"No, no," Xi Yemu was afraid of causing misunderstanding, and quickly said: "I just think that you are an indispensable part of re-creating Gensokyo. Without you, even Gensokyo would not be in the most perfect state."

"I'm not that important." The voice was still flat.

Xi Yemu was depressed, why did this woman always speak in such a non-salty tone.

Isn't what I said touching enough?

Let me think of something else that is easy to touch people's hearts.

Gensokyo without you is like a fish out of water...


Huh?Why is it about to hang up all of a sudden?Isn't this just the beginning of talking?

Nishino Mu hurriedly said: "Don't hang up, don't hang up, let's talk about the business."

"I've called you many times just now, and you didn't answer me until just now."

Can't hear how angry the other party is.

Xi Yemu still apologized: "Sorry! I was thinking about something just now, and my mind was distracted."

"Could it be that my sense of presence is so weak that when I call someone, the other party will ignore me?"

What does this have to do with the sense of existence and other messy things? It is clearly the result of distraction.

"Absolutely not," Nishino Mu said with certainty, "It's my fault because I lost my mind."

"It doesn't matter who is to blame, so you called me to ask me to agree to the request to redo Gensokyo?"

"The thing is like this. Back then we made the game Gensokyo, and now we are redoing Gensokyo. Lun and I sincerely hope that everyone will be here." Nishino Mu said: "You can refuse, don't force it. If you come, We will pay you a reasonable salary."

"What a headache."

Didn't hear it.

Kato Megumi said again: "Am I the only one who didn't agree now?"

"Yes, but don't have psychological pressure, even if you refuse, it's okay."

Xi Yemu said the truth, he doesn't care who makes Gensokyo, he only cares whether the made Gensokyo is fun or not.

"I'm not free recently."

A standard speech of polite refusal between acquaintances.

Nishino Mu nodded: "Understood, I can understand."

"Well, it is getting closer and closer to the launch of the new show in October, and there is still more than a month. If you can, talk to me about redoing Gensokyo in October."

It took a long time to agree, but the time was delayed until October.

Nishino Mu thought that the process of An Yilun's establishment of the company had just begun. When he recruited all the people and the company was established, it should be October. "Okay, we will talk about this in October."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, the living room was deserted again.

Kato Megumi's voice makes people unable to figure out her mood changes, the pressure is so great.

Nishino Mu breathed a sigh of relief, quickly changed into casual clothes, and went out to buy light novels.

I am too lazy to drive, so I took the tram for about ten minutes, and I saw a variety of stores.

Clothing stores, boutiques, convenience stores...

When the tram arrived at the stop, Nishino Mu was the first to get off, walked along the street for about four minutes, and arrived at the door of the bookstore.

This bookstore is not big, and there are some magazines and newspapers where no one reads them.

Nishino Mu flipped through it casually, and found that the newspapers and magazines were not the latest editions.

When I came to the counter, the female clerk immediately said enthusiastically, "Welcome, sir. I don't know what kind of books you like to read. I can recommend them to you."

There were a few people sitting or standing in the store, reading the free books. Looking at their surprised expressions, it seemed that they had never been warmly welcomed by a female shop assistant.

Nishino Mu was worried that the bookstore was too small and there were no books he wanted to read, but he still reported the names of some light novels to the female clerk.

Fortunately, the light novels he was looking at were all bestsellers, not hits that were sold out, and the bookstore had them in stock.

"The light novels you want are in the third and fourth rows of counter 2..."

After being instructed by the female clerk, Nishino Mu smiled at her and came to the bookcase where the light novels were placed.

There are several stacks of light novel volumes stacked neatly up to his waist, and a thin young man is standing beside him reading free books.

Xi Yemu slid his fingers across the covers of the books one by one, took out all the books he liked and hugged them in his arms, and he hugged as many as five books in a short while.

Regardless of whether it looks good or not, the cover is attractive enough, so let’s talk about it after buying it.

Picking up a few light novels that I was planning to buy, and coming to the counter, the female clerk blinked, "Buy so many?"

"Want to see."

"In fact, some books can be read here for free, and there is no need to buy them back."

It was the first time Xi Yemu saw the clerk who advised people not to buy things, and said with a smile: "I have a bad habit. I like to buy books. Even if I buy them and put them in dust, I feel like I have already read this book." sense of accomplishment."

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