"Okay, okay, I'll help you warm up, let me tell you first, I'm not afraid of you, I just care about people like you with cold hands and feet."

Ying Lili took up her right hand that was placed on her back, and stuffed it into the hem of her jacket.

Xi Yemu's hands were not so cold anymore, but she didn't have much reaction.

Shiina Mashiro imitated her, and pulled Nishino Mu's left hand on the back of her neck to her front, and stuffed it into the hem of her jacket.

"You two, catch one each, I can't do anything." Nishino Mu's hands in the hem of their clothes could touch their delicate bellies, but compared to this welfare, he felt that freedom was the most important.

Both hands are controlled, and there is an uncomfortable feeling of being oppressed.

"It's okay to ask too much." Ying Lili closed her eyes again: "I'll sleep for a while, you can do whatever you want when I fall asleep, and you are not allowed to take your hands out before I fall asleep."

"Mu, don't leave me." Shiina Mashiro pressed Nishino Mu's hand tightly through the clothes.

"Okay, I won't leave, Zhenbai will also sleep for a while." Nishino Mu nodded lovingly.

"Mu sing to me."

"Yeah." Nishino Mu remembered the lyrics he saw yesterday. He wondered if he had lost his memory and his instincts were still there. He sang it naturally even though he didn't read the score.

"Duanzi, dumpling, dumpling, dumpling, dumpling, big family of dumpling, naughty barbecue dumpling, gentle bean paste dumpling...Little dumpling, always living in happiness...Duanzi who love each other, hold hands and form a big circle circle of..."

When the singing came out, Nishino Mu himself was surprised. He was sure that his voice was not that good, but now, this "Tuanzi Big Family" is too good.Qingshan Qihai's [Sound into the Ear] is quietly working?

Soon, Xi Yemu affirmed the role of [Sound into Ears]. Doesn't this ability seem so useless? At least the songs he sang are even more pleasant.

Unknowingly, Ying Lili opened her eyes, and when Nishino Mu finished singing, she hesitated and said, "Where did you learn this song?"

"I don't know, I can sing suddenly."

Ying Lili straightened up with a serious expression, and Nishino Mu couldn't figure it out, so she took her hand back.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" Ying Lili asked.


Ying Lili raised her head and chest up generously, and Nishino Mu obviously felt that the things under her clothes shook: "I don't like other men, but I think you are pleasing to the eye, and it's easy for you. Can you come to my room tonight?"

Damn it!Nishino Mu desperately resisted the masculine instinct: "No! I have to calm down, I can't even deal with Jing and Shi Yu's affairs."

It’s just that you can’t handle it, amnesia and still thinking about dumplings?Then she is stable, I will never be a defeated dog.Ying Lili took a deep breath and said firmly, "Nishino, think clearly, there is only one chance, and it took me a lot of effort to make up my mind."

Nishino Mu turned his head, Shiina Mashiro next to him was sleeping soundly.

Chapter 272 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind

"Would you believe me if I said I was heartless?"

"Letter." Ying Lili said: "But do you really understand me? A man will not love a woman after he fully understands her. How much do you know about me? You don't want to know me deeply?"

Nishino Mu was still hugging Shiina Mashiro, he really couldn't give the answer Ying Lili wanted.

Hugging a woman and telling another woman that I will go to your room tonight, why is it so awkward.

Shiina Mashiro reached out and grabbed Nishino Mu's sleeve, and asked, "Why is Yinglili so anxious?"

"Aren't you in a hurry too?"

"I want to give Nishino a New Year's gift."

Ying Lili frowned: "What did senior sister Shang Jingcao teach you?"

Shiina Mashiro said word by word: "Give yourself to Nishino as a New Year's gift."

"Don't be so shameless, Nishino, don't be in a daze, what are you smirking, isn't it just a word, what's so funny, are you coming to my room tonight?"

One kind of lovesickness, two feelings of sorrow, there is no way to get rid of this feeling, only lowering his brows, but keeping his heart in his heart, Ying Lili doesn't like this kind of mood, and understands that Nishino Mu also has the same mood, but what's wrong with being selfish?What's more, she has never been an empathetic woman.

Nishino Mu restrained the eyes and smile that looked at Shiina Mashiro, hesitated, and finally refused again: "Ying Lili, if you forget it, going to your room will not affect you well."

Ying Lili raised her eyebrows, and the happy expression disappeared from her face at once. She bit her thin lips with her white teeth. Brand new tooth marks: "Nishino Mu, aren't you a man?"

"No no no, I'm definitely a man, Jing and Shi Yu can testify."

"You still mention them?!" Ying Lili was angry, her face was as red as an apple, she rushed forward and grabbed Xi Yemu's neck, waving her ponytails wildly, shaking Xi Yemu's face itchy.

"Wait a minute!" Nishino Mu turned sideways to protect Shiina Mashiro behind her, hugged Ying Lili's small waist with one hand, and pinned her under her arm.

"Let go of me, I'll fight with you, today either you die or I live!" Ying Lili struggled desperately, yelling non-stop.

"Why are you so angry?"

"What do you say! I've said it so clearly, don't you understand? How dare you refuse me, thanks to the fact that you said before that you would treat me well for the rest of your life."

"My God, you just let me go to your bedroom tonight, who can bear it."

Nishino Mu protected Shiina Mashiro behind her with one hand, and the other hand clamped the dishonest Ying Lili, that was a physically and mentally exhausted person.

"I don't care, if you don't come to my room tonight, I will go back to Ying Country tomorrow and find someone to marry, so that you will never get me again."

Nishino Mu nodded: "Alright, you go back to Ying Country to calm down and give the two of us some time to think."

Ying Lili was not happy anymore, she twisted her body back and forth, waving her hands and feet, and shouted angrily: "Didn't you hear what I said? I will find someone to marry, so that you will never get me again!"

"Eriri is not that kind of person." Shiina Mashiro said softly.

"What do you know!" Ying Lili stopped struggling, put her hands on her chest, looked at Shiina Mashiro, and said disdainfully: "I have figured it out, with my identity, I can say that I can get [-]% of the men in the world. Empty consumption is meaningless on Nishino, I'm going back."

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