Yukinoshita Yukino answered: "It's not surprising at all, the transportation is developed, and Tokyo is not that big."

"You're right." Kato Megumi hesitated to speak, and finally just nodded.

Seeing her reaction, Nishino Mu retorted to Miss Yukinoshita: "Yue Nai, you can't say that, Hui and I always meet, it's also a kind of fate."

Yukinoshita Yukino said in a low voice: "It's a kind of fate, you pass by, can you immediately realize that she is Hui?"

"This is a stupid question, I'm not blind, how could I not recognize it."

Nishino Mu replied firmly, full of decisive and confident temperament.

Yukinoshita Yukino was very surprised, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, pressing his temples as if he was having a headache, obviously he didn't expect Nishino Mu to say that.

"Let me tell you," Nishino Mu moved closer to Yukinoshita Yukino's ear and whispered, "Don't ask such a question, Kei is listening, if I say that I passed her shoulder-to-shoulder, I won't recognize her, Don't you feel embarrassed?"

Yukinoshita Yukino thought for a while, then nodded with satisfaction: "All right."

"Okay, that's it." Xi Yemu snapped his fingers, looked up, saw the shopping guide not far away, waved to her, and pointed to the cat nest: "We want this, please help deliver it I told you the address earlier."

"Didn't you say you won't buy it?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked amusedly.

"That's not... oh, what about Kei?"

Nishino Mu hurriedly took two steps forward, looking for Kato Megumi.

"I'm here," Megumi Kato poked his head out behind the shelf where the high-end cat food was placed, and asked suspiciously, "Why did you find out that I was gone so quickly this time, I thought you would chat for a long time on your own. "

Nishino Mu said embarrassingly: "Why, how is it possible, one less person will definitely be discovered soon."

Kato Megumi just smiled, walked out from behind the shelf, and said to Yukinoshita Yukino, "I just saw Sister Yoshino looking for you in the group, she asked where you were, and she was going to pick you up."

"You told her I was here?"

Kato Megumi waved his hand: "No, but I'm also curious as to why you suddenly recovered."

"I don't know why I recovered. As for my sister, she is just concerned and confused. I told her that I was by Nishino's side, so why am I so flustered? What could happen?"

Complaints are complaints, Yukinoshita Yukino still took out her phone, turned it on, and sent a few messages to Yukinoshita Yokino.

Nishino Mu couldn't help but said: "When you came to my place, you couldn't walk your legs, but now you can even walk like flying. It's normal for Sister Yang Nai if you don't believe me. You can go to the hospital with her to have a look."

Yukinoshita Yukino frowned, and glanced at Kato Megumi: "What are you doing here?"

"Buy cat food." Kato Hui said generously: "Didn't I tell you that the cat was left in Gensokyo, and I plan to take advantage of the good weather today to bring it back, so I came here thinking about buying a few packs." Prepare cat food."

"Hmm~" Yukinoshita Yukino didn't dislike Kato Megumi's attitude towards keeping cats, and said, "It's a fact that Nishino doesn't like keeping cats, you should take them back and raise them."

"Hey," Nishino Mu protested, "I don't like keeping cats, it doesn't mean I don't like cats, I just hate taking care of cats, it will waste a lot of my time playing games."

"Okay, don't say any more. At best, you just reiterated your lazy thinking that you want to sit back and enjoy it." Yukinoshita Yukino ruthlessly exposed the nature of Nishino Mu's character of loving cats and not keeping cats.

Xi Yemu was not conscious of being ridiculed, and said freely: "There is nothing I can do about it. After all, I am not a perfect person. I will be diligent when I should be diligent, such as playing games or working to make money. I am lazy when I should be lazy. For example, when sleeping, especially in winter, if it’s okay, I don’t even want to get out of bed.”

Megumi Kato said, "I'm going to choose cat food, how about you?"

Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head: "Nishino, I can't accept your idea, but you sleep ten hours a day too much."

"Not much. I work hard when I should be hardworking, and lazy when I should be lazy. This is called a combination of work and rest," Nishino Mu said boldly, "If you look at it this way, my living habits are very good. Whether it is work or study, I have not fallen behind at all. .”

"You seem to have a big problem with your mind. Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"


Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes were quite serious, she said calmly: "Playing at night until early in the morning, getting up after ten o'clock in the morning, if this is called a good habit, I think more than [-]% of the people in the world would dare to say that they are saints. "

"You can't say that. Things happen for a reason. I'm running around for my life."

"I sleep ten hours a day and dare to say that I am running around for my life. Why?"

"I think sleeping ten hours a day can help you live longer."

Yukinoshita Yukino is both excellent in character and learning, and has outstanding work ability. Except for some flaws in her personality, she is impeccably perfect.

She tilted her head and thought for a while, then turned to look into the depths of the pet shop, where there was an elderly couple with white hair holding hands.

They can come to each other now, which shows that the disputes that have occurred have been properly resolved.

Yukinoshita Yukino patted Nishino Mu on the shoulder: "Eat more, otherwise sleeping for ten hours a day would be too wasteful. Pigs ate and slept, and they were full of fat. You are wasting as much as you eat. You don't see the meat growing on it." where."

"Sleeping ten hours a day is a special situation now. I believe that as time goes by, I will gradually become better and my behavior will definitely change."

"People will change, and I look forward to the day when you become even better."

[Acquire basic ability: the world's most powerful fashion design ability]

"Why don't you change your appearance first." Nishino Mu pulled his hair and murmured, "It seems a bit long."

"It's a bit long, find time to go to the barber shop and get your hair cut." Yukinoshita Yukino noticed a familiar car parked in front of the pet shop, and said helplessly, "My sister is here."

As soon as the words fell, Yukinoshita Yoshino walked into the pet shop with strides, and seeing Yukinoshita Yukino standing there, she quickened her pace, hugged Yukinoshita Yukino, and criticized: "Why did you force yourself to stand up?" , What should I do if there are sequelae left?"

Yukinoshita Yukino gently pushed away Yukinoshita Yono: "No, I don't feel any discomfort in myself."

"Nishino, I will take Yukino away first. If her legs are found, there will be sequelae. You, the person who took care of her temporarily, wait to die."

"No, let's go."

Yukinoshita Haruno showed a "wait and see" expression, and pulled Yukinoshita Yukino away.

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