"Souvenir?" Nishino Mu thought of the TV, the man went to the woman's house, no matter what the purpose was, he would always bring flowers.

"That's right, a present." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said.

"I'll go buy it myself later." Nishino Mu was embarrassed to bother the girls, he was not a child, so it was nothing for a woman to accompany him when he went out.

"Yes, but don't buy indiscriminately." Fumino Guqiao emphasized.

"Don't worry, no." Nishino Mu assured, patting his chest.

After lunch, Nishino Mu and Aoyama Nanami agreed to talk about creating [Muhai Office] another day if they had time, then sent them away and turned to the flower shop.

The flowers in the store are a feast for the eyes, colorful and beautiful, and it is winter, so I don't know where so many flowers come from.

Nishino Mu glanced at the tall stands on both sides of the flower shop, and saw that the shelves were full of exotic flowers and plants, most of which he didn't recognize.Some pocket plants with strong vitality are also displayed on the brackets on both sides of the flower stand.

"Sir, welcome."

The female clerk was a little outrageous in her enthusiasm, as if she had met her husband who was in charge of the house.

"What are the flowers in your store that represent apology?" Xi Yemu thought for a while, and asked simply.

"There are many flowers that represent apology. Yellow roses, wooden mallows, baby's breath, hyacinths, etc. are all suitable flowers for apology."

Yellow roses also have the meaning of expressing love.

Wooden sword mallow, never heard of it.

Hyacinth is simply a bad name.

Nishino Mu nodded and said, "I want Gypsophila to apologize to others."

A few minutes later, Xi Yemu walked out of the flower shop holding a handful of stars, drove to Wugeng Liuli's house, and rang the doorbell of her house.

"Who's at the door?"

Listening to the voice, I couldn't tell whether it was Gogen Hyuga or Gogen Zhuxi, but judging from the tone, there was a high probability it was Gogen Zhuxi.

"Zhu Xi, I'm Nishino Mu, I'm here to see your sister on business."

After a long time, click!The door was finally opened from the inside.

Wearing home clothes and slippers, the five-watch beads poked his head out from the crack of the door, tilted his head to look at the starry sky that Xi Yemu was holding, and said in a low voice, "Did you offend my lord sister?"

"Yes, because of a little misunderstanding."

"You go back first, my elder sister said she doesn't want to see you."

"Please, can you give me a chance to explain?"

"Why did I give it to you?" Wu Geng Zhuxi said calmly, "It's okay for you to be extravagant, but it's too much to make out with other women in front of my sister, even a normal woman can't stand it."

Nishino Mu explained: "I didn't make out with other women."

"Sister, I saw it with my own eyes. You lay on top of Rizu and breathed hard into the opening of her open-breasted sweater. You're so obscene!"

"There's a reason for that, Pearl, you're still young and don't understand these things, let me in, and I'll explain it to the black cat."


Nishino Mu suddenly understood why so many couples broke up because of some small misunderstandings. It can be seen from what he is going through now.

The man is willing to explain, but the woman is still sullen and unwilling to listen. This situation will naturally make the man feel angry.

At this moment, the angry man would have thrown the flowers away long ago, and shouted angrily: "Don't be so self-righteous, I won't see you, really think how precious I am? I can live as well without you, What's the matter?!"

Xi Yemu is a normal person, he doesn't think Wugeng Liuli is very important to him, but a woman sulks because she is crying, and it is a problem that needs to be solved after all.

"Zhuxi, where's Hinata?" Nishino Mu didn't leave and changed the subject.

"She went out to play with friends and hasn't come back yet."

"Then who is behind you?"

Wu Geng Zhuxi looked back, Nishino Mu took the opportunity to squeeze her away and walked into Wu Geng's house.

"Ah! What are you doing? Get out!"

Chapter 318 The ministers are about to fight to the death, why did His Majesty surrender first?

Unlike the mischievous Wu Geng Hinata, the innocent and lovely Wu Geng Zhu Xi likes to stay at home with her elder sister.

She really likes the way my sister makes clothes, likes the rice balls made by my sister so much, and likes trying to decipher the radio articles written by my sister... In short, my sister is the existence she respects the most, and she will not allow anyone people hurt.

It's another not-so-cold winter, Wu Geng Zhuxi stays at home and reads, she's going to take college entrance exams next year!

At noon, my elder sister, who spent more than three hours putting on makeup before going out, came back.

Wu Gengzhuxi noticed that her elder sister's eyes were red, her makeup was messed up, and there were black marks on her face.

The sad thing is that the elder sister didn't know that her makeup was ruined by tears, and she still pretended that nothing happened and went to the kitchen to cook.

"My lord! Did you come back like this?" Wu Geng Zhuxi couldn't help asking.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Wu Geng Liuli forced a smile.

"The makeup was ruined by tears." Wu Geng Liuli said.


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