Hearing Yukinoshita Yukino's voice outside the door, Nishino Mu panicked.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't care. She tidied up the messy clothes, helped Nishino Mu look at his clothes, and confidently took his arm: "Fortunately, men's clothes are relatively easy to tidy up, she can't tell."

Nishino Mu said with a guilty conscience, "Why don't you hide first?"

"What are you afraid of? We were just in the same room and did nothing, not to mention I'm not afraid of Yukinoshita Yukino!"

If you're not afraid, why did you hide under the table before!

Nishino Mu almost couldn't let go and kneaded Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's face hard.


Yukinoshita Yukino's voice came from outside the door again, she is not the kind of impatient person, but it is impossible not to be in a hurry when it comes to the person she likes.

"Oh, here we come."

Nishino Mu tried to pull his arm out of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's embrace, but what he got in return was a soft moan: "Don't move around, I'll let you rub it after Yukino leaves."

Uh, what a nonsense thing to say.

"Please, please, we really need to be more natural, at least for the last half a month, and don't make Xue Nao angry, okay?"

"Hey, Nishino, is Yukino's status in your heart actually that high?"

"Yukinoshita Yukino, Kaolin Flower, I like her very much, of course, I like you too, but now it's special, Yukino really can't leave me for too long."

"In this case, you can rest assured that I am super reliable, and I will do my best to please the future empress in the palace. There is no way, who made me unlucky in life, can't be a queen, can only be a shameful lover, say At this point, I have to say one more thing, throughout the ages, there have been many men who died at the hands of women."

The smile on Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's face was still beautiful and moving, but Nishino Mu's mood suddenly became bad, obviously she was quite moved just now.

"Don't underestimate yourself. As for the imperial concubine, if I really have one, I will make you a noble lady." Nishino Mu saw that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu let go of her arm, and hurried forward to help Yukinoshita Yukino open the door.


Xi Yemu's voice is still like the sound of nature, and most people who hear it will listen carefully.

It's a pity that Yukinoshita Yukino, who had listened too much, didn't respond. She tilted her head and looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu who was walking over.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu stopped, stood beside Nishino Mu, and waved to Yukinoshita Yukino actively: "Oh, Yukino, long time no see, your body is recovering well, congratulations."

Yukinoshita Yukino looked Nishino Mu's whole body up and down, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and nodded politely: "Congratulations."

"What's the matter with Tongxi? I'm not as happy as Xue Nai. When you came here before, Nishino shamelessly asked me to hide under the desk. I was very depressed. Nishino and I didn't do anything. Why did I Want to hide? Why should I avoid you? After thinking about it, I can only think of one reason, that is, Nishino cares too much about you, and I don't want you because I am in a bad mood. "

"Really?" Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Nishino Mu next to him, waiting for him to testify.

Nishino Mu took a deep look at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu who was winking at him, and said, "I really don't want you to be angry with me..."

"Okay, there are only so many lines for you, let me say it next." Kasumigaoka Shiwa smiled under Yukinoshita Yukino's calm eyes: "I am a woman, and occasionally I am jealous, and I don't want to hand over Nishino just like that." You, I'm jealous of you, you know?"

"I know, I also know that there are many people who are jealous of me, one more than you is not too many, and one less than you is quite a lot." Yukinoshita Yukino said.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu clenched his hands into fists and let go: "You still can't get rid of this problem. Anyway, I came to see Nishino without telling you today. Are you angry? Are you angry?" I'm happy."

"I don't have time to play this disgustingly childish game with you, Nishino, let's go to lunch."

Yukinoshita Yukino made a clicking sound as her heels hit the ground and walked outside the company.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu grabbed Nishino Mu's sleeve and said with a smile, "I did it, and I didn't make her angry with you. A kiss isn't too much to reward."

"Not too much." I have done more serious things, so a kiss is nothing.Nishino Mu glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino who didn't look back, then glanced at the staff outside the office, and said in a low voice, "I owe you first, I'll definitely do it next time."

"Ten times the next time!"

"Okay, okay, okay."

Nishino Mu agreed one by one, seeing Yukinoshita Yukino walking to the side of the elevator and talking to Ogata Rizu who passed by, she hurriedly started to follow.

"Yue Nao, and Li Zhu, I have something to tell you." Walking to the elevator, Nishino Mu said: "I ate more than ten o'clock this morning, and now I'm not hungry at all."

"Eat less, don't stop eating." Ogata Rizu said, she changed her clothes today, a chiffon bottoming shirt with a red mid-length suspender skirt.

"Aren't you cold?" Nishino Mu looked at the black silk Ogata Rizu was wearing, and silently guessed how thick it was. It looked so thin, and she couldn't believe it could keep out the cold.

"It's not cold. If you go out, you can wear a long down jacket outside. Even if it's cold, it's only cold for a few minutes between going out and getting in the car. It doesn't have any effect." Ogata Rizu noticed that Nishino Mu looked at her legs, bent over and pulled Pulling on the stockings, he introduced: "It doesn't matter, it's very thick, similar to thermal pants, but the outside looks more like stockings."

"okay, I get it."

Nishino Mu had a bit of a toothache, not to mention that his leg was found, and he was seriously taught about the thickness of stockings worn in winter, which was really embarrassing.

He knows how thick winter stockings are, and he needs to be told.

"I admire your courage to discuss women's intimate clothing as if nothing had happened, but you will know everything about this topic when you go home and curl up under the covers, there is no need to waste eating time." Yukinoshita Yukino said: "I must remind you Come on, there's only one hour for lunch."

"Okay, let's eat and eat." Nishino Mu took the lead and walked into the elevator. He always felt that the surrounding company employees knew that he was arrested for looking at women's legs. Anyway, he had no face to stay here.

"By the way, where is Shi Yu?" Ogata Rizu looked back and asked, "I saw her just now, won't she have dinner with us?"

"Ah, she, I'll call her," Nishino Mu withdrew his leg to step into the elevator, not daring to look at Yukinoshita Yukino's face at all, turned and walked to the office.

"Yukino, let's wait a bit." Ogata Ritzu said.

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't go into the elevator, but stood beside the elevator door, and after gesturing to the staff inside that she could go down, she rubbed her temples: "I suddenly feel sorry for Fumino Furuhashi, she must be very tired all these years."

Ogata Ritzu said strangely: "She is not tired at all. She works for one hour and rests for three hours."

Chapter 293 Hayasaka Doesn't Want to Work Again

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