Kasumigaoka Shiwa was video chatting with Eriri in the office when Nishino Mu called her to have dinner together. She had biscuits and milk in her bag, which can be used as lunch.

"I didn't say, are you afraid to eat with Nishino and Yukino? Huh?"

"Can a certain defeated dog who ran to the house to lick its wounds stop barking, for fear that others will not know your weakness?"

"No matter how weak and incompetent I am, I still dare to eat with Nishino, so I won't even be able to sit at the dinner table."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu crushed the biscuit with force, showing a cold smile: "What do you know? At this moment, Nishino only has Yukinoshita Yukino in his eyes. No matter how good I am, I won't make fun of myself. When the time comes Nishino protects Yukino in everything, I can only be ridiculed by Yukino, eating with her is meaningless."

Ying Lili lay on the bed and laughed wantonly, tears almost came out: "Don't mess around, I know Xue Nai's character, she won't take the initiative to provoke you, you don't provoke her, just have a meal together, what's the matter? It's because Nishino didn't take you seriously and ignored you."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was so angry that he reached out to punch his phone angrily. As soon as he raised his fist, he heard Nishino Mu's voice from outside the door: "Shiyu, are you still there? Let's go, let's have dinner together."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu proudly raised her eyebrows at Yinglili who wanted to say something, hung up the video chat without mercy, opened the door, and asked with the most beautiful smile: "Where to eat?"

"There is a new restaurant downstairs, just outside the elevator. There is heating, it's not cold, and the food is delicious."

Kasumigaoka took advantage of the situation and grabbed Nishino Mu's arm. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Yukinoshita Yukino and Ogata Ritzu in front of the elevator, and secretly withdrew his hand angrily, and said angrily: "See, I want to avoid destroying your relationship with you." Xue Nai's relationship has paid a lot, you didn't remember to ask me to eat together just now, you must coax me!"

Not holding my arm is giving too much?But I didn't ask you to eat just now, because I was really worried that Yukinoshita Yukino would be angry and forget you, which is a mistake.

Nishino Mu said softly: "I really can't do anything these days. When you have time, may I go find you?"

"I, I have time, but I'm worried that you don't have time." Knowing what it meant for Nishino to come to him, Kasumigaoka Shiyu lowered her voice expectantly and said, "Anyway, you can come, I can satisfy you anyway."

"No problem at all."

The two had a good talk, and there was no conflict at all, and they happily walked towards Yukinoshita Yukino and Ogata Rizu.

Nishino Mu originally thought that this meal must be very unpleasant, but who knows that Kasumigaoka Shiyu is quite capable, whether it is Yukinoshita Yukino or Ogata Rizu, they are not angry at all.

Thinking about it carefully, this is normal, Nishino Mu is upright, everyone knows who he has sex with and who he hasn't.If anyone doesn't want to, just quit, and the others might cheer hard.

It’s just that this method is inevitably suspected of being arrogant, and it might explode at any time. The [Death Announcement] issued by someone who doesn’t know is like a sharp sword, and it is still hanging over the head of Nishino Mu and some women. overhead.

"I'm not afraid that someone will try to kill me, but Xue Nai and the others are not safe." Nishino Mu hammered the electric pole on the side of the road hard.

On the other side of the road, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu stretched her small hand into her sleeve and waved to Mu Nishino: "Nishino, hurry up! It's agreed to come out and buy milk tea, why are you wandering around there by yourself? Let's take a look and think about it." Which flavor do you want to drink?"

Yukino under the snow is not afraid of the cold at all, proudly raised her snow-white neck, and brushed her hair chicly: "The car parked there does not mean that people cannot come over, President Nishino, please use your legs to come over, otherwise It might be more plausible that they don't exist."

Ogata Ritzu raised her hand: "Green light!"

"Just pass." Nishino Mu took advantage of the green light and quickly crossed the road...


