Nishino Mu reacted quickly, and he was fine after shaking his body.

He asked Shinomiya Kaguya with concern: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay," Shinomiya Kaguya pulled on his seat belt, intending to take the opportunity to say a few more words to Nishino Mu, but thinking that he would rather chat with Shiina Mashiro than look for himself, he turned his face aggrieved, but ignored Nishino up.

Nishino Mu asked again: "Miss Hayasaka, what happened just now?"

"Oh, a dog who doesn't know whose family passed through the middle of the road, I stepped on the brakes, are you all right?"

"It's fine, but Shinomiya looks very upset."


Nishino Mu felt that Shinomiya Kaguya seemed super angry, but he didn't know there was a problem, so he could only attribute it to Hayasaka Ai's carelessness in driving.

So, when Ai Hayasaka stepped on the brakes again, reminding Miss Kaguya to seize the opportunity to get on, Mu Nishino complained, "What's the reason this time?"

"Still a dog."

"You... Be serious! If it doesn't work, I'll do it." I really don't have the vision, how did you become Shinomiya Kaguya's attendant, didn't you see that the eldest lady was so angry that she grabbed the hem of her skirt.

Chapter 295 Cold Blooded

If Ai Hayasaka knew what Nishino Mu was thinking at this time, she would definitely throw him out of the car angrily.

But she didn't know, so when she heard Xi Yemu's mocking words, she just snorted coldly and didn't stop to refute.The most important thing at this stage is to kill Sigong Yunying.Matching Miss Hui Ye and Nishino Mu was just a matter of convenience.

But for Shinomiya Kaguya who often falls into fantasy, the latter is by no means a trivial matter.

The person sitting next to her is the person she loves the most in this life.

The smell of the shower gel, the handsome cheeks, the softness when touching my body... everything is so perfect!

But such a perfect man, actually chatting with other women in front of me, is really deceiving!

Shinomiya Kaguya decided not to initiate a conversation, Nishino asked her before answering.

Just like that, after Ai Hayasaka gave up helping Miss Kaguya during this time, the group of three came to an ordinary residence smoothly.

Shinomiya Kaguya became even more angry. She pulled the seat belt on her body fiercely. If it weren't for this thing, when Xiao Ai stepped on the brakes twice, she would definitely bump into the front seat. By then, Nishino would definitely greet her .

"Okay, don't be angry. After Miss Hayasaka realized her mistake, she has already made up for it, and the driving is very stable." Nishino Mu said.

"It doesn't matter if she drives steadily or not."

Shinomiya Kaguya pulled the seat belt helplessly, but she didn't pull it off. She paused and had an idea in an instant.

"At that time, Shinomiya Yunying will pass by this intersection. The car we arranged is already in place. It will not be difficult to disguise it as a car accident." Ai Hayasaka reported the situation to Miss Kaguya on her own. As for what Nishino Mu said just now, she completely ignored.

"Pretending to be a car accident? Isn't there any other high-level assassination method?" Nishino Mu asked.

Hayasaka Ai didn't answer.

Nishino Mu looked at Shinomiya Kaguya, and jokingly said: "Your servant doesn't seem to be very obedient, can you borrow me to teach you?"

"Ah... yes."

Shinomiya Kaguya still pretended that she couldn't take off the seat belt, and imagined in her mind the scene of getting closer to him when Mu Nishino helped him to take off the seat belt, without knowing what she said.

Hayasaka Ai was stupefied, could this young lady still want it?It's a little too outrageous for the selling subordinates to sell.

Nishino Mu hadn't noticed the abnormality in the atmosphere yet.

"Miss Hayasaka, don't deny it. Your eldest lady handed you over to me. Come back to my house and I will teach you how to be a good maid."


"What me! This is something your eldest lady agrees to."

Ai Hayasaka looked at Kaguya Shinomiya who had finally come to her senses, and asked with a headache, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I, I, this... this seat belt can't be pulled off." Shinomiya Kaguya's voice was weak.

"Let me see." Nishino Mu leaned towards Shinomiya Kaguya, and helped to pull the seat belt, and the seat belt slipped easily.

Feeling Nishino Mu's clothes rubbing against her delicate cheeks, Shinomiya Kaguya took a deep breath and became dizzy.

Ai Hayasaka snorted coldly, and said in a strange way: "Miss Kaguya, I'm afraid it's been too long since you've been away from someone, so you must be greedy. You weren't so nympho before."

"What did you say?!" Miss Huiye touched her face with her right hand and regained her composure.

Hayasaka Ai said loudly: "I said, you just handed me over to Nishino for training."

You can go back on what you promised, but to save some face in front of Nishino Mu, Shinomiya Kaguya said secretly: "Although it is a training, you are my man after all, and Nishino will not hit you hard. right?"

The last two words were addressed to Xi Yemu, and Xi Yemu responded, he patted his chest proudly: "Of course, I am a gentleman."

Shinomiya Kaguya said happily: "You just need to understand, and don't let my friend lose anything, she is a woman, you are a man, you know what to do and what not to do, right?"

"Understood!" Nishino Mu didn't intend to do anything evil to Ai Hayasaka, so naturally he made a guarantee on the spot.

"In that case, when this matter is over, Xiao Ai, you should go to Xi Ye's house for three days."

"Yes, Miss."

Shinomiya Kaguya opened the car door with his left hand, touched his face with his right hand, turned his head and emphasized to Nishino Mu: "Xiao Ai and I are called masters and servants, but we are actually sisters. You must not hurt her!"

"I know, let's go, don't let Sigong Yunying escape." Nishino Mu said.

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