Under Yukinoshita Yono's suggestion, the vanity-loving Nishino Mu was turned into a weak and incompetent Nishino Mu.

Weakness and incompetence are the victims, and vanity is the perpetrator. After thinking about it, it would be better for Nishino Mu to be a victim.

As for the perpetrator, Sakurajima Mai and Yukinoshita Harino decided to arrest them together.It was conveyed to the public that they were using their power and wealth to force Xi Yemu to marry her, not that Xi Yemu loved vanity, was weighing their value, and was ready to wait for the opportunity.

Among them, Yukinoshita Yukino is the only beneficiary, and her sister Yukinoshita Yoshino risked being considered by the public for private use, and gave Sakurajima Mai a stigma of oppressiveness.

Mai Sakurajima knew all about this, but didn't say much, but changed @雪下宇那 into the three characters directly called Yukinoshita, implying the existence of Yukinoshita Yukino.

A little counterattack is worthless!

Yukinoshita Haruno was so angry, but Yukinoshita Yukino didn't take it seriously, she thought Mai Sakurajima's actions were correct, she should have declared her existence, so she wouldn't be protected by her sister at the expense of her reputation, Yukinoshita The next three words are fine.

If Nishino Mu knew, he would probably shout out that it was terrible, and the simple remarks to solicit votes were actually hidden secrets.

Chapter 129 I Will Vote For You

[Seeing this news, I couldn't help but burst into tears, my heart was ashamed, and I was full of anger]

[Nishino Mu, die! 】

【what news? 】

[Look at the report above, Mai Sakurajima is robbing Yukinoshita Haruno for a man]

【This is the first time I see this kind of proud girl openly hurting each other online】

【Ha ha!Your goddess will always be a worthless scum in the eyes of a certain man]

[Will the upstairs talk?If you can’t speak, I will teach you instead of your father]

【Are you worthy?You do not deserve】

[Nishino Mu, die! 】

[I don't want Mai-chan to get married! 】

[I don't want to either, when I think of my goddess being exported by others, I feel the same as the first floor]


Nishino Mu didn't know the news until four o'clock in the afternoon. In just one hour, Yukinoshita Yoshino's votes were steadily increasing. Now there are more than 350 million votes, and he is getting closer and closer to the top of the list.

After browsing the Internet for half an hour, Nishino Mu suddenly realized.

It turns out that the Twitter comment section of Sakurajima Mai and Yukinoshita Yono has fallen out.

Many fans who couldn't stand Mai Sakurajima's upcoming marriage pulled their relatives and friends to vote for Yokinoshita Yoshino. In just one hour, Yukinoshita Yoshino's votes soared by [-].

It's a bit exaggerated, are there so many people with abnormal brains in the island country?

Nishino Mu was confused and continued to browse the Internet.

Then the more I looked at it, the more terrifying I felt. Ignoring the yelling and killing him on the Internet, there are still many people who are publicly expressing some extreme remarks, such as Mai Sakurajima. Prevent Mai Sakurajima from getting married.

The centuries-old idol culture development in the island country has led many people to blindly demand that female idols maintain a pure body. In the past few years, there have been many incidents of solitary death.

The specific situation is that many fans demand that female idols are not allowed to marry for the rest of their lives and remain virgins for the rest of their lives.

"Sick! Why did you bring the set from the fan circle? Sakurajima is not an idol, he is a serious actor."

Xi Yemu cursed secretly, turned off his phone, took a can of beer, and drank while thinking about the impact of this incident on himself.

Things have developed to the present, and there are faint signs of getting out of control.

It has been more than half a day since the election, and the votes can rise by hundreds of thousands within an hour. It is impossible for the Tokyo Governor Election Committee not to investigate.

Once the Eastern Election Committee investigates, will it be found that this incident was premeditated, will it be considered that culture determines politics, and will disqualify Yukinoshita Yoshino from the election?

Nishino Mu shook the wine bottle in his hand, secretly praying that Yukinoshita Yoshino's backstage was big enough to solve this difficult problem.

In fact, things are really serious.

As the evening approached, it was a big deal to gain hundreds of thousands of votes in an hour. The Eastern Election Committee set up an investigation team as quickly as possible.

The main investigation is whether Yukinoshita Yangnai has done obvious violations of law and discipline, such as bribing voters or changing background data.

In less than half an hour, the investigation report was freshly released and sent to the hands of the big bosses.

In the Shinomiya's house, in a luxurious and spacious bedroom, Shinomiya Kaguya looked at the report in his hand with a dignified expression.

"This matter is both serious and not serious. The key depends on how the East Election Committee judges." Wearing a deacon's uniform, Hayasaka Ai said: "If it is serious, it is threatening the audience with public opinion. If it is not serious, it is an ordinary public opinion show."

"There are too many people involved," Shinomiya Kaguya said with a headache, "If things continue like this, things will get worse and worse, and I'm afraid something will happen. I can already foresee the remarks that threaten voters in disguise to vote for certain people in the future." gone."

"It's better to prepare early."

"Ah!" Shinomiya Kaguya threw herself on the soft mattress, "This incident will definitely bring bad atmosphere to the island country's future elections, but Yukinoshita is ours, so we should still take care of it." Bao, contact the Eastern Election Committee and handle it properly."



In Yukinoshita Yukino's residence, the two sisters were sitting on the tatami in the living room.

Yukinoshita Yoshino called his father, and learned from him that the Sigong family was unwilling to give up on him after all, so he relaxed a little.

"The public opinion on the Internet is terrible," Yukinoshita Yukino began to wonder if most people in the world are fools.

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