"Senior Misaki told me that Mu would be very happy." Mashiro Shiina dumbfoundedly betrayed the guy behind her who taught her.

"Shangjingcao is really a strange person, always teaching Zhenbai to do strange things." Ying Lili blushed.

"Wash up and go have breakfast, we'll talk later." Nishino Mu smiled and took the two girls to wash up. Now he feels that Ying Lili is more attractive than before, and that should be the bonus of the anime heroine.

Chapter 271 Don't You Want To Win Surely?

On this day, Nishino Mu spent all his time chatting with his parents, Ying Lili, and Shiina Mashiro except for resting and playing games with Wugeng Liuli with the handheld device he brought.

I have to say that after learning that Ying Lili was originally a young lady who lived in Two-dimensional, Nishino Mu was a little bit overwhelmed.

The next day, the group returned to Gensokyo. At this time, the New Year holiday was coming to an end.

In the living room, Nishino Mu went to the mall and bought a brand new stove table.

It's worth mentioning that tables are expensive.If it weren't for his bank card to receive a rent every month, he really couldn't afford it.

Eiriri and Shiina Mashiro sat around the stove table, and they were playing shogi.Under the guidance of Ogata Rizu who set an example, several women would play shogi for a while when they had nothing to do.

"Will Mu come to play?" Shiina Mashiro asked Nishino Mu who came out of the kitchen.

"Is there any game punishment?" Nishino Mu took a bite of the freshly washed apple, and sat cross-legged at the stove table, clinging to Ying Lili's soft thigh. Seeing this, Shiina Mashiro put her leg on Nishino Mu's lap.

"Take off your clothes."

"Zhenbai, what did you just say?" Nishino Mu plucked his ears in disbelief.

"Undress." Shiina Mashiro repeated it seriously.

Ying Lili gave Nishino Mu a white look, and said with contempt: "Didn't you teach Zhenbai to take off his clothes if he lost in the game? Why make such a fuss."

"Me?" Nishino Mu opened his mouth wide in surprise, holding an apple in one hand and pointing at the tip of his nose with the other.

Ying Lili nodded impatiently: "It's you, don't be confused here, do you want to play?"

"You take it off if you lose?"

"Take it off." Ying Lili replied confidently, she couldn't lose, and Shiina Mashiro was at the bottom.

As for Shiina Mashiro, it's okay to take it off, anyway, Nishino Mu has seen her naked many times.

"What if you take off your clothes and catch the cold?" Nishino Mu asked.

"Can you stop paying attention to these little details," Ying Lili said angrily, "I'll turn up the heating in the living room to the maximum, and it will heat you to death in half an hour."

"You don't cry until you see the coffin, so you know what cruelty is." Nishino Mu gnawed all the apples in two bites and threw them into the trash can.

"Come on." Ying Lili said: "I'll play a game with you first. If you lose, take off one piece, and if I lose, take off one piece. If the loser can't play anymore, change someone else."

"Okay." Nishino Mu agreed.

Fifteen minutes later, Eriri conceded defeat and took off a sock, and Shiina Mashiro replaced her and Nishino Mushige.

Another [-] minutes later, Shiina Mashiro left a sock and left the stage obediently.

This back and forth, thirty-five minutes, just take off like this?

Nishino Mu originally thought that he would be able to feast his eyes and enjoy the dazzling youth, but who knew that the reality was too cruel.

"Compared to watching you take off your clothes, I think watching cats eat is more meaningful." Xi Yemu felt that he was deceived.

"It seems that cats make prpr licking sounds when they eat. You can be satisfied by listening to this?" Ying Lili lay lazily on the table.

Xi Yemu sneered: "Of course I can't be satisfied, I want to touch you, don't say I didn't warn you first."

"and many more……"


Xiyemu put his palm on Yinglili's warm back of neck.

"Ah, it's so cold!" Ying Lili shuddered, shrank her neck, put her hands between her thighs, and couldn't get up with her chin on the table.

Nishino Mu looked at Shiina Mashiro, and said with a smile: "Makoto, let's continue playing chess, I'm afraid Yinglili will die."

"I want it too." Mashiro Shiina put her chin on the table, blinked her big eyes and looked at Mu Nishino expectantly.

Xi Yemu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm punishing her, why don't you come and join in the fun."

"I want."

"This... wait a minute."

Nishino Mu put his other hand under the stove table to warm it up for a while before touching the back of Shiina Mashiro's neck.

"Very comfortable." Shiina Mashiro rubbed his cheek against Nishino Mu's arm like a cat.

"Well, but it was a bit cold at first." Ying Lili adjusted her posture lying on the table, and closed her eyes comfortably.

Seeing that she was enjoying it so much, Nishino Mu slid his palm towards her back.

"Ah!" Ying Lili's eyes widened all of a sudden, and she shouted in shame and indignation: "What are you doing, don't you know it's cold?"

"If you warm me up, I won't be cold."

"The palms are cold, you must have kidney deficiency."

"What did you say?" Nishino Mu narrowed his eyes with a dangerous expression.

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