Is Nishino her student, her boyfriend, or her foster boy?

"Uncle and aunt, hello, I am Jing's boyfriend."

A man should take responsibility, he must have it!

Realizing Hiratsuka Shizuka's embarrassment, Nishino Mu stood up, bowed respectfully to the two elders, then lifted the water bottle and filled the glass in front of them with water.

"Young man, not bad, very handsome." Hiratsuka's father took a sip from his teacup and asked casually, "How old are you?"

"Uh, I'm 25, almost 26."

After finishing speaking, Nishino Mu's eyes became melancholy, so it turned out that he was already so old, and he thought he was still a teenager when he came back, but it turned out that he had already reached the age to talk about marriage, no wonder Xue Nao and the others were impatient.

A woman's youth is only a few years, and the woman around him has wasted countless time by his side.

"You're a little younger." Hiratsuka's mother frowned in embarrassment.

"Okay, don't pick and choose!" Hiratsuka's father scolded: "Is it easy for my daughter to find a man she likes? Why care about so much, when it comes to true love, age is not a problem."

He was really afraid that the boyfriend his daughter brought with him would run away.

"Yes, yes, yes." Hiratsuka Shizuka agreed.

Hiratsuka's mother smiled, "Nishino, can I call you Nishino?"


Nishino Mu sat stiffly, with his back straight.

"I want to ask, where do you work?" Hiratsuka's mother asked.

"Wenyuan Company was founded by me."

"Wenyuan?" Hiratsuka's mother read softly, looking at her husband beside her.

"Wenyuan, Wenyuan, let me think about it, this Wenyuan..." Hiratsuka's father chatted and looked at his mobile phone. Finally, his eyes lit up and he coughed twice: "Wenyuan Company is the largest electronic literature reading company in China. The platform is a leading original literature portal in China. It has been committed to the excavation and cultivation of original literature authors for a long time. With the purpose of promoting the original literature of the island country, it created a new model of free online reading and free electronic publishing in June last year. ...Currently estimated by the industry, it is worth 6 billion yen.”

Oh my god, this is simply what I just found on the Internet.

Hiratsuka contemptuously, said calmly on the surface: "Dad, it's not [-] billion yen. Nishino is very capable. A company with an original asset of only tens of millions of yen, in less than a year, , was built into a company worth [-] billion yen by him, and I think his personal ability is worth [-] billion yen."

Forget about the company, okay?Do you know how much you have invested?

Nishino Mu said with shame: "No, no, Jing really overestimated me."

Just him?Abandoning past life memories and supernatural abilities, it is absolutely impossible to be worth [-] billion yen.

"Don't be humble, I mean, you are worth at least [-] billion yen, in fact your value cannot be measured by money."

Hiratsuka Shizuka said more and more exaggerated, Nishino Mu hurriedly said: "Okay, if you say that again, uncle and aunt will think you are talking nonsense later."

"Oh, do mom and dad think I'm talking nonsense?" Hiratsuka asked.

"I don't think so." Father Hiratsuka took a sip of tea, glanced at his daughter, and sneered: "But I suspect you are lying to us about another thing?"

"What matter?" Hiratsuka Jing asked, where did she lie to her parents, she was clearly telling the truth.

"Nishino next to you was called by you to pretend to be your boyfriend. Otherwise, how could a person like him fall in love with you, an old leftover girl with a carefree personality."

Chapter 326 Married Daughter

"Mom, look at Dad, how could he say that about me!" Shizuka hugged her mother's arm coquettishly.

Hiratsuka's mother patted her daughter's hand and comforted her: "That's right, I also think your father is wrong."

Hiratsuka nodded quietly: "Uh, that's right, what he said was wrong."

Nishino's mother continued: "But look, your father and I are getting older, if you really love each other, you might as well get married and give us a big fat boy, so that your father and I can see our grandson before we die. "

"Mom!" Shizuka Hiratsuka shyly shook her mother's arm.

"Hey," Hiratsuka's mother said, "I'm telling the truth. Your father has been feeling dizzy recently, and I also feel uncomfortable in my heart. I'm afraid I won't have a good life for a few years."

"How come!" Hiratsuka became anxious, hurriedly grabbed the hands of her parents, half kneeling: "Didn't I ask you to have a physical examination every year? How could there be hidden dangers in your body?"

Hiratsuka's father shook his head and sighed: "Oh, I'm old, there's nothing I can do about it. It's not a disease, it's the aging of body organs."

Nishino Mu gave the two old men a strange look: "I checked, and there is nothing wrong with your health."

Hiratsuka's mother said: "Nishino, you don't understand this. When people get old, let alone some serious illnesses, usually some minor illnesses will take away the old people, not to mention the physical condition of us old people, hospital equipment, etc. There is no guarantee that there is no problem, and nothing can be seen from the outside."

Hearing what her mother said, Shizuka Hiratsuka blushed instantly, tears gathered in her eyes, she blinked, and a drop of tears fell on her chest, and she couldn't help crying loudly.

"You, we are not dead yet, why cry?"

While comforting her daughter, Hiratsuka's mother exchanged glances with her husband, and at the same time showed a smile of success.

Nishino Mu didn't see this smile.

He was thinking about how to comfort Shizuka Hiratsuka.

"Uncle and aunt, are you really not feeling well?" Nishino Mu asked.

Hiratsuka's parents said in unison: "Can this be false?"

After speaking, they smiled at each other.

Nishino Mu didn't know what the two old people were thinking, but he activated [Wuliang Yumen], no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the two old people's health was fine, but they insisted that they were not feeling well, as children, What can I do.

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