
It is simply asking knowingly.

Yukinoshita Yukino's character is indeed too proud, there is a real possibility of suicide, as for Sakurajima Mai, she should not commit suicide, but the probability of suicide is still not completely non-existent.

There are other people, it's fine if you don't know them, but after you know them, do you really want to ignore their lives?

Xi Yemu's brain was in a mess. He knew it was a trap, but he didn't dare to bet on the one-in-a-billion chance.

You know, Ai Hayasaka has confirmed that someone is going to commit suicide, and who that person or those people are must be known.

"Do you know who made this terrible plan?" Nishino Mu asked gloomyly.

"do not know."

"You have investigated the content of the plan, but you don't know who is the participant, let alone who made the plan?"

"The content of the plan was given to me on purpose by the other party. I came to you as soon as I found out."

"In what form did the content of the plan come to you?"

"An anonymous message."

Ai Hayasaka took out the mobile phone from the pouch on her waist, opened the screenshot, and handed it to Mu Nishino.

Nishino Mu took the phone and said silently:

"Life is precious, but freedom is more expensive. If it is for love, both can be thrown away."

"The plan."

"Dear sisters and sisters: It has been nearly ten years since high school, and we have launched a long love tug-of-war..."

Nishino Mu stared blankly at the so-called proposal in his hand, and rubbed his hair in annoyance.

This plan, as Ai Hayasaka said, is a very provocative and terrible plan that calls on everyone to die for love. The content is nothing more than saying how beautiful love is, how boring freedom and life are.

Nishino Mu said wearily: "Has the matter reached this point?"

"Yes, this is the information I found in the group, I don't know if anyone is interested."

"What group?"

"The chat group created by our women is usually chatting in it. I don't know who sent this message anonymously tonight. I think that since she sent it, she must have the intention of dying for love. I am afraid that other people will be tempted. Come to find is you."

"Can you let me see the group?"

"Don't look at it, there are a lot of nude photos of us."

Nishino Mu Yizheng said: "Life is critical, what nude photos can't be seen? Hurry up and call out the group."

"Okay." Ai Hayasaka reluctantly handed over her phone.

Chapter 229

This is a chat group called "Bubble Gum", and there are a few night owls chatting in the group.

Fumino Furuhashi: Who wrote the plan?

Fumino Furuhashi: What about people?

Mai Sakurajima: Probably sleeping.

Fumino Furuhashi: Mai, did you write the proposal?

Mai Sakurajima: I won't write these.

Fumino Furuhashi: That's right, there is a high probability that you will marry Nishino.

Mai Sakurajima: I warn you, if you continue to flatter me, I will teach you a lesson when I go back.

Shiina Mashiro: Who wrote the plan?

Mai Sakurajima: Mashiro, go to sleep, be careful not to be discovered by Nishino.

Shiina Mashiro: The plan is well written.

Fumino Furuhashi: The content is indeed good, I appreciate it, but it cannot be known by Nishino.

Mai Sakurajima: If he finds out, I'm afraid something will happen. It's better for other people not to know, so as to prevent someone from doing stupid things.


Nishino Mu looked at Hayasaka Ai in front of him, thinking that she should not be able to see the phone screen, and quickly cracked the anonymous system.

However... this is a firewall that he cannot crack.

Convinced, the world's top data cracking ability is not easy to use?

Nishino Mu had no choice but to pull up the chat channel, browse through the ten lines at a glance, and found that the information was posted at 12 o'clock in the evening, and the above three people were talking about this plan.

It should be because the three of them slept late.

Nishino Mu returned the phone to Hayasaka Ai, and complained a little: "There are no nude photos."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. That's just an excuse. I don't really want you to be a man looking through our women's chat group."

"Understood, this time is a special case, I will try not to read it in the future."

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