What is the meaning of this smile?


Qingshan Qihai looked dignified, the original target turned out to be herself, and Wugeng Liuli must have been accidentally injured.

"Let me tell you, why did you suddenly go to the toilet just now? Are you feeling unwell?" Xiazhiqiu Shiyu asked.


Qingshan Qihai used this rhetoric.However, the real situation was that she felt that Fumino Furuhashi and Shiyu Kasumigaoka lowered their heads to play with their mobile phones at the same time as if they had reached a tacit agreement, and she felt a little uneasy, for fear that they were planning something.

So Fumino Furuhashi suggested that "Nishino hasn't come out yet, why don't you go and have a look?" I peeked at the two of them a few times, noticed that they were making frequent eye contact, and felt even more uneasy, so I immediately decided to hide in the toilet. As a result, this round was perfectly avoided, and the person who was injured in the end became Wugeng Liuli.

Uh, how should I put it, if Aoyama Nanami's brain holes were known to Fumino Furuhashi, she would definitely laugh so hard that she would cover her stomach and roll all over the floor.

Because the fact is that Fumino Furuhashi taught Ogata Rizu in advance that no matter what small accident happened to Gensokyo this time, there must be some "coincidence" with Mu Nishino, so as to increase the relationship between the two.Considering that Wugeng Liuli might be jealous, the plan was carried out without telling her.

After coming to Gensokyo and seeing Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Aoyama Nanami, Fumino Furuhashi knew that during this trip to Gensokyo, Ogata Ritzu was unlikely to have any substantial progress with Nishino, so he felt a little better for some reason, so he lay down lazily. Playing on the phone on the couch.

Coincidentally, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who was opposite, was also playing with her mobile phone for some reason.

Out of curiosity, Guqiao Fumina looked up at her a few times.

Then, Fumino Guqiao became anxious.

Sitting in the living room, waiting left and right, but Nishino and Rizu who were making tea did not come out. The two of them would not have sex in the kitchen, would they?

It never occurred to him that Nishino, who usually has such a strong concentration, would fall into captivity after being seduced by Rizu at will, what a paper tiger.

The more Fumino Furuhashi thought about it, the more she wanted Rizu to have a relationship with Nishino, but she didn't want to, because she liked Nishino.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is by no means a fool, she realized something, and glared at Fumino Guqiao a few times.

Fumino Furuhashi was helpless, knowing that Shiyu was becoming suspicious, maybe he would propose to go to the kitchen to see the situation later, if Rizu and Nishino were caught doing some unsightly things in the kitchen, who knew how big things would be.

The time was short, the faster they caught the man and woman in the kitchen, the more clothes they had left on their bodies, Fumino Guqiao made up his mind, first proposed to go to the kitchen to have a look, and then tried to make some noise.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, Qingshan Qihai interrupted her, saying that she was going to the bathroom.

The girls are up to her, she doesn't force it, anyway, it is enough for the couple in charge of the kitchen to have them.

Guqiao Fumino wanted to speak loudly again, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stepped forward and grabbed her arm, covered her mouth, and said to Wu Geng Liuli with a smile: "Black cat, go and have a look first."

Not far from the living room to the kitchen, Wugeng Liuli was startled when she saw the strange behavior of the girls around her. She had a bad idea, and without giving Guqiao Fumino a chance to make a fuss, she ran over angrily and pushed her. kitchen door...

Chapter 317 Couples

The artificiality of youth always wants to be covered up with mature stories, but there is no emotion that can move young men and women more than love.

After explaining the matter clearly, and asking Fumino Guqiao, Rizu Ogata, Shiyu Kasumigaoka, and Nanami Qingshan to help comfort Wugeng Liuli, Mu Nishino was still fidgeting.

The group of them did not gather in the kitchen, but came to the dining table with prepared Tamagoyaki and other dishes.

Fumina Guqiao kowtowed the melon seeds and glanced at Mu Nishino: "Are you concerned about the black cat?"

"I'm a little bit worried." Nishino Mu smiled wryly. It was mainly because of the trouble he caused, and it was impossible not to worry.

"I can't blame you at that time. If the black cat had pushed the door lightly, or if Rizu hadn't fallen, nothing would have happened." Kasumigaoka Shiu rested her cheek in one hand, held the phone in the other, and continued, "I contacted the black cat. Cat, she didn't answer my call or text me."

"I'm sorry!" Ogata Rizu didn't know what to say, and bent down to apologize to Nishino Mu.

"You don't need to apologize to me, you didn't fall down on purpose." Xi Yemu helped her up.

"I, I..." Ogata Rizu's eyes were filled with tears. She did not fall down on purpose, but she always did it on purpose when she didn't get up so quickly. There was no way. When Nishino Mu lay on top of her, her legs were Soft.

"Okay, don't cry, I don't blame you, be happy." Nishino Mu pulled Ogata Rizu's face, and put her expression into a smiling face with pear blossoms and rain.

"Nishino." Guqiao Fuminao poked the tamagoyaki in his hand, and said, "If I guessed correctly, Wugeng Liuli went home, why don't you take the initiative to find her and explain the matter clearly."

"But she may not be willing to see me," Nishino Mu said distressedly.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu knew very well why Guqiao Fumina suddenly helped Wugeng Liuli.

Ogata Rizu is a friend of Fumino Furuhashi, and so is Wugeng Liuli, and Fumino Furuhashi will naturally treat friends equally.

What's more, Wugeng Liuli was angry, and the culprit was Guqiao Fuminao, and it was quite common for Guqiao Fuminai to make amends now.

What a ridiculous reason.

For the sake of friendship, push the person you like to slowly approach your friends.

After Xiazhiqiu Shiyu finished eating a piece of tamagoyaki, seeing that Xi Yemu was still hesitating, he said openly, "If you are afraid, I can go with you."

Nishino Mu was overjoyed: "That's too..."

"Wait!" Aoyama Nanami yelled to stop, and persuaded: "Nishino, you will make her even more angry if you take Shiba-senpai to see the black cat. Show off at your girlfriend's house."

Nishino Mu asked suspiciously: "Is it that serious?"

Qingshan Qihai nodded affirmatively: "It's that serious."

Guqiao Fumino agreed: "Indeed, it's best not to bring a female companion with you when you apologize to a woman who likes you."

Ogata Ritzu said weakly, "I also think it's inappropriate to take Shiwa-senpai to the Black Cat's house."

Four women, three objections, the matter is likely to be settled like that.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu no longer struggled to die, and said to Xi Yemu: "It's okay if I don't go, do you need me to help choose a souvenir."

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