Yukinoshita Yukino bit her lip, took Nishino Mu's hand, and slowly stood up under the eyes of the people around her.

Seeing this, Xi Yemu let go of her, smiled and clapped his hands lightly: "Look, it's not that you can stand up, what you lack is courage."

"But the medical examination report in the morning..."

"That kind of thing is not absolute," Nishino Mu worried that saying this would cause Yukinoshita Yukino to stop seeing a doctor and stick to it foolishly, but the words had already been spoken, and she couldn't change her words.

"However," Nishino Mu changed the topic and said with a smile: "If you are sick, you should see a doctor or you should go to a doctor. Don't be stupid and don't go. In most cases, the hospital is very reliable."

"I know," Yukinoshita Yukino's expression was different from before, a little at a loss, she subconsciously leaned against Nishino Mu, "The surprise came too suddenly, and there is an ominous premonition."

"If you survive a catastrophe, you will have blessings later. I personally think that you will have a smooth career in the future."

"I hope so." Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the wheelchair: "What about the wheelchair?"

"I'm pushing it, it's not heavy."

Yukino Yukino was still holding a sweater in her arms. She handed the sweater to the respectful shopping guide, told her to pack it, turned around and grabbed the corner of Nishino Mu's clothes, and smiled nicely: "You are sitting in a wheelchair, I Push you back, okay?"

Although it is very comfortable not to walk in a wheelchair, it is undoubtedly painful to be forced to suffer feelings that should not be endured.

This is not to say how uncomfortable it is for Nishino to be forced to sit in a wheelchair by Yukino, but to say that patients who are forced to sit in a wheelchair and watch other people jumping and jumping are very uncomfortable, such as Yukinoshita Yukino once.

Nishino Mu's legs were fine, and he didn't feel the pain of sitting in a wheelchair. He sat up straight, holding the wrapped clothing bag in his arms. Yukinoshita Yukino was in a good mood, and happily pushed the wheelchair forward.

Without looking back, Nishino Mu knew where he was going and where he was going, all controlled by Yukinoshita Yukino.

"It's been a long time since I went wherever I wanted to go."

Standing at the crossroads, looking at the passing vehicles in a daze, Yukinoshita Yukino bent down and lay next to Mu Nishino's ear: "Where do you want to go, Nishino-kun?"

The ear was hit by Yukinoshita Yukino's breath, itchy and hot, Nishino Mu said with a smile: "The decision is up to you, choose, where to go to play."

"I don't know, I usually only go to work or go home. (Mainly because of road idiots, the map will look upside down. If the phone is out of battery, I am afraid of getting lost alone if I want to go to other places. Also, what should I do if I encounter a dog on the road? )”

"Then your life is too monotonous," Xi Yemu said, "When you were lying in the hospital, did you ever think about where you would go to play with me when you recovered?"

"Here," Yukinoshita Yukino said embarrassingly, "Let's go to the library to read."

Nishino Mu turned around, lay on the wheelchair, and looked up at Yukinoshita Yukino with blushing face and erratic gaze: "From this angle, you are still very beautiful, but I need to remind you that going to the library with a man is not a good idea." Good choice, unless that man himself is particularly passionate about learning."

Yukinoshita Yukino lowered her head, looked at the man lying in front of her, frowned and said, "Don't you want to learn more knowledge to enrich yourself?"

"Of course I want to, but I don't think I need to learn too much. With you helping me, I just need to know a little bit about management."

Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes were complicated: "I will leave you occasionally, such as when I got into a car accident."

Nishino Mu shrugged: "In this case, I promise not to let you leave me because of things other than personal factors. In that case, I don't have to learn too much."

When the green light came on, Yukinoshita smiled and pushed Nishino Mu across the road: "I remember this sentence, what's next? Where do you want to go?"

"So, you have to make up your own mind, Miss Yukinoshita, the decision is in your hands."

"This kind of trivial matter, you decide."

"But what if I'm not here?"

"I promise not to let you leave me for anything other than personal factors."

Chapter 278

Nishino Mu sat in a wheelchair, and Yukinoshita Yukino pushed him. After a brief discussion, the two decided to go to the pet store to buy something for the puppet cat at home.

On a rare sunny day, there is a warm breath in the air.

There is a small park on the road. Inside the park, there is a semi-curved, gravel-covered path connected to the highway.

"Do you want to go to the park?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked.

Xi Yemu looked away from the phone screen: "Is there enough time? You still have to go to the hospital for a physical examination."

"I feel very good. I don't need to go to the hospital for an examination. I will send my sister a message to tell her later."

"Sister Yangnai might rush over in a rage and take you away."

"It's ok."

"Then go in and have a look."

After Nishino Mu finished speaking, he pressed his hands on the armrests of the wheelchair, ready to stand up.

"Sit down, take care of the disabled is what I should do."

Yukinoshita Yukino pushed the wheelchair and entered the park with Nishino Mu.

Although it is winter, there are still some people who come to the park to play when they are idle and bored, but it takes a long time to see a few.

Passing the rockery and lawn, and stopping at the railing by the lake, you can see a blooming plum blossom on the opposite side of the lake.

Looking around, he didn't see the bridge in sight, so Nishino Mu didn't bother to go there.

"Is it cold?" Yukinoshita Yukino pinched Nishino Mu's arm: "It's time for you to gain weight. There is too little fat on your body to help you keep out the cold."

Fat is not just for keeping out the cold, and speaking of fat, you don't have much on your chest either.Thinking of this, Nishino Mu smiled: "I can wear more clothes."

Yukinoshita Yukino flicked her hair disheveled by the wind in dissatisfaction: "Are you thinking about something bad?"

"It's not a bad thing, it's a beautiful thing."

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