"It's the same as when I was a student," the female clerk printed out the bill for the book, "I like to buy all kinds of materials, and I rarely read them carefully."

Maybe a real schoolmaster would not have this problem, Xi Yemu thinks he is a fake schoolmaster.

After paying the bill, under the reluctant eyes of the female clerk, she lifted the book bag and left, and merged into the busy street.

Life should be so easy.

But tomorrow is the voting day for the governor of Tokyo, so I'm afraid I won't be able to rest easy.

Before I finished reading the book on how to become a qualified president, I bought a bunch of books and went back to hide them so that Mai Sakurajima could not see them, otherwise I would definitely be laughed at.

Chapter 128 A Little Counterattack

Overnight, the world seemed to have changed.

When she woke up, she still couldn't see Mai Sakurajima, she went to work again, and the food was kept in an insulated box.

After eating, Nishino Mu sat in the living room watching TV with the cat in his arms.

On the TV screen is a speech program, the speaker is an elderly man, he is wearing a suit, his hair is neatly combed, and he talks boastfully.

"I was born in Sankou County and graduated from the Political Science Department of Seikei University in Tokyo. I have profound knowledge and rich theoretical knowledge. After graduation, I went to Europe and other countries to study. So far, I am willing to promise that if I am elected as the governor of Tokyo, I will do my best to solve the problems of the voters in Tokyo..."

Good guy, this guy is here to run for the prime minister, he has a good temperament for talking and laughing.

Nishino Mu changed the channel, and it turned out that another candidate for the governor of Tokyo was being interviewed. He showed his heroic attitude of being wholeheartedly for the people in the question and answer with the host.

Nishino Mu continued to change channels, changing more than a dozen channels in a row, and finally saw Yokinoshita Yoshino.

The eldest lady of the Yukinoshita family was playing live TV. She was sitting on the sofa, with snacks, drinks and toys placed on the table in front of her.

Nishino Mu opened the voting website with his mobile phone, voted for Yukinoshita Yono, and then watched her performance quietly.

"... After such a long time, the court still hasn't made a ruling on some things, but Ye Shansang and I have clarified the specific situation. Those who believe it are believed, and those who don't believe it will not be willing to believe it no matter what I say... Continue Next, let me briefly talk about why I am running for the governor of Tokyo, and what being the governor of Tokyo can bring to everyone.”

Yukinoshita Yoshino was wearing a black suit with a ponytail and a charming smile on his face all the time, looking very generous and decent.

"Tokyo's importance to the island country is self-evident. As long as Tokyo is vibrant, the island country will have vitality. The previous three Tokyo governors all resigned within their terms of office. As far as I know, they did not pay attention to the urgent needs of Tokyo. I am deeply worried about proposing effective countermeasures to issues such as aging, disaster prevention, etc., and I am worried that the next governor will still ignore the voices of the people, so I decided to run for this election for governor..."

The exact voting landscape is changing rapidly as the various candidates work their way up.

Inexplicable news media and celebrity Internet celebrities have spoken out publicly, calling on voters to vote for the candidates they support.

There are even TV stations monitoring the voting situation and releasing the latest news in real time.

In an instant, the entire island country fell into a precarious situation.

Nishino Mu stared at Yokino Yukinoshita's votes on the phone, frowning.

312 million votes, ranking second.

The former Defense Minister recommended by the Democratic Progressive Party, an old man in his sixties, ranked first. He has won 425 million votes.

Sometimes, being older means that you have rich experience in politics, a lot of political achievements, and are more likely to be convinced by people.

The third candidate also had [-] million votes, and he followed closely behind Yokino Yukinoshita and did not relax.

Xi Yemu took a look at the votes for the fourth place, and there were only a pitiful few hundred thousand votes, let alone the others behind.

Yukinoshita Yoshino's current situation is not optimistic. It is not too much to describe it as a wolf in the front and a tiger in the back.

Nishino Mu had already ordered Shiraishi Kazuki to call on Wenyuan employees and writers under his banner to post more manuscripts to help Yukino Yakino win votes, and also hinted that he called on Wenyuan people to vote for Yukino Yakino together.

Even now, there is still a difference of more than one million votes, and there is nothing he can do.

Yukinoshita Yoshino has already received a lot of support, TV stations, live broadcast companies, newspapers and even square advertisements. The team behind her has performed the money offensive to the fullest, but the traffic accident has too much impact on her.

Although Yukinoshita Yoshino has sued Hayama, many candidates still openly questioned the consensus she reached with Hayama during the canvassing session, thus misleading a large number of people not to vote for her.

It's going to be cold if it goes on like this.

Nishino Mu scratched his head, but he didn't feel much sadness. If he doesn't get the job, he won't get it. As long as he doesn't completely lose the possibility of being in politics, it doesn't matter if he makes a comeback in the future. Anyway, Yukinoshita Yoshino is still young.

Poor Hayama, maybe he will be punished by Yukinoshita Yono who is not the governor of Tokyo.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Nishino Mu closed the light novel booklet, lay down on the sofa and fell asleep.

On the Internet, a public opinion war involving him is quietly unfolding.

The incident originated when Mai Sakurajima publicly posted a photo of herself and Mu Nishino, and accompanied it with a paragraph of text.

[If you can't be the governor of Tokyo, what can you fight with me?Under the snow, don't blame me, love can't tolerate soft-heartedness, when you lose the election, I will force Nishino to marry me]

This passage is completely different from what Nishino Mu taught. The meaning is still the same, but the nature has completely changed.

Nishino Mu asked Sakurajima Mai @雪下阳纳 to say that if you can't be the governor of Tokyo, I can marry Nishino Mu. I'm so happy.

However, after re-discussing with the two sisters, Mai Sakurajima and Yukinoshita, they felt that this sentence would damage Nishino Mu's reputation.

No matter how you look at it, this sentence may make netizens mistake Xi Yemu for a vain person.

Netizens will definitely wonder why Yukinoshita Yono will marry Mu Nishino if she can't be the governor of Tokyo, Mai Sakurajima.Is it because Nishino Mu is comparing Yukinoshita Yono and Sakurajima Mai, marrying whoever gives the most benefits?

And this kind of idea, the two sisters Sakurajima Mai and Yukinoshita don't like it.

Sakurajima Mai did not forget that she had made a statement on the Internet to declare her sovereignty, and the netizen sprayed Nishino Mu to death. She admitted that she felt distressed.

It must not be repeated this time, so what to do?

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