have a wife or not," Nishino Mu pulled up Sakurajima Mai: "Don't worry about this issue, get on the elevator."

"I'm not kidding you, the rice I cook is super delicious."

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