"I'm saving you some face, otherwise you will never get out of bed today."

"Don't say such hard words, your pale face can't give me any convincing power."

"Don't be arrogant, it's because I haven't used all my abilities."

[Absolute Suppression] After activation, it is not clear what the maximum combat power can be, but it is absolutely easy to conquer a mere Kasumi Hill Shiyu.Enhanced combat effectiveness, and strengthened his physical fitness on the side.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu suggested: "How about we do it again? Let me see how well you perform with all your strength."


Nishino Mu decided to use his true skills to make Xiazhiqiu Shiyu unable to get out of bed for three days.

Unexpectedly, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu shook her head regretfully again: "Forget it, you go back and play with Zhenbai, it's not okay to squeeze you dry, Zhenbai will blame me for being greedy."

"It's okay, let's do it again." Nishino Mu stretched out his hand to embrace Xiazhiqiu Shiyu in his arms.

"Don't, don't, don't! I admit defeat, I'm in pain there, don't do it again."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu ran away from Nishino Mu's arms in horror.

Xi Yemu joked: "It turns out that you are not convinced, and next time you will be convinced."

The two of them are so familiar, they have experienced everything that should be experienced.Xiazhiqiu Shiyu knew what Nishino Mu meant, she licked her lips charmingly, and said softly: "Okay, I will practice hard at home, and when the time comes, you can't stop."

Nishino Mu smiled expectantly, looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's flat belly, and warned, "I didn't use a small umbrella today, so be careful, you don't need to take contraceptive pills."

It doesn't matter if you don't eat, he has already helped Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu take care of her body, and she will definitely not get pregnant this time.

"I see, I just want a child, and I will give birth to you."

"It's not that you want a child, but that you will never get pregnant this time, so why take contraceptive pills that are bad for your health."

"That's not necessarily the case, well, don't talk about it, you can go now."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu drove Nishino Mu away pretending to be calm, and returned to the bedroom alone, threw her back on the soft bed quilt excitedly, lifted the bathrobe, and stroked her white and tender belly.

"My child, if you come, I will be able to change my surname to Nishino. I will be happy just thinking about it. Well, I want to share the good news with others, but this news must be kept secret to prevent accidents."

On the other side, Mu Nishino returned to Gensokyo and received a call from Kaguya Shinomiya.

He held Shiina Mashiro, who was curled up in his arms like a cat, stroking her smooth back with one hand, and holding the phone in the other.

Shiina Mashiro was not idle either, she didn't care about Nishino Mu touching herself, she held a Baumkuchen tightly with both hands, and ate it deliciously.

"Nishino, Shinomiya Yunying has left the Shinomiya main family. As far as I know, he will fly to Goshawk Country to attend a business meeting tonight."

"What do you mean?" Nishino Mu asked.

"I'm at your door right now, you pack up and come out, we'll kill him halfway."

Nishino Mu agreed, hung up the phone, and picked up Shiina Mashiro.

"Can you wait until I finish eating the Baumkuchen before pressing on me?"

Shiina Mashiro folded her hands in front of her chest, still holding the Baumkuchen, it was so cute.

"You, I'm going out for a while, and I'll be back soon." Nishino Mu put Shiina Mashiro on the sofa, pulled up the blanket beside her to help her cover it, and kissed her before leaving.

"come back earlier."

Shiina Mashiro feels more and more like a little wife.

"rest assured."

Xi Yemu changed his clothes and shoes, and strode out the door.

On the side of the road, there was a BMW bulletproof car that had not turned off. Ai Hayasaka, who had recovered from a minor illness, was lazily leaning on the car body.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Hayasaka Ai glanced at Nishino Mu, and coldly opened the car door: "Miss's arrangement is almost done, get in the car."

"You have changed and become indifferent, what happened?" Nishino Mu asked.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't, just get in the car."

"Is there a secret? Okay, I know your identity is sensitive, so I won't ask." Nishino Mu said, bending over and turning into the car.

In the car, Shinomiya Kaguya was quite satisfied with Hayasaka Ai's performance, look at my little Ai, how outstanding she is, she knows how to keep a distance from Nishino.

"Nishino," Nishino Mu, who got into the car with a sweet call, Shinomiya Kaguya said enthusiastically, "I just learned about Shinomiya Yunying's itinerary, and he is expected to arrive at the airport at 12 o'clock. We must Ambush him outside the airport to minimize the bad influence."

Provoking the airport is simply not paying attention to the official power. As smart as Kaguya Shinomiya, he would not be stupid enough to do such a stupid thing.

Nishino Mu glanced at his watch: "It's 10:41, let's go."

"Well, little love, drive."

The BMW bulletproof car quickly started to run, and Mu Nishino took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Shiina Mashiro to relieve his boredom.

Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at his phone screen, showing an embarrassed smile.

She is a living person by her side!Isn't it important to stay home with Shiina Mashiro?

Ai Hayasaka saw Shinomiya Kaguya gritted her teeth from the rearview mirror, glared at Mu Nishino, and slammed on the brakes on purpose.


Shinomiya Kaguya let out an exclamation, her body suddenly leaned forward driven by inertia, and then was pulled back by the seat belt.

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