The black-clothed bodyguard had a hideous face, covering his painful stomach with one hand, holding a gun in the other, and his eyes were full of anticipation and determination.


Gunshots sounded.

Sigong Yunying raised his head suddenly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.No one can survive a gun, no matter how fast the person is, he can never be faster than a bullet.

A bullet rushed out of the gun under the gaze of five people, and the four smiled, as if seeing a corpse.The only one who didn't laugh was Nishino Mu, who was never afraid of being the target of a bullet.

"I don't understand what you are laughing at?"

Along with these words, Nishino Mu wrapped his fingers with the mysterious energy generated in his body, and gently pinched the bullet.

Sigong Yunying's expression suddenly became very funny, it was a kind of distorted facial features that were replaced by fear, astonishment, and surprise before the smile completely disappeared.

His three bodyguards were not much better either. They were more at a loss than the last. Facing a force beyond their understanding, they were completely at a loss just like their master.

"You, you are really a superpower!?"

Sigong Yunying's body went limp all of a sudden, he collapsed on the ground, his pupils dilated, his heart trembled inexplicably, his back felt cold, his neck seemed to be pinched and he couldn't breathe.

"What do you say?"

Nishino Mu was very curious about how powerful this guy who caused Kaguya Shinomiya a headache was, but now he looked at it, and he was no different from ordinary people. Facing death, he would also be afraid of fear.

"Death to me!"

The bodyguard with the gun lost his mind and fired a second shot.

Considering that the gunshots were disturbing the people, Xi Yemu no longer hesitated. The moment he fired the second shot, the bullet in his hand flicked and shot him in the throat.

At this time, the second bullet fired by the bodyguard reached Xi Yemu, and he didn't even have time to fire the third shot.

Nishino Mu stretched out his hand unhurriedly, pointed at the bullet with his fingers, and the bullet reversed direction, hitting another bodyguard who took out the gun.

In less than a second, the two bodyguards died in succession.Everything happened too fast, in the eyes of Sigong Yunying and the last bodyguard, their companion fired a second shot, and it was not Nishino Mu who died, but him and another companion. go?

Sigong Yunying was completely sluggish, her throat moved slightly, but she couldn't make any sound.

His last bodyguard was professionally trained at least. He held back his fear and put his fingers into his arms in fear, trying to take out the pistol and give Nishino Mu another shot.

"It's not good to startle people with gunshots."

Nishino Mu sighed, picked up the stones on the ground and threw them over, and sent him away.

Witnessing the tragic death of three loyal subordinates, Sigong Yunying got up from the ground with red eyes, gritted his teeth, and shouted hysterically: "You killed them? You deserve to die!"

"Differences do not conspire with each other, I know, they may mean the same to you as Hayasaka does to Kaguya, but so what? His hero, my enemy bandit."


"What are you? Shut up!"

Nishino Mu was too lazy to listen to Shinomiya Yunying's nonsense anymore, and decided to do dirty work for Shinomiya Kaguya. He raised his leg high, kicked Sigong Yunying in the head, sent him away, and then beat Ai Hayasaka Telephone.

At this time, Shinomiya Kaguya, who had returned to Shinomiya Hon's house, was so sleepy that she simply explained a few words to Hayasaka Ai, then fell headlong on the bed and fell asleep.

Ai Hayasaka hadn't slept yet, she reported to the housekeeper about Kaguya Shinomiya, and returned to the room exhausted, reflecting on what she had done today while preparing for tomorrow's work.

After all this work was done, in order to relieve the pressure, she curled up in bed and watched the online video for a while - "Smash a bunch of slimes without emotion".

"It's almost one o'clock now, and I have to get up at five o'clock in the morning, so it was right to resign before. This day is going to collapse sooner or later!"

With this thought in mind, Ai Hayasaka finally fell into a deep sleep.

drop by drop...

A series of mobile phone rings, Hayasaka Ai stretched out her white arms from under the quilt listlessly, grabbed the phone, put it under the quilt, put it next to her ear, yawned, and said in a daze, "Hello~"

"Hayasaka, come quickly, I have business with you, next to Gaoyang Anti-drug Park."

"Oh, I see."

Ai Hayasaka hung up the phone and tried to open her eyes, but the heavy eyelids made her subconsciously close them tightly and continue to sleep.

As for the phone, what is that?

In the biting cold north wind, Nishino Mu was worried that bored and sleepless passers-by would find this place. He threw the bodies of Shinomiya Yunying and the three bodyguards into the commercial vehicle, then drove the commercial vehicle to the side of the road and parked it, and then called Call and report the itinerary to Yukinoshita Yukino.

"I had an accident on the way, and it may take a while before I can go back."

"Accident? Where are you now? Do you need me to help?"

"No, I'm almost done, and I'll be back later."

"Well, I really encountered difficulties, remember to tell me, don't insist on making things more complicated."

"Don't worry, I will."

Xi Yemu hung up the phone, glanced at his car that was still parked in the middle of the road, and was about to drive it to the side of the road, but saw blood all over the place.

"Hey! What happened to the blood on the ground? Let's wait for Hayasaka to come over and deal with it."

Nishino Mu walked around the bloodstain with a sad face, and started to drive the car to the side of the road. He huddled in the driver's seat and waited for Hayasaka Ai, but fell asleep unconsciously.

At five o'clock in the morning, Ai Hayasaka, who was awakened by the alarm clock, raised her hand to turn off the alarm clock on her mobile phone. Just as she was about to go to the bathroom to take a shower, she found that there was an extra call log on her mobile phone. Remembering what happened last night, she didn't care about taking a bath, put on her clothes in a hurry, and hurriedly Go to Gaoyang Anti-drug Park.

Chapter 299 Miss Kaguya's World

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