
Shinomiya Kaguya was very indifferent.

"Also, you are my only immediate family member now, safety is the top priority, but if you die, I can still give up the position of the leader of the Sigong consortium to the eldest or second child's child, why don't you Kill all their offspring."

Sigong Huiye asked back: "Big brother's descendants are not strong enough. If the Sigong consortium is in charge, the Sigong consortium is doomed to decline. Will father allow the Sigong consortium to decline?"

"Of course not," Patriarch Sigong coughed twice, waved his hand feebly, and ordered to the housekeeper, "Watch the boss's children, and when Kaguya has children, kill them all."

Shinomiya Kaguya was slightly taken aback, and looked at his father strangely.

"You are more courageous than your three elder brothers. I actually want you to be the heir of the Sigong consortium. Unfortunately, you are a woman. If you were a man, I would have decided to make you the heir. In that case , maybe it won’t cause so many tragedies.” Patriarch Sigong stood behind the desk, “But I’ve noticed what you’ve done, and I’ve made a decision a long time ago. If you really kill the boss and the others, So what if I let you be the heir."

"Well, I have something else to do, let's go."

Shinomiya Kaguya turned and walked towards her room with neither brisk nor heavy steps.

After she left, Ai Hayasaka walked from the outside to the study and bowed respectfully to Patriarch Shinomiya.


Patriarch Sigong clapped his hands vigorously: "You did a good job, but I'm curious, how did you find the body of the third child?"

"I received a call from a friend, went to find him, and ran into him on the road."

"Is your friend called Nishino Mu? I remember that he is also Kaguya's friend."

Ai Hayasaka said calmly, "It's not wrong, but Nishino is just an ordinary person, it is absolutely impossible to kill the third young master."

"It doesn't matter what you said, go find Kaguya, you will be fully responsible for her in the future."


"Hayasaka, you have to understand the feelings of the old man who lost his child. I don't have a few years to live. I can't do anything to Kaguya. At least I want to take revenge on the person who killed the third child."

Patriarch Shinomiya stepped out of the desk, and Hayasaka Ai found that his face was covered with age spots.

This influential figure who once ran across the island country and led the Sigong consortium to become stronger is still old after all.

Chapter 300 Brother, click for help

Under the sky, the wind blew past, and the pedestrians on the road wrapped their coats tightly and hurried to their destinations.

Nishino Mu left the gentle Gensokyo and came to the company to preside over the meeting.

The theme of the meeting is "click", the so-called "click" is an advertising marketing method proposed by Nishino Mu referring to the development and growth of well-known companies in the past life, combined with the operating conditions and social status of some companies in the island country.

The specific content is that after browsing the webpage of the Wenyuan Novel app for a certain period of time, you can send a red envelope generated by the system to your relatives and friends for collection. Here, the initiator of the red envelope will first get [-] yen, and then he can also receive the money in the red envelope. Money, according to the data, there are at least one hundred yen in a red envelope, and a maximum of one thousand yen. That is to say, in theory, if you are lucky, the initiator of the red envelope can collect a few red envelopes to make up [-] yen.

As for why the number of [-] yen has to be mentioned, it is because the red envelope initiator can only withdraw cash when the money reaches [-] yen. As for the non-red envelope initiator, their red envelope amount can reach [-] yen.

In addition, the [click] mode includes but is not limited to group purchase discounts when purchasing members, group purchase price reductions when buying physical books, etc.

The most practical point is that Nishino Mu asked the technicians to make the membership and physical book purchase pages into orders. That is to say, when you click on the purchase page, an unpaid order will be automatically generated in the background. If you exit, the order still exists , it just shows that it is not paid, and it will disappear after a period of time. Before disappearing, the user will be reminded to pay, which hints the user to recharge to the greatest extent, saving the user's thinking cost and time cost.

The entire [click] theory starts from the level of user needs, and revolves around the three key marketing dimensions of "promotional stimulation, social fission, and gamification design", and jointly plays a combination of exposure, new attraction, and retention.

However, whether it is feasible or not will require a meeting to be discussed.

That is the reason for this meeting.

Nishino Mu sat in the main seat of the meeting room, his eyes swept away, and all the senior executives of the company who participated in the meeting showed sincere smiles, Yukinoshita Yukino was an exception.

Kazuki Shiraishi was the first to speak. Standing in front of the big screen, he pointed to the PPT and said, "Under the instructions of the president, I investigated the relevant market conditions. According to the analysis of big data, the [click] model has the power to fight. .”

A senior executive echoed: "I contacted mainstream media and advertising companies, and signed relevant contracts with them. As long as we start the [click] model here, they will help us promote it according to the contract."

Another executive said: "I have carefully studied the current social situation and found that most people are unwilling to do this kind of troublesome thing to others. It is really hard to say whether the [click] model will work."


All the senior executives of the company reported their work one by one.Nishino Mu sat in the main seat of the conference room, crossed his hands, and listened carefully to everyone's speeches.

"Okay, I almost know everyone's work situation." After all the executives finished their speeches, Nishino Mu said: "I have a general understanding of whether the [Pin Yipin] model is feasible, and the designer will study it carefully. , strive to reduce unnecessary activities, let the public have fun, and strive to meet the internal needs of users."

"Yes, President."

"The meeting is adjourned, Yukinoshita will stay behind."

A group of people left one after another, and Mu Nishino and Yukinoshita Yukino were soon left in the conference room.

"I personally don't understand the [click] sales model," Yukinoshita Yukino said seriously, "If you ask others to click for you in exchange for some funds, most people won't care, especially yours." The operation is very shameful, when the last [-] yen is left, the backstage designer can only receive [-] yen when receiving the red envelope, which is a bit too much."

Xi Yemu put his hands on the back of his head, leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and explained: "I read the relevant information carefully, and the registered users of the Wenyuan Novel website are mainly teenagers, which means that the main group of our activities is teenagers. You know, most teenagers themselves don’t have much money to read light novels, but their classmates read more, which makes it possible for the [click] model to develop. You know, the poor in this world account for the majority, not everyone I don't care about [-] yen like you. Besides, whether it's [-] yen or [-] yen, it's already a lot, and even ordinary office workers will be tempted."

"You have seen this point very clearly, and I can almost understand it. However, when the last [-] yen is left, you manipulated it manually so that everyone can only receive one yen every time they click on the red envelope. How can this be explained? It involves deception user!"

"It's not deceiving users!" Nishino Mu retorted: "I spent up to [-] billion yen for marketing this time, and the related advertising news will definitely be overwhelming. The number of red envelopes can be imagined by then, and it's just [-] clicks. , it will be done soon. The key is that, except for the last one hundred yen, other amounts can be collected without spending much time."

"You are still playing a rogue, leaving the last [-] yen to lure users to become members, forward red envelopes, and attract new users."

Yes, according to Nishinomu's plan, you can directly receive a certain amount of red envelopes by opening a membership, attracting new users, or buying books, and there is a higher probability of directly withdrawing cash.

"No way, after spending so much money, at least we need to restore the conversion rate of advertising and marketing. If the data is too ugly, it would be embarrassing." Nishino Mu said.

Yukinoshita Yukino pondered for a while, and asked: "I remember that a red envelope can be received by at most ten people."


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