Qingshan Qihai stared at Nishino Mu in front of her, roared in spite of herself, and then began to think about how to be a sassy girlfriend.

Before she could plan how to perform, Nishino Mu gave her a big surprise. She didn't follow the program group's arrangement and insisted on helping her take off her dinosaur doll costume.

Do you want to stop it?If it is blocked, it will be different from the arrangement of the program group.

Qingshan Qihai was in a weak position facing the program group, and chose to stick to the rules of the game.

"Nishino, I'm a dinosaur now, you must help me lift the seal, otherwise I won't be able to step on the stairs."

The dinosaur doll swayed from side to side in a naive manner, and the voice of green mountains and seven seas came out.

Nishino Mu Yidai was about to step forward to help her take off the dinosaur doll costume: "Qingshan? How did you become a dinosaur?"

What is the difference between being in a dinosaur doll costume and not participating in a variety show, or is it that she will show her face later in the program group.

"No way!" Qingshan Qihai sighed pretendingly: "It was sealed by the evil program group."

Mai Sakurajima was so angry that she wanted to explode on the spot.

The program team actually made the information on the front and back cards asymmetrical!This is not the level that a big program planning should have.

In the studio outside, the director nervously wiped the sweat from his forehead, and explained to Liujia Keni next to him: "The two cards are designed like this on purpose, in order to cause conflicts between the guests on the floor and the guests on the floor. .

For the time being, we let Qingshan Sang be an unreasonable troublemaker, that is to say, when faced with Nishino Mu's request to help take off the dinosaur doll costume, she must choose to refuse for no reason.

Here is a small detail. Nishino-san's speculation is reasonable. Taking off the dinosaur doll costume is to lift the seal. Under normal circumstances, Aoyama-san should cooperate with him to take off the dinosaur doll costume.

But now Aoyama-san insists on asking Nishino-san to find clues first, otherwise he won't get rid of it. This is making trouble for no reason and being stubborn.

And most men don't like this kind of woman.

The most important thing is that Sakurajima-san and Nishino-san will know from the clues that helping to take off the dinosaur doll costume is to lift the seal. It is conceivable that Nishino-san will at least complain that Aoyama-san wasted his time at that time.

Of course, even if we get to that point, we will still inform Aoyama-san through the earphones and ask her to make trouble for a few more minutes. These few minutes will make Nishino-san unable to reach the top floor before 22:55, and can only watch other guests being interviewed When I received the award, I felt a sense of loss in my heart.

This sense of loss combined with the impatience brought about by Aoyama-san's obstruction before, will make Nishino-san feel a little dissatisfied with Aoyama-san.

This is our little plan, hoping to clear some obstacles for Sakurajima-san to marry Nishino-san. "

Liujia Ke Ni smiled and nodded: "Don't explain so much, I hope the next plot will be as you said, otherwise I can't guarantee that I will do something bad."

The female screenwriter behind the director is full of confidence. Even if God comes, the plot she designed cannot make it deviate from the main line.

At the stairway, Mu Nishino thought that the freedom of variety shows was not bad, so he persuaded Nanami Aoyama and Mai Sakurajima.

"I also just figured it out. The two cards given by the program group imply that we don't need to stick to rules and regulations. We don't care about anything, just go directly to the top floor. In fact, there is no need to step on the previous shiatsu board."

Qingshan Qihai replaced the arrogant and unreasonable female character, shaking her head quickly: "I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, I won't let you go if you can't see the props."

Yes, that's it, nice job!

Mai Sakurajima secretly rejoiced that the plot did not collapse. Even if it was arranged by the program group, Mu Nishino would probably be upset with unreasonable women.

But it's not enough now, at least a few more times will do.

Aoyama Nanami was wearing a dinosaur doll costume, and she was shaking her head very cutely. Nishino Mu couldn't help but patted her on the head of the doll costume, "If you don't listen to me, I won't listen. We're going upstairs to see what you can do."

Qingshan Qihai sat down on the steps, and said in a cute and stupid voice: "I just need to sit here and hug your legs, and you won't be able to pass."

Nishino Mu scratched his head in embarrassment, Sakurajima Mai smiled and said, "Let's find clues first, it shouldn't take much time."

What clues are you looking for? What if the clues you find are to help her take off the dinosaur doll costume?

Nishino Mu turned his head to look at Qingshan Qihai, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, raising a faintly comfortable smile.

The dazzling lights sprinkled on him are simply charming and dazzling aesthetics.

The camera turned slightly, and the little brother carrying the camera couldn't help but take a close-up of Xi Yemu, and was surprised to find that there was not a single blemish on his face.

Su Yan?

The little cameraman took a breath, and a certain impulse suddenly emerged in his heart, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly recited the name of the tigress at home.

"Nishino," Sakurajima Mai stared at Mu Nishino obsessively, opening his mouth, "Are you a god?"

"What god, I am me, an ordinary human being."

Aoyama Qihai tilted her head, trying to see Nishino Mu from other angles, whether she could see the imperfection, the result made her very envious.

There was nothing unreasonable about the man in front of him, as if he was a perfect body carefully designed by God to be used by himself.

"Nishino, did you just say you wanted to help me take off the dinosaur doll costume?" Aoyama Nanami no longer wants to communicate with Nishino Mu through the dinosaur doll costume. The doll clothes look a little blurry.

"That's right," Nishino Mu said, "If the last clue is to ask us to help you take off the dinosaur doll costume, it will be torture."

"You're right," Qingshan Qihai stood up, with an inexplicable smile in his eyes: "Please help me take it off."

The rubbish program group, what is the arrangement.Mai Sakurajima looked disgusted: "Why do you have no moral bottom line? Didn't the program crew arrange for you to guard the floor? Why did you rebel like this?"

"It's not called rebellion, it's strictly following the arrangement of the program group," Aoyama Nanami said, "Isn't there a card saying that you can use any method to get to the top floor? I joined forces with you to get up."

"Nonsense, your cards are the same as ours?"

"It's not the same. I'm the guest on the floor. As long as you don't let you reach the top floor before 11:55, I will win."

Mai Sakurajima said angrily: "If you don't stop us from going upstairs, isn't it a betrayal?"

Qingshan Qihai explained: "If you can't win, I will join you. I am also a winner. How could it be a betrayal?"

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