Rizu Ogata's hair was tied into a high ponytail, she took off her short white down jacket and hung it on a hook behind the door, perhaps for hanging clothes, the kitchen door was closed.

In short, Ogata Rizu is now wearing a heart-shaped open-chest sweater, a short skirt, and black pantyhose. She is standing in front of the refrigerator with her head tilted, trying to look up on tiptoe.

The cuteness reveals the cute temperament.

Indeed, the top shelf of the refrigerator was too high for Ogata Rizu, and Mu Nishino turned off the fire and walked towards her, intending to help.

"Rizu, I..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Rizu Ogata, who was concentrating on what was in the refrigerator, seemed to be startled by his sudden words, subconsciously took two steps back, and ended up throwing her left foot over her right foot, knocking her head on the door.


Nishino Mu was slightly taken aback, and hurriedly rushed over to pull her up.

"It's alright..."

Before finishing another sentence, the kitchen door was roughly pushed open from the outside. At this time, Nishino Mu was about to bend down to pull Xufang Lizhu, but he did not expect that the door would be pushed open forcefully. Of course, He was slammed on the shoulder by the door, and the force on his feet was uneven, and he fell on Ogata Rizu who hadn't got up with a "bang".

"Nishino." Ogata Rizu covered her head, looked at Nishino Mu who was lying on her body, and asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Nishino Mu's nose touched the opening of Ogata Rizu's open-breasted sweater, his eyes were wide open, and he paused for two or three seconds before getting up.

Just two or three seconds later, Wu Geng Liuli, who pushed the door, was in a hurry. Seeing that she couldn't open the door, she heard the exclamation of the two people in the kitchen. Thinking of the sound of something she bumped into just now, she immediately knew that something was wrong, and she hurriedly walked away worriedly. His head stuck out through the crack of the door.

However, when Wugeng Liuli saw Mu Nishino lying on Ogata Rizu's body, her nose still "sniffing wildly" at the heart-shaped opening of her open-breasted sweater, she was furious and teary.

"Nishino, I hate you!" Wu Geng Liuli stomped her feet, turned around and ran away in tears.

"Oh, no." Nishino Mu got up from Ogata Ritzu, rubbed the tip of his nose that still seemed to be lingering with fragrance, and under the curious eyes of Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Fumino Furuhashi, he pulled up Ogata Ritzu, and closed the kitchen door completely. Open.

"You wouldn't play with Rizu in the kitchen, would you?" Fumino Furuhashi pointed to Rizu Ogata, who had flushed cheeks, and warned amusedly, "It's all fun, don't let her get pregnant."

"No, I didn't play with her, let alone pregnant, it was a misunderstanding." Nishino Mu tried to explain.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu crossed her arms and shook her right foot rhythmically.

"Worthy of Mr. Wood, he already has the characteristics of wood, and he can lie without changing his face."

"No, you didn't see it, why do you think I did something bad." Xi Yemu complained.

Chapter 316

"Since ancient times, heroes have been sad about the beauty pass. I can almost immediately guess why the black cat is so angry without looking at it," said Fumino Guqiao.

Nishino Mu smiled wryly: "This is a misunderstanding, Rizu fell down, I went to help her, who knew that you pushed the door from the outside with such force, my center of gravity was unsteady, and of course I would fall on her when I was slapped by the door. "

Ogata Ritzu agreed: "That's right, Nishino didn't lie."

"Rizu, don't talk yet," Kasumigaoka Shiyu narrowed his eyes, "Nishino, you and Lizu, a lonely man and a widow, are in the same room. Why do you close the kitchen door? Didn't the school tell you when you were in school? Do widows have to keep doors and windows wide open when they are in the same room?"

"I..." Nishino Mu glanced at the anxious Ogata Rizu, held his breath, and said uncertainly: "It should be Rizu who hung his coat behind the door and closed the door accidentally."

"Rizu, did Nishino lie?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu Asao Fang Lizhu blinked her eyes, and lowered her head to play with her mobile phone. If Nishino Mu could see her mobile phone screen, she would definitely be able to tell that the mobile phone recording was turned on.

Ogata Rizu guessed that Kasumigaoka Shiwa winked at her, was she telling her to lie and frame Nishino?Why do such a thing?

Obviously everyone likes Nishino.

Troubled, tangled, wandering in the sea of ​​bitterness.

Shipwrecks, dry reefs, struggling in the deep sea.

Dark, lonely, tormented in the mind.

A lie was stuck in his throat, and he was struggling to say it, but his mouth was silent and he couldn't utter it. That feeling was worse than grievance.

Can't tell a lie!Is it necessary to lie?Ogata Ritzu looked at Fumino Furuhashi for help, Fumino Furuhashi patted the back of Ogata Ritzu's hand, and said softly again: "It doesn't matter, don't care what other people think, just tell the truth."

"Well, yes, I closed the door."

Finally, Ogata Rizu looked at Kasumigaoka Shiwa, and closed her eyes apologetically.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu showed a disappointed expression.

If there is ironclad evidence that Nishino is a scumbag, weed out the black cat who is still angry, steady!It's a pity that Ogata Rizu didn't cooperate.

After proving his innocence, Nishino Mu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that beauty would harm others and himself, and said in his mouth: "Since the truth is revealed, please help me comfort the black cat. She shouldn't listen to me now. go down."

"It's not impossible." Fumino Furuhashi didn't care that much, the worst thing didn't happen, Nishino and Rizu were obviously cooking, I saw her walk into the kitchen, and unceremoniously picked up a tamagoyaki and ate it .

Only then did Nishino Mu notice that Qingshan Qihai was not there, and asked, "Where is Qihai?"

Guqiao Wennai ate another tamagoyaki, his mouth was so full that he couldn't speak.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu leaned her back against the kitchen door, and said, "Qihai is in the toilet, and she is about to come out."

Said that Cao Cao arrived, Qingshan Qihai came out of the toilet, looked at the few people blocking the door of the kitchen, and said uncertainly: "Did something happen? The black cat got angry and left?"

Nishino Mu explained again: "There was an accident. The black cat thought that Lizhu and I were doing something casual in the kitchen behind closed doors, so we ran away crying."

"Well, don't worry, if it's really a misunderstanding, it's nothing serious, just make it clear."

That being said, in reality, many couples break up because of misunderstandings.Qingshan Qihai looked at Guqiao Fumino suspiciously, if she hadn't noticed something was wrong and went to the toilet to hide for a while, would she be the one who ran away in anger?

Notice Qingshan Qihai's eyes, is it because of her dissatisfaction caused by eating indiscriminately?Guqiao Fumino swallowed the Tamagoyaki in his mouth, and smiled awkwardly.

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