"That is to say, if a person distributes red envelopes, through a series of tasks, he can easily raise enough [-] yen, and then he needs to click on [-] red envelopes to receive the money, but these [-] red envelopes require [-] people to send (The same red envelope can only be ordered once by the same person), that is to say, out of [-] people who send red envelopes, only ten people can get [-] yen, and the rest are all helping us promote it for nothing?"

"That's right! This is called relying on the power of the masses to do great things," Xi Yemu said proudly, "How about it? My plan is not bad."

"I think you're lying!"

"Uh, I'm not lying! One tenth of the probability, the cost is very high. Take [-] yen as an example, [-] people raise [-] million! If there is not enough money, I will never play like this. It's purely a waste of money."

"Based on my personal experience, it is very difficult to click on a hundred red envelopes."

"No way, you are so beautiful, can't you even order a hundred red envelopes... Huh? That's right," Xi Yemu patted his forehead and came to his senses: "It should be difficult for ordinary people to click on a hundred red envelopes, my friend Not so much, otherwise, we will give some compensation, and when the event is over, depending on the situation, we will give participants some monetary rewards."


Chapter 301 Rizu Can't Read People's Faces

Combining all kinds of knowledge, after coming up with the [click] marketing model, even if it is not successful, at least the momentum is majestic. Nishino Mu personally feels quite satisfied, and he looked at Yukinoshita Yukino with proud eyes.

Take a look, my personal strength is still very strong, and the top-level business strategic vision of human beings will never be lonely.

Seeing the changes in Nishino Mu, Yukinoshita sighed and warned: "Emphasis on marketing and not product development, even for Internet companies, is also a taboo."

"Wait, wait a minute!" Even with the top business strategic vision among human beings, without systematic study, it is inevitable that there will be limitations in thinking about things. Think about it, the Apple myth-maker in the previous life also sometimes made mistakes in thinking about problems , Nishino Mu immediately lost his pride, and asked modestly: "Is there something wrong?"

"It's very serious. You spent all your money on marketing, completely ignoring our main business - the Wenyuan Novel app. According to my understanding and experience these days, the homepage of the Wenyuan Novel app is fairly simple. After the latest version update , is mainly divided into novel area, video area, song and dance area and recommendation, which seems to be good. However, except for the novel area, there are more novels, and the content of video area and song and dance area is too small to retain users. Oh, yes, we There is also a problem with the online platform that sells physical books, almost all the places where books are sold are near Wenyuan Bookstore, and if it is a little further away, the courier fee will be very expensive.”

To be honest, Nishino Mu didn't think about these problems at all.

Yukinoshita Yukino is like the most popular good woman and wife nowadays. She can give a man a head-on blow when he is successful in his career and is proud and complacent, and can handle the housework alone when a man is tired. The heroine of "Youth Love Story Really Has a Problem".

Nishino Mu was well aware of his own flaws, he didn't make impulsive excuses, but thought about whether there was a solution.

Right now, the [click] mode has not been officially launched. It is expected to officially start at the end of January, and there is still time to stop it. However, if we do that, it is likely to disappoint Yukinoshita Yukino, because it has not been completed and spent [-] billion yen within a month. task.

Yukinoshita Yukino, the heroine of the anime in her previous life, is she going to admit defeat in front of her?

Nishino Mu pulled out the chair and sat down as if nothing had happened, pursed his lips, and said seriously: "I already know what you are thinking about, and the [click] mode will not be postponed."

Yukinoshita hesitated for a very rare moment, and met Nishino Mu's eyes.

"Are you sure?"


"Don't get angry."

"No impulsiveness."

"Do you really know the seriousness of the matter?"


"Tell me."

“The [click] marketing model will definitely attract a large number of users for the Wenyuan Novel app. The key to the problem is how to retain the attracted users. With what we have now, we may not be able to retain many people. This will A new problem arises, that is, the participants subconsciously think that the Wenyuan Novel app is junk software, and have a bad first impression of it, which will make the future development of the Wenyuan Novel app more difficult.”

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't look at Nishino Mu at all, and plucked the bangs that fell to her forehead.

"You're absolutely right. Since you know you've failed and you still have to do it, then go ahead and do it. I fully support you."

"Thank you, it's really... Hey! What did you just say?!"

"I don't want to say the same thing a second time. If you hear it, you hear it. If you don't hear it, you don't hear it. It's getting late. Clean up and get off work soon."

Yukinoshita Yukino cast a cold gaze at Nishino Mu, and left the conference room without delay.

"... She is such a smart woman. She sees that I have no way to solve the problems encountered by the company for the time being."

Mu Nishino looked up at the ceiling, not intending to leave work at all, trying hard to think about how to solve Yukinoshita Yukino's question.

The hour hand moved, Nishino Mu's eyelids twitched, and he looked across the large rectangular table in the conference room, where Yukinoshita Yukino raised his hand to turn on the light, "It's dark, why don't you turn on the light, it's not good for your eyes."

"Sorry, I was thinking about something, I didn't notice that it's so late, the company is going to get off work?"

"It's been more than half an hour since get off work. I thought you had gone back early. I didn't expect you to hide in the conference room and use your brain." Yukinoshita Yukino pulled out a chair and sat opposite Nishino Mu.

Just as Nishino Mu was about to speak, another woman, Ogata Ritzu, walked into the conference room.

"Nishino, you haven't gone back yet. It's not good to be so hungry. She asked where you were in the group." Ogata Ritzu said happily.

"Well, tell her that I'm at the company and I'll be back later. If you're hungry, you can eat Baumkuchen first." Nishino Mu said.

"Okay." Ogata Rizu stood next to Yukinoshita Yukino, took out her mobile phone and typed.

Nishino Mu looked at Yukinoshita Yukino: "What's the matter with you and Rizu? It's so late and you haven't got off work yet."

"I have unfinished work." Yukinoshita Yukino didn't want to talk about this topic. The company is not alone in thinking of a solution, and she is also working hard in her own way.

"It's better not to work overtime too often, it's not good for your health."

Having said that, Nishino Mu narrowed his eyes for a moment. He has [Wuliang Yumen], and he is not afraid that people around him will get sick. As long as it is not a real death, any disease can be cured. Last time, Yukinoshita Yukino was treated, and there was no accident. If so, there is no problem with her health for the time being.

"Okay, Mashiro's original words: I will try my best to finish eating the baumkuchen." Ogata Rizu said.

"This is really white." Nishino Mu shook his head helplessly.

After sending the message, Ogata Rizu sat next to Yukinoshita Yukino, and asked with concern: "What's wrong with Nishino? He looks very distressed."

"The company encountered a small problem, thinking about how to keep users, and bought too few popular videos." Nishino Mu didn't mean to hide it from Ogata Rizu, she was half of her own.

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