Chapter 125 Marrying a Seiyuu Is Equal to Marrying Many Wives

Nishino Mucai didn't care if Aoyama Nanami was a traitor or not, he helped her take off the dinosaur doll costume she was wearing, revealing a woman with a high ponytail in a white shirt and shorts.

"Ah! I'm suffocated." Aoyama Nanami flicked her high ponytail and did a stretching exercise.

Plan failed!Trash program group, wait for death.Mai Sakurajima wailed with grief in her heart, and said softly on the surface: "Since we have come out, let's go to the top floor together, there are guests guarding the floor in front of us."

"Anything else?" Nishino Mu thought there were only three of them.

"That's right," Qingshan Qihai jumped to Nishino Mu's side briskly, "There are two other guests, one guarding the floor and the other going up the floor, but I don't know who it is."

"Okay," Nishino Mu nodded, and continued upstairs with the two of them.

In the studio, the director broke out in a cold sweat, and the female screenwriter secretly complained. Liu Jia Ke Ni said regretfully, "There is no other way."

"Sister Ke Ni," the director said tremblingly, "There is nothing wrong with our arrangement itself. It is because Nishino-san and Qingshan-san did not follow the normal procedures. You must help us."

Liu Jia Ke Ni sarcastically said: "Why did you go so early? If you filmed the show according to the plot we discussed, how could there be so many things, so smart!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The director was so frightened that he lost his face, knelt on the ground with a "bang" in front of the crew, and cried, "I have an old man, a young man, and a mortgage and a car loan. I violated the contract when I was obsessed with ghosts, filmed programs indiscriminately, and lied to Sakurajima-san, please, Miss Liu Jia, please let me go."

Pitiful for a middle-aged uncle kneeling at the feet of a young woman crying and calling her sister, how miserable and miserable this appearance is.

Liujia Keni's expression was indifferent. She has been traveling with Mai Sakurajima all these years, and she has never seen any scenes. Some people always think that she can use Mai Sakurajima's identity to make money.

[Mai Sakurajima was caught in an elevator accident, suspected to be a mantra before death] Haotou, I don’t know how many people will watch the show, and how much profit the director can make from it can be imagined, no wonder he is willing to risk offending Mai Sakurajima risk doing this kind of thing.

However, if you did something wrong, you can't solve the problem with a verbal apology. You must bear the punishment you should accept.

Liujia Keni silently paid attention to the change of Sakurajima Mai's expression in the live broadcast, and found something unusual, and said calmly: "You know the specific situation well, Sakurajima-san gave you a chance, but it's a pity you didn't grasp it, That being the case, let’s go through the legal process.”

In the camera, Mai Sakurajima frequently looks at the green hills and seven seas near Nishino Mu, and she must be unwilling to continue shooting.

With this time, go home and enjoy the life of two people with Nishino Mu. Why do you need to participate in variety shows with Qingshan Qihai? What if the relationship between her and Nishino Mu heats up!

Liujia Keni is a "Sakurajima master", and she is generally aware of Mai Sakurajima's psychological changes, so she decisively stopped the live broadcast and posted a notice on the Internet.

Facts have proved that her choice was not wrong.

After the live broadcast was suspended, Mai Sakurajima happily wanted to pull Nishino Mu away immediately. Aoyama Nanami responded quickly and immediately invited the two of them to have supper together.

"It's already 22:37. If you don't mind, let's go have supper together. I'll treat you." Qingshan Nanami put on a coat and came to Nishino Mu who was about to get in the car and leave: "I want to take this opportunity to chat with you Let’s talk about Gensokyo dubbing.”

An Yilun's work efficiency is also good, and he found Qingshan Qihai so quickly.

Nishino Mu thought for a moment, then smiled at Mai Sakurajima who was already in the car: "Why don't Liu Jia take you back first, Qingshan and I have something to talk about."

Mai Sakurajima shook her hair and said empathetically, "It's okay, but can I be with you? Regarding Gensokyo's rework, maybe I can help promote it for free."

"Yes." Nishino Mu nodded happily, free publicity, don't want it for nothing.

Aoyama Nanami smiled stiffly.

Nishino Mu drove, took Sakurajima Mai and Aoyama Nanami to a nearby restaurant, because Sakurajima Mai, whose identity needed to be kept secret, was there, and asked for a private room for extra money.

As for the troubles of the program group, naturally the team behind the two beauties will deal with them.

Because there were only three people, and two of them were women with small appetites, the waiter was only asked to serve three dishes and a large bottle of juice.

Xi Yemu ate a piece of beef and took another sip of juice.

Qingshan Qihai took a few mouthfuls before speaking first: "Nishino, I have many voices, do you want to listen to them?"

Here comes the most anticipated part.Nishino Mu's eyes lit up, and he asked expectantly, "Can you speak with Lingmeng's voice?"

"I'll try!" Qingshan Nanami rubbed her throat, showing a puzzled expression: "What is Chundu? (Lingmengyu)"

It's a nice voice, if it matches with the Reimu characters in Gensokyo, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Nishino Mu nodded in satisfaction: "Who did you dub for before?"

"Reimu and Yuyuko."

Reimu is a witch, Yuyuko is an undead, and the crossover is a bit big.

Nishino Mu asked: "Can you say a word in the voice of Yuyuko you thought?

"En." Qingshan Qihai re-brewed his emotions for a while, and said cautiously: "What does half-spirit taste like?" (Yuyouzi's words)"

Nishino Mu frowned, Sakurajima Mai said with a smile: "This sentence is a bit similar to Reimu's voice, I'm afraid it won't work."

Qingshan Qihai said disappointedly: "I'm sorry, I will continue to work hard."

Nishino Mu comforted: "It's okay if Yuyuko can't do it, you can try the voice of other characters, anyway, you will definitely be the voice actor of Reimu."

For the next half hour, Aoyama Nanami used a total of nine voice lines, each with its own characteristics, but Nishino Mu still thought she was only suitable for Reimu's voice line.

To Mu Xiye's embarrassment, Aoyama Nanami had two voices suitable for Reimu.

One kind of voice can make it easy for people to hear that the speaker is innocent, and the other kind of voice gives people a silly feeling.

Xi Yemu struggled for a long time, recorded these two voices, and decided to go back and discuss with An Yilun which one to choose.

Looking at the time, it was still a long time before the early morning, and the restaurant didn't close until early in the morning.

Nishino Mu suggested: "Can you talk to me with the voice of the popular anime character now."

Aoyama Nanami said embarrassingly: "This may involve imitating voices. I can't handle some voices well."

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