drop by drop...

The phone rang non-stop, Xi Yemu opened his eyes angrily, grabbed the phone, connected it, and cursed: "I'm sick! It's not dawn yet."

"Stop talking nonsense, open the door, I'm outside the car now."

It was Ai Hayasaka who called. Muhou Nishino realized that he had fallen asleep in the car. He rubbed his eyes and looked out of the car, but he didn't see the imaginary face.

Nishino Mu put down his phone and opened the car door suspiciously.

"Come out of the car." Ai Hayasaka's voice came from the phone.

Xi Yemu figured it out, got out of the car, and said jokingly: "Don't be afraid, come here quickly, I was not coerced by Sigong Yunying."

A few seconds later, Ai Hayasaka rushed over from the snow beside her and sat on the passenger seat panting.She drove here and saw Sigong Yunying and Xi Yemu's cars parked together, she was so frightened that she watched for a long time.

Nishino Mu returned to the driver's seat and closed the car door.

"What's the matter with you?" Nishino Mu saw that it was past five o'clock, "I called you a long time ago."

Hayasaka Ai didn't see an ambush in the car, put the gun away, and complained: "Sorry to say, the time you called me was not much better. It was after 12 o'clock in the morning, how could I get up."

"Okay, it's almost okay now, it's not too late, you saw it when you came, the car behind, and the blood on the road."

"I saw the car, it belongs to Shinomiya Yunying. As for the blood stains, are you stupid? Didn't you see any stagnant water when you got out of the car just now? It rained in the middle of the night, and now there are no blood stains," Ai Hayasaka frowned, complaining: " I thought you were caught by Sigong Yunying, and you were almost scared to death."

"Then why did I say you came here without being coerced?"

"Otherwise? If you don't believe me, who do you believe?"

Ah, what a lovely speech.

"Sigong Yunying died last night, and the body is in the car." Xi Yemu said that he was a little conscious of the rain last night, and the roof of the car was crackling, but he slept too deeply to respond.

As for getting out of the car just now, he really didn't pay attention to the stagnant water on the ground.

"What did you say?" Hayasaka Ai was startled, and turned to look at the commercial vehicle behind her.

"I said, Sigong Yunying and his three bodyguards all died in the car."

Hayasaka loosened his collar and lowered his voice: "What did you do?"

Nishino Mu nodded: "Almost, what should we do now? They might have my fingerprints on them, but there shouldn't be many. I tried not to touch them."

"Well... I have a solution. I drove the business car away. Where's the key? Give me the key."

Mu Nishino gave her the key, and Ai Hayasaka took the key and planned to get out of the car.

Nishino Mu grabbed her and pointed to her chest: "The opening is a bit big, did you come out in a hurry and didn't wear underwear."

Hayasaka slapped him lovingly, Nishino Mu leaned back and dodged easily.


Ai Hayasaka cursed, fastened her tie, got out of the car and drove the commercial vehicle away.

"Isn't this because you are afraid that others will take advantage of you?" Xi Yemu muttered and drove away.

During the day, Nishino Mu spent almost all his time catching up on sleep, sleeping until noon.

While he was sleeping, a big event happened in the Shinomiya family.

Patriarch Shinomiya met Kaguya Shinomiya in the study with an ugly face.

"The third child is dead, what did you do?"

"It's not me. I didn't move any of my staff last night. If you don't believe me, you can investigate."

The study fell silent.After a while, the Patriarch of the Fourth Palace said again: "It doesn't matter if you are or not, the problem is very serious. The child Yunying was killed. I want you to find the murderer."

"Why me?"

"You still dare to talk back! You are the most suspected, the first scene that Hayasaka discovered first."

"Hayasaka? Isn't she yours? Don't think I don't know, you put Hayasaka by my side to supervise me." Shinomiya Kaguya sneered, and continued: "I still think you are the most suspicious, don't you The third brother was killed by you, and then put the blame on me."

"What nonsense are you talking about, kid?"

"I'm not talking nonsense. You never wanted to give me the Sigong consortium to a woman. It's normal to blame me for the death of the third brother. By the way, although the third brother was not killed by me, the eldest brother and the second brother are all me." Let people kill."

"What did you say?!"

Patriarch Sigong flew into a rage, slapped the table angrily, and stood up abruptly.

Shinomiya Kaguya leaned back on the chair gracefully, and said flatly: "After learning that the third brother was killed, I knew that you must doubt me, and I couldn't clear up my grievances, so I ordered my subordinates The people who killed the elder brother and the second elder brother."

"Hmph! I want to see if you can kill them." Patriarch Sigong calmed down, sat back behind the desk, and said calmly, "Almost all of your subordinates were arranged by Hayasaka, and Hayasaka was placed by my side. So I know all your plans, and I have prepared some countermeasures, if you can't kill them, you will definitely not be the next successor of the Sigong consortium."

Shinomiya Kaguya smiled: "Father, I know Hayasaka's true identity, the person I arranged must have kept it from her."

Patriarch Sigong's face sank like water, staring at his daughter without saying a word.Time passed by, and finally, the butler hurried over with a piece of news to report.

"Eldest Young Master, and Second Young Master, suddenly encountered an accident this morning."

With just a few words, Patriarch Sigong used both hands and grasped the handrail tightly.

Shinomiya Kaguya raised her head high, stood up and said, "If it's okay, I'll go back."

"Wait!" Patriarch Sigong closed his eyes and said, "Get ready, I will announce to the public that you are the next successor of the Sigong consortium."

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