"Sigong, are you alright?"

Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at Ai Hayasaka next to her, and whispered, "No, I'm sorry, I had something to do just now, and I forgot to reply to you."

"Okay, I don't worry if there's nothing wrong."


The phone hangs up.

Shinomiya Kaguya got into bed in embarrassment.

Hayasaka Ai sneered and said: "Forget about your future husband after chatting for a while, you are really talented, you deserve it for not chasing him after so many years."

"Shut up."

"I'm stupid, why don't you let me talk? I took a few deep breaths before answering the phone, but after I said a word, he hung up. You are so beautiful."

"You are stupid, you are talented, have you thought of a way?"

"Of course I did."

"Really?" Kaguya Shinomiya poked his head out of the bed, his eyes sparkling.

"Of course it's true!" Ai Hayasaka said confidently: "Yukinoshita Yono controlled Nishino's legal way of getting married and going abroad in advance, which gave us time. We just need to let Nishino know that if he married Hiratsuka Shizuka, there will be a lot of women looking for death and life around him. Do you think he dares to marry Hiratsuka Shizuka? It’s really not possible. Let’s go to Hiratsuka Shizuka and tell her that if you marry Nishino, we will die in front of you on the spot , will she still dare to marry Nishino?"

"Xiao Ai, that's great, come on, you will be the eldest lady."

Chapter 228 Terrible plan

On the night of Wednesday, December 12th, Xi Yemu woke up from his sleep. With the help of moonlight, he picked up the Coke next to the bed and drank half of the bottle. He said something in a low voice, laughing self-deprecatingly.

"Woke up from thirst?"

A woman's voice suddenly sounded in the room, Nishino Mu shook his hand holding the Coke bottle, and quickly looked over, "Ai Hayasaka, why are you in my room?"

That's right, the woman in black sitting at the end of the bed is Ai Hayasaka.She pursed her lips and took out a short knife: "You are finished."

There was a woman with strong martial arts, who stayed up most of the night, ran to her room with a knife and said that she was going to die, why was she so infiltrating.

Xi Yemu swallowed his saliva, put the Coke back where it was, pulled the quilt, and only showed his head: "Why am I finished?"

"Oh~, I can't help but believe it, do you know that Miss Kaguya found out about you and Shizuka Hiratsuka?" Ai Hayasaka twirled the dagger back and forth between her fingers, dancing into a silver light.

"Now that I know, could it be that she ordered you to kill me because of love?"

Although Xi Yemu had long been mentally prepared to be killed by Bingjiao, when that day came, he was inevitably still a little depressed.

"Of course Miss Kaguya didn't order me to kill you. Miss Kaguya is not a stingy person, and your affairs are not very important to her." Ai Hayasaka's lies came out as soon as she opened her mouth.

Miss Huiye is indeed not stingy, but the premise is that the future husband she believes will not be involved.

Nishino Mu pulled a smile, giving Hayasaka Ai a gentle gentleman's feeling: "If she didn't order you to kill me, what is your purpose?"

"Actually, I was ordered by Miss Huiye to tell you a big event. The thing is like this. After your adultery with Shizuka Hiratsuka was exposed, Miss Huiye originally wanted to have a good chat with you, mainly because she was afraid that you would be killed. Shizuka Hiratsuka took advantage, who knew that a terrible plan involving many people was quickly found out."

"What terrible plan?" Nishino Mu asked cooperatively.

Ai Hayasaka stopped the movement of spinning the dagger, and said word by word: "Kill your plan."

"It's okay, wash up and go to sleep." Nishino Mu lay down in peace of mind, and kicked Hayasaka Ai's small waist through the quilt: "Get out of the way, it's under my quilt."

Ai Hayasaka took a deep look at him, stood up with a knife in her hand, "Don't get me wrong, I know you are powerful, and you are not afraid of assassination, but the plan to kill you is not terrible at all, what is terrible is the plan itself, this plan will lead to disastrous Few people die, they will choose to die for love."

"What do you mean?" Nishino Mu could no longer calm down and sat up again.

Hayasaka Ai said calmly: "If you marry Yukinoshita Yukino, other women will be in trouble. They don't want to be alone for the rest of their lives, and they don't want to see you and Yukinoshita Yukino being intimate, but they don't want to marry someone else , just want to marry you, in this case, some people conspired to murder you and Yukinoshita Yukino, and then committed suicide, understand?"

"Are they... sick and delicate?"

"What is sickness?" Ai Hayasaka didn't understand what it was, and she didn't have time to understand things that had nothing to do with attendants.

Nishino Mu said with trepidation: "Biaojiao is a kind of terrible person. Their love for some people is so strong that they want to eat him and merge with themselves."

"Well, I don't know if there is such a person around you."

Nishino Mu hesitated and asked: "Do you know who will die for love? Who is the one who conspired?"

Hayasaka Ai's mind is so flexible, she immediately said: "I don't know, but I know Yukinoshita Yukino is very proud, if she doesn't marry you, she will definitely be hit hard, and the probability of suicide is extremely high.

And Ying Lili, think about it, she ran from Sakura Country to Island Country, but she didn't marry you in the end, so do you want her face as the daughter of the Prime Minister of Sakura Country?Most likely suicide too.

Let’s talk about Mai Sakurajima again. As a big star, she publicly stated that she likes you, but you didn’t want her in the end.

Then she will definitely be ridiculed by netizens as "a rotten product that no one wants when it comes to your door."

No, maybe some netizens will say that you are tired of playing with her, so you don't want her. In this case, Mai Sakurajima's reputation will be ruined, her career will plummet, and she can't bear the blow in the end. Isn't it normal to commit suicide?

Possibly others too, remembering that the island nation has consistently high suicide rates. "

"The suicide rate remains high, alas~~"

Although I don't want to admit it, it's a fact. It's an unbearable future. Why are so many people committing suicide? Why don't they just get married?Nishino Mu subconsciously picked up the Coke and took a big sip. His dry lips were moistened by the Coke.

"So what are you going to do?" Ai Hayasaka asked.

Nishino Mu put down the Coke heavily: "This is moral kidnapping! I can't not get married because of this."

"It's a moral kidnapping, so what can you do if you see it? How dare you bet that Yukinoshita Yukino and Sakurajima Mai will not commit suicide in the future?"

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