
Yukinoshita Yukino sneered.

Nishino Mu couldn't help becoming nervous, and shrank his body: "I'm right."

"I'm just laughing at what you said to me before," Yukinoshita Yukino puffed up her chest, and mocked, "Yukono, Xiao Yukino, I like you the most, please be my wife in the future, I will treat you for the rest of my life it is good."

"I said such a thing?" Xi Yemu sniffed, looking even more humble.

"I did, but you didn't just tell me."

"Ahahaha," Nishino Mu looked up to the sky and laughed, using it to cover up his flustered heart.

"As far as I know, you have said similar things to Mashiro and Yui, do you still remember who Yui is?"

"Uh, don't remember."

"With the help of Sigong, she immigrated to Goshawk Country to develop, and now "maybe" even has several children. "

"Oh." From Nishino Mu's personal experience, there must be something unknown behind Yui's trip to Goshawk Country.

"Speaking of Yui, I have to say a few more words," Yukinoshita Yukino puffed up her cheeks in displeasure, "How can you reject her with such harsh words? It's fine if you don't want to marry her, but it's not enough to say that you are worthy." Don't go to her."

"Ah?" Nishino Mu didn't understand Yukinoshita Yukino's brain circuit at all, "I said I wasn't good enough for her, didn't I praise her for being better than me from the side?"

"This is where you are often self-righteous. You tell a girl who is not as good as you in all aspects that you are not worthy of her. Anyway, you are mocking or even rejecting her love in disguise."

"You are right. I will apologize to her when I have a chance."

Yukino Yukino looked at Mu Nishino, closed the book, closed her eyes, and seemed to start thinking about life's problems.

"I'm really a sinful man. Along the way, I don't know how many women I have hurt intentionally or unintentionally. Xue Nai is also like this. Use the most resolute attitude to reject people you don't like."

Yukinoshita Yukino opened her eyes and said nonchalantly: "Some colorless people also want to decide my life. It is kind enough for me not to scold them."

"I seem to understand your feelings. You are a beauty, right? There must be some buzzing men around you. If you don't sternly reject them, they will definitely think they have found a crack in the egg and pounce on it in groups."

"I don't know how many men I reject every day, but there are always some flies around me, I seem to understand your feelings." After Yukinoshita Yukino said this, he added: "In your eyes, I am a fly .”

Xi Yemu laughed at himself: "If you were a fly, I would be an egg with a seam. I was the one who seduced you first, because flies don't bite seamless eggs. You are not wrong, and I won't bother you."

Yukinoshita Yukino's face was full of speechlessness and astonishment.

Nishino Mu stood up and walked behind Yukino Yukino: "I'll push you out for a walk, it's not good to stay in the office all the time."

Chapter 277 Yukino herself is not invincible

Yukinoshita Yukino did not reject Nishino Mu's overtures, Nishino Mu pushed her out of the president's office and wandered around the office area.

Then the two took the elevator again and went to a clothing store diagonally opposite downstairs to buy clothes.

"Yue Nao, that's the Yui you mentioned, do I still have a chance to see her?" Nishino Mu asked while he was idle and bored.

"...I don't know." Yukinoshita sat in a wheelchair, ignoring the sympathetic gazes of some people around her, and gesticulating with a sweater openly: "She has been to the Goshawk Kingdom for several years, and I don't know what she will do in the future." Will she come back, I haven't contacted her for a long time."

Nishino Mu patted his head. He forgot that Yukinoshita Yukino hadn't recovered yet, so he should heal her before taking her out.

Yes, is there any way for Nishino Mu to help Yukinoshita Yukino heal his body? As for the time, just a moment is enough.

[Unscrupulous Yumen] Nishino Mu can save the person who is still alive. On the other hand, it gives him the ability to heal instantly.

Without the ability to heal instantly, I am afraid that just seeing the patient, the patient will breathe out his last breath and die.

Thinking of this, Nishino Mu felt very uncomfortable.

When I first got [Wuliang Yumen], I didn’t activate it. I just noticed a lot of medical skills in my mind. I thought that the process of curing Yukinoshita Yukino was also done step by step. It was not as good as a hospital. I ignored [Wuliang Yumen] is the essence of being a supernatural ability, so that Yukinoshita Yukino spent so long lying on the hospital bed.

Speaking of which, the first time I wanted to activate [Wuliang Yumen] was yesterday. At that time, I thought that the side effects of the contraceptive pill were too great, so I planned to activate the ability to help Mashiro look at the body, but found that there was a pure energy in the body, Allows him to heal patients in an instant.

At that time, Nishino Mu used his abilities to prevent Shiina Mashiro from becoming pregnant.

"Yuekino, does your leg hurt?" Nishino Mu moved closer to Yukinoshita Yukino's ear and asked.

"It doesn't hurt."

"If it doesn't hurt, get up and walk."

Yukinoshita Yukino glared at him: "Don't make fun of my body."

"I'm not kidding, I'll support you, you take two steps." Nishino Mu said, reaching out his hand towards Yukino Yukino, a white light invisible to the naked eye appeared on the tip of his middle finger, and entered Yukinoshita Yukino with a swish. in vivo.

Yukinoshita Yukino's expression changed, and she put her hand on Nishino Mu's palm.

"What's wrong?" Nishino Mu asked intentionally.

Yukinoshita Yukino hesitated and said: "My body seems to be back to normal, and there is no uncomfortable place in the whole body."

It's good to make Yukinoshita hesitate, Nishino Mu felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart, so he said in an optimistic tone: "This is a good thing, stand up and take a few steps and try."

"It's so simple to think, is it possible that the medical report this morning is fake? My leg will have to recuperate for at least a month before I can leave the wheelchair. Forget it, you are not a doctor. It's normal if you don't understand. I don't blame you. I bought this A sweater, let's go."

Nishino Mu showed a contemptuous smile: "You feel that your body has fully recovered, so why don't you dare to get out of the wheelchair and take two steps?"

Yukinoshita Yukino closed her eyes and took a deep breath: "... If I tried to stand up but failed, would you laugh at me?"

"No, and I will help you teach those who laugh at you."

Yukinoshita Yukino is not afraid of making a fool of himself, but he is afraid of making a fool of himself in front of Nishino, since he doesn't care, let him do it.

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