This is the election of the governor of Tokyo, not a child's play, but this kind of military affairs that has attracted much attention at home and abroad, the people are still irrational, and random votes abound.

Take a look at the reasons posted by netizens for voting for their sister.


【Beauty, I vote for you today】

【I want a beautiful young lady to be the governor of Tokyo, not the old man next door】

【Kill the old man】

【Gentlemen, I am so excited, I will be able to see Yang Naisan in the newspaper every day from now on】

[Don't worry upstairs, kill the old man first]


Is this what people do?

This is a military event!

Yukino under the snow has a kind of grief and indignation that hates iron but not steel. It turns out that the referendum is like this. No wonder the prime minister is elected to the parliament.

"There are more than [-] million people in the island country, and there are always people who like to make jokes like this," Yukinoshita Haruno said awkwardly, "Just get used to it."

"I know," Yukinoshita Yukino said sadly, "I'm just dissatisfied that they have been discussing your appearance and ignoring your political achievements. You are really a group of superficial animals."

"There are more superficial people after all."



At eight o'clock in the afternoon, the game between the bosses of all parties was over.

The Eastern Election Commission issued a notice confirming that Yukinoshita Yoshino did not commit any violations of law and discipline during the election process.

This announcement has attracted controversy and discussion among many political parties, but the reaction from the public is not great. No one thinks that they have been induced. They believe that their vote for Yukinoshita Yono is their own decision.

In the future, when Yukinoshita Yoshino did something outrageous and grievous during his tenure, they might realize that they shouldn't have voted for her because of a momentary emotion.

In the early morning, the dust settled.

Counting is over.

Yukinoshita Yangnai won a total of [-] million votes, narrowly winning!

As a member of the winner's camp, Nishino Mu felt sorry for the former Minister of Defense.

The old politician actually had [-] million votes, only [-] less than Yukinoshita Yono.

If the old politician is in good health, come back next time. Let Yukinoshita Haruno be in front of this one first. If she doesn't do well, she will definitely not be able to be in the next one.

Nishino Mu happily opened a glass of beer for himself to celebrate. In any case, there are people in the government who are good at handling things. Let’s not talk about anything else. While these people are still under the snow, it is always possible to help him re-establish a younger identity information Bar.

It doesn't seem to work, the current identity information is all kinds of exclusive identification, and it will be immortal in the future, so it's not easy to do!

Xi Yemu was not in the mood to drink anymore, and began to try to figure out a way to create a long-lasting identity information for himself.

It's too scary to live for a hundred or two hundred years with the identity of Xi Yemu.

Look, in modern society, civilized superpowers are not easy to use.

Chapter 130 New Discovery of Supernatural Ability

Regarding the identity issue, Nishino Mu didn't think of a reason, and decided to ask Yukinoshita Yono if there was any way later.

The next day, Yukinoshita Yoshino was officially sworn in as the governor of Tokyo, but this does not mean that the public opinion related to Mai Sakurajima's relationship has been suppressed, and the Internet is still shouting at Nishino Mu.

Xi Yemu looked at it and shook his head. In a civilized society, fighting and killing is so boring, but unfortunately not everyone thinks so.

So on Yukinoshita Yoshino's first day in office, a group of passionate young people gathered outside the gate of Gensokyo.

With baseball bats, golf clubs, or ordinary long sticks, they are so aggressive that they frighten the neighbors to close their doors and windows.

The people who closed the doors and windows did not include An Yilun, he went to find Kanda Sorata and was not at home.

"Nishinomu, come out and die!"

"Have the guts to marry Maijiang, but don't have the guts to open the door?"

"If it's a man, get out and face it."


There were roars and taunts outside the door.

Nishino Mu, who was feeding the cat to eat small dried fish, frowned, walked to the door and looked out through the cat's eyes, he was not well.

Sure enough, Tie Hanhan really came to look for trouble. At first glance, there were quite a lot of people.

How to do?is going out?Or cowardly, slip through the window?

Considering that 【Crisis Insight】has not been activated, Nishino Mu decides to go out and face it. People have bullied him to the door, how can he bear it?

Open the door and walk out of Gensokyo.

Seven or eight young people immediately gathered around, each of them staring coldly at Xiye Mu Heng.

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