Although there were many chances, Kaguya Shinomiya couldn't make up his mind for a long time because that guy stayed at Shinomiya's family and refused to leave.

It was another quiet night, and Shinomiya Kaguya, who had shown his sharpness in the internal competition of the Shinomiya family, had some faint guesses.

Her three older brothers secretly teamed up!

The incident started last night when Ai Hayasaka was assassinated again when she was out. If Chika Fujiwara hadn't been nearby at that time, the consequences would have been serious.

"The three of them should join forces, otherwise it would be impossible to dispatch so many masters. Cough... They sent some people this time...cough cough cough..." Hayasaka Ai coughed violently.

"Xiao Ai, rest, don't talk anymore." Shinomiya Kaguya said, hurriedly helping Hayasaka Ai to lie back on her big soft and luxurious bed.

Hayasaka Ai said helplessly: "It's really not a serious problem, just after the fight, Miss Qianhua's bodyguards protected me."

"I know, but don't you still have a cold? It's cold and snowy. If you confront someone with a gun, even if you don't get shot, you'll be sweating and let the cold wind blow. Ai Hayasaka's hand.

"It's not a big problem... Ahem, I had a fever of 39 degrees before, so I was also on a mission."

Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned: "You're still working at 39 degrees?! When did it happen?"

Ai Hayasaka complained shyly: "When Nishino celebrated his birthday, you asked me to go to their school overnight to give him a birthday gift. I had a fever of 38 degrees, but I felt that I was fine, so I didn't tell you. I went alone. Who knew that after going there, I fell ill and was served by Nishino all night, and the next morning, you criticized me for coming back late, which made you almost late."

"I, I, you, you, you..." Kaguya Shinomiya pointed at Hayasaka Ai on the bed with trembling hands, feeling uncomfortable in every possible way, can she still trust her from now on?What the hell happened that night! ?Want to know, really want to know!

"You are sick, he serves you, how does he serve you? Did you take off your clothes?"

A series of questions blurted out, and Shinomiya Kaguya lowered her head in embarrassment.

Ai Hayasaka bit her lip, she stopped coughing, and said in disbelief: "My Miss Kaguya, that's all you care about? I go to work at 39 degrees, you know how cold it was the night I went Is it? It's colder than now!"

Shinomiya Kaguya collapsed on the ground in a duck-sitting manner, covered her face, and shouted: "I know, I know everything! But I really want to know if there is any bad relationship between you and Nishino."

"I, I'm going to be pissed off by you! I won't serve you anymore," Ai Hayasaka angrily lifted the quilt and put on her slippers: "I'm leaving, I'm leaving this time, and I will never come back again!"

"No, little love, don't go!" Shinomiya Kaguya cried and hugged Hayasaka Ai's leg, and she didn't let go after being dragged away by her, nagging non-stop: "Tell me first, you and Nishino Is there any relationship?"

Ai Hayasaka couldn't bear it anymore, and punched Shinomiya Kaguya on the head: "No, my old lady didn't have any intersection with garbage Nishino, he is just a pervert, I hate him so much!"

Chapter 294 Opportunity

On January 1, it was getting late, and Nishinomu's legs were weak, and he walked out of Kasumigaoka Shiyu's bedroom tremblingly, and went to the living room to drink tea to replenish the lost water.

"Are you still coming tomorrow?" asked the woman who was tidying up the sheets in the house.

"No, tomorrow I will start implementing the work tasks I have thought about these days."

"Unfortunately, I specially bought a box of ultra-thin small umbrellas from the Internet. It is said that men are the same as not wearing them. Don't you want to experience it?"

"Don't tempt me anymore, this kind of life must be restrained." Nishino Mu said.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was wearing a tulle skirt and pushed open the door. His radiant appearance made Xi Yemu even more embarrassed.She went to sit next to Xi Yemu, held her cheeks in her hands, stared at Xi Yemu's pale face, and blinked seductively: "Did you play too late with Zhenbai every night, and you have more energy than energy?"

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