"What you think is a good thing may not be a good thing to me." Yukinoshita Yukino crossed her arms and said calmly: "As a man, I can guess what is going on in your head just by thinking about it." , is nothing more than power, beauty, wine, food or money."

In any case, power, money and so on are things that most human beings yearn for, why Yukinoshita Yukino can say it in an indifferent tone.Nishino Mu asked curiously: "Aren't these good things for you?"

Yukinoshita Yukino cleared her throat: "Of course not, my hobbies are other things."


Only then did she realize that wealth and power are something that Yukinoshita Yukino is used to enjoying, and it is even less likely that beauty is her hobby.Nishino Mu thought of the cat at home and Yukinoshita Yukino's Mr. Pan doll, and said playfully: "Since you don't like what ordinary humans like best, I guess, your favorite is cats and Mr. Pan, right?"

"Cat and Mr. Pan are particularly interesting."

Yukinoshita Yukino's expression was different from before, it became very cute.

The puppet cat at home is clingy and has long fur, making it difficult to take care of. However, in terms of appearance, it is especially good in the cat world.

Mr. Pan is a panda doll, indeed a bit simple and honest and cute.

It's nothing to like these two, Xi Yemu can understand, even a man like him likes pets, but he doesn't like to take care of them.

Speaking of pets, a dog that I seem to have seen somewhere suddenly comes to my mind.

"By the way, does Yukino like dogs?"

Probably because the memory in his mind affected his thinking, Xi Yemu blurted out this sentence.

Hearing the word "dog", Yukinoshita Yukino's body trembled, subconsciously took two steps back, looked around guiltily, but found no dog, she relaxed her vigilance: "No... I don't hate it, I don't hate normal pets."

"As long as you don't hate it, I have plans to raise one."

"Ah, well... Please go to the Internet to check whether cats and dogs can fight together."

"No need, there will definitely be a fight. This is the personal experience of countless people."

"Is the cat going to lose?"

"Not necessarily," Nishino Mu shook his head and explained: "The cat scared the dog when the dog was young, and the dog will not dare to beat the cat when it grows up."

"According to what you said, if you keep a dog, it is abuse, and the cat will definitely teach it a lesson..."

"Yes, it's abuse, so I just thought about it. I didn't plan to raise it. I really want to raise it. It's also the breed of dogs that don't grow up. Raising an adult dog can almost equalize with a cat."

"Same size, cats are stronger than dogs, and cats are faster."

"Yes, you're right." Nishino Mu casually dealt with the serious Yukinoshita Yukino, and raised his wrist to check the time: "It's past three o'clock in the afternoon, let's go to the pet store."

"Yeah." I was dissatisfied with Nishino Mu's attitude towards her, but Yukinoshita Yukino didn't say anything. Whether it was a dog or a cat, it was not as important as Nishino.

The two arrived at the pet store at four in the afternoon, and soon took a fancy to an automatic cat food dispenser.

The cat food machine is all white, very noble and elegant, with an outlet cover at the bottom and a plate at the bottom.

"Buy it or not?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked.

"Do you like it?" Nishino Mu asked back.



The every move of Nishino Mu and Yukinoshita Yukino was secretly observed. As soon as he decided to buy it, a shopping guide immediately stepped forward to issue an invoice.

"Later, we will go shopping and buy some more things. Please help me deliver the things we bought to this address later."

Nishino Mu told the shopping guide the address of Gensokyo, and continued to hang out with Yukinoshita Yukino.

This pet shop is very big, with the first and second floors together, it is comparable to some small supermarkets.

Soon, Yukinoshita Yukino once again took a fancy to an automatic water dispenser for cats and a cat litter.

"There's no need to buy a cat litter. Cats like to run around and sleep wherever they want." Nishino Mu expressed his opinion.

"It's better to buy."

"Why... Huh? Hui, it's you, what a coincidence, I said why the voice is wrong."

Nishino Mu turned his head abruptly, only to see Yukino Yukino standing behind her, and next to her was Kato Megumi who appeared at some point.

Megumi Kato was the one who said "it's better to buy" just now, and Mu Nishino realized it after saying two words.

"It's too late, Nishino, Yukino saw me following behind you two minutes ago, but you didn't see it until then."

Megumi Kato's cheeks bulged slightly, even her rivals saw her, but the person she liked was obsessed with buying cat supplies, even she would be angry, okay?

"Sorry, sorry, hahaha, I was too busy expressing my opinion."

Kato Megumi sighed slightly, his expression calmed down, and he said angrily, "I never thought that you could see me at a glance when I appeared near you."

"..." Nishino Mu sneaked a glance at Yukinoshita Yukino, only to see that she was smiling like a child who had stolen honey.

"However, if Nishino can find me faster than others, I will be very happy."


Kato Megumi's voice was too low to be heard, and Nishino Mu couldn't help asking again.

Chapter 279 Yukino seems to have forgotten Hui

Kato Megumi said calmly: "It's strange, I always seem to be able to meet you."

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