"Don't be nervous, there are shoes." Nishino Mu said proudly.

"Huh? There's another card here," Mai Sakurajima picked up a card stuck on the handrail of the stairs: "Guests who come here, please take off your shoes."

"No way," Nishino Mu stretched out his head and looked at an unknown number of stairs, dumbfounded.

"I can't help it," Mai Sakurajima stretched out her right hand and clenched her fist with high spirits: "There is no difficulty or obstacle that can defeat me, Mai Sakurajima."

"Queen Sakurajima is invincible!" Nishino Mu raised his hands expressionlessly and cheered.

"Again, the expression is not sincere enough." Mai Sakurajima criticized seriously.

"Queen Sakurajima is invincible!" Nishino Mu showed an excited expression.

Mai Sakurajima laughed and said, "This time you are barely qualified, take off your shoes quickly."

Nishino Mu took off his shoes, and Sakurajima Mai supported him to take off his high heels, revealing a pair of black silk feet, stepping on the nail plate swaggeringly.

"Hiss!" Mai Sakurajima made a sound of air flowing back between her teeth, her face flushed red.

Nishino Mu wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, Sakurajima Mai stepped back angrily and stepped on him.

"Why are you stepping on me? Didn't I smile?"

Mai Sakurajima crossed her arms and said confidently, "Isn't a snickering a laugh?"

"But I'm not laughing yet!"

"I don't care, I just saw you smiling," Mai Sakurajima turned her head and asked the cameraman: "Did you see him smiling?"

Under Nishino Mu's warning gaze, the cameraman nodded with a smile: "I see."

Well, only women and villains are difficult to raise!

Mai Sakurajima is a woman, and the cameraman is a villain. The gentleman Nishino Mu decided not to have the same knowledge as them.

"Okay, okay, I did laugh, it's normal for you to step on me." Nishino Mu said: "Then if you step on me, can you trouble the beautiful and charming Queen Sakurajima to take the lead upstairs?"

Mai Sakurajima tilted her head, her star-like eyes flickered: "You are a knight, shouldn't you carry me up?"

"What good things are you thinking about?" Xi Yemu said brazenly, "I still want you to carry me up."

"Okay." Mai Sakurajima turned her back to Mu Nishino playfully and bent over: "Come on me, I'll carry you up."

Girl, you're such a man!

Nishino Mu stared at Mai Sakurajima's buttocks and became dizzy for a while, as if he could see the shameless comments insulting him on the Internet.

"Hurry up, my posture is ready." Mai Sakurajima turned around and urged.

"Why don't I carry you up." After all, Xi Yemu didn't have the pleasure of lying on a woman's back in broad daylight.

"No ink stains, hurry up!" Mai Sakurajima continued to bend over.

Yell!I don't want to give you face.Nishino Mu warned: "Don't force me."

"What's wrong with me forcing you?"

In the next second, Mu Nishino picked up Mai Sakurajima and left.

"Ahhh! What are you going to do?" Mai Sakurajima was carried on one shoulder by Nishino Mu, and she felt unwell.It's not a princess hug, bad review!

Nishino Mu stepped on the shiatsu board, not caring about feeling the wonderful touch of Mai Sakurajima's skin, and went up the stairs step by step.

The cameraman is wearing shoes and taking pictures of their facial expressions.

Nishino Mu didn't feel much pain, but had to put on a painful expression of feet being scalded on the ground.

Mai Sakurajima didn't struggle on Nishino Mu's shoulders. Climbing the stairs was not the time to play around at will. If something happened accidentally, she would regret it too late.

It was tiring to keep pretending to be in pain, but when Nishino couldn’t put it on, he had already reached the 12th floor, and the shiatsu board was gone, replaced by a dinosaur doll standing in the middle of the corridor.

Mai Sakurajima got off Nishino Mu, expressed a mess of feelings, took the shoes from the female assistant and put them on.

Nishino Mu praised the carefulness of the program group. He actually knew that someone would bring the shoes up. He thought he would go up the next stairs barefoot.

"Roar!" After the two put on their shoes, the dinosaur doll yelled. Not to mention, the voice was quite majestic, just like the artificially synthesized dinosaur cry in the movie, but there was no sound wave, and the sound was not that loud.

Mai Sakurajima picked up the card on the ground next to her again: "This is a sealed dinosaur. You need to help her unseal before going upstairs, otherwise you won't be able to set foot on the passage to the top floor."

Nishino Mu touched his head: "How to remove the seal?"

Mai Sakurajima looked at the dinosaur with a playful look: "The card says that there are clues on this floor, and we need to look for them."

"Trouble is dead!" Xi Yemu decided not to play the cards according to the routine, and said eagerly: "The previous card said that we can use any method to reach the thirtieth floor, and the card on this floor also said that we must Only by breaking the seal of the dinosaur can we go to the road leading to the thirtieth floor.

Two cards are in conflict!It must be a trick of the program group. To sum up, we just help her take off the dinosaur doll costume, and there is no need to find clues to release the seal. "

Mai Sakurajima and Nanami Aoyama in the dinosaur doll costume were taken aback for a moment, then one had an ugly expression, and the other almost laughed out loud.

Chapter 124 Even God Can't Change It

According to the prompts of the card, Aoyama Nanami wears a dinosaur doll costume to cause trouble for Mu Nishino and Mai Sakurajima, acting as an unlovable and irritating villain.

Her task was simple, to stand on the steps and prevent any guests from passing.

The method of blocking cannot be random, it must be carried out according to the effect of the program and according to the prompts of the program group in the earphones.

Qingshan Qihai learned that to stop Nishino Mu and Sakurajima Mai, she needed to pretend to be a vexatious woman and stop them arbitrarily and unreasonably.

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