Shizuka Hiratsuka realized something, stopped crying, and the rare unison of her parents aroused her high vigilance, so there is a tacit understanding?

"Mom and Dad, tell the truth, are you really uncomfortable?"

"I'm not lying to you." Hiratsuka's father said sadly, "Hurry up and marry Nishino and have children, otherwise your mother and I may not be able to have a grandson."

Xi Yemu gritted his teeth, trying to ruthlessly expose this uncle's conspiracy.

Obviously there is nothing wrong with the body!How can you watch your daughter cry and lie about dying?


Hiratsuka looked at Mu Nishino in embarrassment, she didn't know how to deal with it.

What would Yukino do if she married Nishino and had children?

Xi Yemu pondered for a moment, then said firmly: "I know what my uncle and aunt are thinking, and I will discuss this matter with Jing."

"Okay, I'm determined." Hiratsuka's mother gently pulled her daughter up: "Let's go to the bedroom and talk about women's topics."

Watching his wife and daughter leave, Hiratsuka's father picked up the teapot and poured a cup for Nishino Mu who was flattered.

"Uncle, I can do it myself."

"It's okay, maybe you will call me dad soon."

Nishino Mu lowered his head to drink water in embarrassment.


Hiratsuka's mother looked at the unfilial daughter who was sitting on the bed, pointed at her and taught her: "You've got a lot of skills, and you kept your dad and me from having a boyfriend!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka quibbled: "The main problem is that Nishino is too young, am I afraid that you will laugh at me?"

"Why are we laughing at you? Not only do we not laugh at you, but we also praise you." Hiratsuka's mother said triumphantly: "I was really wrong. I thought you would be lonely for the rest of your life. I didn't expect you to find someone. Sure enough. , There are quite a lot of blind men in this world."

Shizuka Hiratsuka said helplessly: "No, am I that unbearable?"

Hiratsuka's mother asked: "Don't you have any points in your heart? Drinking, smoking, violence, and being too old, you are blind to the peerless looks that your father and I gave you. But who would fall in love with any promising man?"

"Didn't Nishino take a fancy to me?"

"I suspect he is greedy for our family's money and your body."

Hiratsuka Jing turned cold: "Then you still want me to marry him?"

"What's the rush?" Hiratsuka's mother said calmly, "I'm looking for you when you're old. It's not bad for you to find a partner during this period. As for money, you don't lack it. You can give it to him later. The main thing is, Hurry up and have a baby, your father and I can't stand it anymore."



Shizuka Hiratsuka said suspiciously, "Why do I think it's fake?"

Hiratsuka's mother got angry: "So what if it's fake? If you are really determined to make our Hiratsuka family an end, you can do it, and your father and I will die with peace!"

living room.

As time passed, Nishino Mu became nervous, and Hiratsuka's father said calmly: "Don't be afraid, I know the two women inside very well, and they must be talking about marriage."


"Leave them alone, let's talk about your career issues, what are you planning to do recently?"

"No, they were talking about marriage, I personally think..."

"Stop! What do you want?" Hiratsuka's father stared, "You don't want to marry my daughter, do you?"

Nishino Mu blinked: "No, I think so."

"Since you think about it, why bother? Let someone pick a good day later, wait to be the groom, just call me dad."


Nishino Mu was stunned and couldn't say a word of opinion.

Hiratsuka's father asked again: "How is your work situation now?"

"Fortunately, I plan to set up a voice actor agency with my friends."

"Lack of money?"

"No shortage."

"Hey, no amount of money is enough, and how can young people not be short of money, don't be embarrassed if you are short of money." Hiratsuka's father took out a bank card from his wallet and stuffed it into Nishino Mu's hand: "This is The pocket money that father gave you is not much, only one billion yen, when you and Jinger get married, I will ask her to bring you a dowry of [-] billion yen."

Nishino Mu grabbed the bank card in a daze!When other poor boys marry rich girls, they are driven away by their family with money, but for me, is it the other way around?

In the bedroom, Hiratsuka's mother was still talking.

"In a word, do you love Nishino?"


"Do you want children?"

"I, I want."

"Okay, I'll arrange your wedding later."

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