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[Who is this man? 】

【kill him】

【Actually flirting with Mai Sakurajima】

【I want to eat "rice"】

Chapter 121 Nishino May Not Die

There are two elevators in the building. The first elevator looks ordinary, and the second elevator is beautiful. There is actually a poster of Mai Sakurajima promoting "I want to accept my fate as the new governor" on the elevator door.

Considering that the main purpose of participating in this variety show live broadcast is to let everyone actively participate in the vote for the governor of Tokyo, and taking the second elevator can increase the exposure of the poster, Nishino Mu and Sakurajima Mai coincidentally stopped in front of the second elevator Hold on.

In the poster, Mai Sakurajima is wearing a white-collar dress and sitting upright in front of the computer. The computer screen clearly shows the domain name of the network that voted for the governor of Tokyo.

"You are so beautiful!" Nishino Mu praised while staring at the poster.

"Actually, it's okay." Mai Sakurajima said shyly.

"Is there any meaning to this poster you took?" Nishino Mu asked knowingly.

Mai Sakurajima cooperated: "Isn't it to persuade everyone to appoint the governor of Tokyo together? There are at least [-] million people in Tokyo alone, but only a few million voted in the entire island country in previous years. I think these millions of people may not be able to vote. It fully represents the wishes of the people of the entire island country, so I want to call on more people to vote."

"That's great," Nishino Mu pressed the elevator button, "August [-]th, right? I'll vote then."

"Thank you for your cooperation, you are so kind!" Mai Sakurajima blew a kiss to Mu Nishino.

The elevator door opened, and Nishino Mu was a little suspicious of life.

Because after the elevator door opened, a smaller elevator door unexpectedly appeared.

"What's this?" Mai Sakurajima said, "There is a small elevator inside the big elevator. It's the same as when I unwrapped the gift, I took off a layer of packaging, and it turned out that there was still a layer of packaging."

"Let me see how many floors there are elevators." After Xi Yemu finished speaking, he pressed the elevator switch again.

As expected, a smaller elevator door was revealed again.

Mai Sakurajima said with a headache, "The elevator is getting smaller and smaller."

"It's not a big problem." Nishino Mu continued to press and opened the elevator door three times in a row, and finally waited for the real elevator.

Mai Sakurajima squatted down, stretched out her arms to test the height and width of the elevator door, "I knew it would get smaller and smaller, only as wide as one arm of mine, as tall as half my body, and the depth is not enough."

Can't you design a bigger elevator for the garbage show group?

Mu Nishino got in and sat down, but Mai Sakurajima couldn't get in. In the small closed elevator, there was actually a small camera.

What is the use of installing a camera?It is basically a small elevator designed for one person.

"Sakurajima, there's no room for the two of us, let's go see another elevator."

"it is good."

Mu Nishino got out of the elevator and went to another elevator with Mai Sakurajima.

The elevator opened normally. Nishino Mu observed carefully, and found nothing strange, so he went in with Mai Sakurajima.

Because there is also a camera in the elevator, the camera guy didn't follow in.

The elevator went up quickly, and Nishino Mu maliciously guessed that the poor camera guy got into that small elevator.

When they reached the fifth floor, the alarm light of the elevator suddenly flickered, and Mu Nishino was startled. Mai Sakurajima was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she tightly grasped Mu Nishino's arm with both hands.

The elevator is broken?

Mu Nishino swallowed, and dragged Mai Sakurajima to the corner of the elevator.

"Is this the show crew joking with us?" Sakurajima Mai forcefully smiled.

"It must be!" Nishino Mu is actually not nervous at all. The dangers that are not activated in [Crisis Insight] are fake dangers, but he must pretend to be very scared, otherwise he will not be able to make the audience feel interesting.

With such a firm tone now, the outside world should mistakenly think that he is encouraging himself and building confidence.

"I'm really going to die this time," Mai Sakurajima broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, and his hands clutching Nishino Mu's arms burst out with blue veins: "The director showed me the script, and there is no elevator in it that will cause accidents. I am worried that this is not the arrangement of the program team. , There really was an accident."

Nishino Mu froze for a moment, noticed that Mai Sakurajima's body was shaking, knew that she was really scared, and quickly comforted her: "Don't be afraid, everything depends on me, we will die together if we die, we are not alone on the road to Huangquan."

Women's ability to resist pressure is generally not good. As a man, Xi Yemu must stand up, not to mention that this is a fake danger, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

There was an uproar in the comment area.

[Why do I feel that this is not an arrangement of the program group, something really happened. 】

[The program team issued a notice saying that everything that happened in the elevator was a script, preventable and controllable]

【How to explain what Sakurajima-san said about reading the script】

[The program group has said before that every guest can read the script, but when shooting, they will not follow the script completely]

【Mai-chan is obviously really scared】

[It's normal to be really scared, she must think that she is really going to die, why don't we see what she will do "before she dies"]


The truth is so ordinary, when Mai Sakurajima was so frightened that she was about to cry, the program crew was cheering for the ratings increase.

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