
"Stop talking, leave the rest to me and your dad, and I promise you will get married in a good way."

Chapter 327 Transformation

The weather was gloomy, and there was a thin drizzle of rain in the air. This gloomy atmosphere made Fumino Guqiao feel a little worried for no reason.

She walked out of the house with an umbrella, looked at the distant scenery, and thought of Nishino's character.

"If someone uses some means to force the marriage, he won't refuse it."

Fumino Guqiao thought of this, smiled and shook his head.

"No, Mai-senpai told Nishino to marry her a long time ago, but unfortunately she was rejected. This fully shows that Nishino is...wrong!"

Fumino Guqiao's heart suddenly trembled.

"Nishino refused that time because he had just lost his memory not long ago, and he didn't have much emotional foundation for Mai-senpai. If someone confessed to him now, he might not refuse."

Guqiao Fuminao grabbed the umbrella tightly.

"If we are not willing to let go of Xi Ye, is Xi Ye willing to let us go? If he is not willing to let go, the best way is to agree to marry the first woman who is forced to marry."

The more he thought about it, the weirder he felt, Fumino Guqiao couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Before, I fell into a misunderstanding. I mistakenly thought that Nishino had no feelings for us after losing his memory, so he could only wait passively. Now he has a high probability of loving us again. In this case, it should not be too difficult to ask him to marry us. "

Guqiao Wennai stood quietly at the door, staring at the falling raindrops blankly.

"What should I do? I'll let Nishino marry me? No, my relationship with him should not have reached this point, let alone agreeing to Rizu and Black Cat. So, let Rizu go? She will definitely be accepted by Nishino , but what about the black cat?"

Fumino Guqiao couldn't make up his mind for a moment, he hesitated and took out his mobile phone.


A message from the black cat.

【Wen Nai, let me tell you some good news. I asked Nishino to promise me that if he doesn't get married within a year, he will accept me. Is there any way to make him single for another year? 】


This piece of news was like a bolt from the blue, shaking Wen Nai of Guqiao deeply.

"Unexpectedly, this time, the black cat walked ahead of me."

After thinking about it, Guqiao Wennai replied.

【How did you get him to promise you? 】

【Just, just, that... Didn't he come to my house to apologize to me last time? If he saw me changing clothes, I pestered him and made him responsible. 】

This black cat has some skills.

Fumino Guqiao patted his head, returned to his room, put down his umbrella, and sat in the living room typing.

[You, did you finally soften your heart and only let Xi Ye promise to accept you if you were single for another year? 】

[Yeah, what's the problem? 】

[The problem is serious. If you are tougher, I think Nishino will probably agree to marry you]

【It doesn't matter, anyway, he won't be able to leave me after one year. By the way, I want to make sure that he won't marry a wife within a year. Do you have any solution? 】

Fumino Guqiao sighed, collapsed on the sofa, curled up his legs, and replied:

[No way, I figured it out just now. The foundation of our relationship with Nishino has almost improved in the past six months. He is an inseparable existence for us, and the reverse is also the same, whether it is you or Rizu , Could it be that Nishino will just watch you leave? 】

【what do you mean……】

【I mean, now... whoever confesses first wins! 】

After sending out this news, Fumino Furuhashi said something similar to Rizu Ogata, and then seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and the phone slipped from his hand feebly...

Seeing off her parents, