Ogata Ritzu said: "Should we take advantage of this time to acquire the copyrights of some videos and songs? I have some savings. If I lack money, I can give it to Nishino."

Xi Yemu sniffed and rubbed his eyes emotionally: "No need, it's not that far, the company is not short of money."

"Lizhu, I have already asked people to do the method you want. I bought almost all the copyrights that can be purchased, and the harvest is very small. The copyrights of popular dramas and best-selling songs can't be bought even if you have money." Xue Nai said.

"This..." Ogata Rizu decided to rethink.

Nishino Mu interrupted her and Xue Nai's thoughts: "Lizhu, why haven't you returned so late? The company has been off work for a long time."

"Oh, I see you haven't left the company, so I'm waiting for you at the door."

"What?" Nishino Mu was taken aback.

Ogata Ritzu blushed, and desperately waved her hands to explain her behavior: "I, I think, at least to see you... oh, no, I'm not peeping, just to take a look, ah... no, I'm worried about you, worried about you Why didn't you go back so late, and I was afraid of disturbing you, so I didn't look for you and waited at the door."

Nishino Mu said softly, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, I haven't been of much help." Ogata Rizu felt a little disappointed, "Maybe I'm a woman who is only suitable for watching TV."

Nishino Mu tapped his forehead with his finger, and said pleasantly: "Yes, video, I thought of it, it's a video, a short video! This is a carnival for the whole people!"

For some reason, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Ogata Ritzu, her eyes became super cold.

"Find a designer to make the simplest short video window, and slowly optimize it in the later stage. It's completely in time. Except for the most advanced algorithm, the technical content is not high." Nishino Mu looked excited.

Chapter 302 My Boyfriend Is Too

Ogata Ritzu didn't know what the short video was, but seeing Mu Nishino happy, she was also happy from the bottom of her heart.

"Is the short video a short video?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked.

"Almost, when I get people to make it, you can try to be the first batch of users and set a benchmark." Nishino Mu said: "When the short video is officially launched on the market, you will immediately know how attractive it is, I believe For me, short videos are no less popular than anime, music, etc.”

"I hope so, you've said a lot of big things," Yukinoshita Yukino said, "It's getting late, let's go, go home from get off work, or it won't be good for Mashiro to eat up all the Baumkuchen."

Ogata Rizu opened her mouth, but didn't say the extremely selfish words of staying a little longer.


Before Nishino Mu, there was no concept of short videos in this world. Most young people in island countries were addicted to sports, making friends, light novels, anime or games.

This instead means that short videos have a bright future. In a sense, it is a new entertainment model, similar to games and animation.

Maybe some people like games and don't like anime, but there are quite a few people who like anime, which is enough to bring a lot of profits to the company.

With good expectations for the future, in the next few days, Nishino Mu called the most capable computer experts in the company to work hard, and finally made a short video shooting window.

He brought Yukinoshita Yukino and Ogata Rizu to the office area to test the results.

The person in charge nervously handed over a mobile phone, Xi Yemu casually pulled a chair and sat down, opened the unpublished Wenyuan novel app on the mobile phone, clicked on the shooting pattern in the lower right corner, and aimed at the two women in front of him.

There is no doubt that the people in the camera window are Yukino Yukinoshita, the flower of the company, and Rizu Ogata, the thumb girl.

Their appearance is high enough, even if the camera beautification is slightly insufficient, it doesn't matter.

Yukinoshita Yukino is wearing a white turtleneck sweater on her upper body and black trousers on her lower body. The simple black and white collocation looks particularly capable.

Ogata Rizu wears a candy-colored pullover sweater with a gray woolen skirt. This is a matching method that not only looks thinner but also shows off her figure.Under the group hem are black leggings to keep out the cold, and the high heels match the already created three to seven points figure, which looks a little taller than usual.

Compared to Yukinoshita Yukino, Ogata Ritzu's attire was more eye-catching, Nishino Mu took a few more glances at her.

"What are you doing?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked dissatisfied: "Do you want to shoot?"

"Yes, yes." There are not many opportunities to shoot videos for Yukinoshita Yukino, Nishino Mu hurriedly said with a shy face: "Can you dance? Hug together and dance."

"I, I won't." Ogata Rizu looked at Nishino Mu with tears in his eyes.

Xi Yemu comforted her distressedly: "Oh, it's okay, it's okay, you don't have to dance."

"I will." Yukinoshita Yukino is an almighty goddess who can dance.

"But Lizhu can't, let's change the game," Nishino Mu said: "You two play a joke, so, wait for you..."

"Is this really possible?"


Ogata Rizu fell into silence, lowering her head expressionlessly.

It may be seen that Ogata Rizu is in a bad mood, Yukinoshita Yukino intends to help, she said: "I can't do exactly what you said."

"Okay, you can discuss it." Nishino Mu also thought that the two girls should be given some room to play.

Yukinoshita Yukino and Ogata Ritzu got together to discuss for a few minutes, nodded in unison, and returned to Nishino Mu in satisfaction.

"We have discussed it." Yukinoshita Yukino said, "I will change a few words."

"It's absolutely fine, can you take a picture?" Nishino Mu raised his phone and asked.

"Yeah." Ogata Rizu took a peek at Nishino Mu, and nodded shyly.

Before the official start, Nishino Mu took a trial shot and found that the optimization and music were barely the same.The main reason is that the time is short, there is not so much time for optimization, and ensuring that there are no bugs is a victory.

In fact, with Nishino Mu, the world's top hacker, Wenyuan Publishing House's network has always been stable.

The reason is very simple, Nishino Mu will try to crack his own firewall, and after cracking, he will let technicians repair it to prevent hackers from using the same method to crack it. After going back and forth, Wenyuan's network security is guaranteed to the greatest extent.


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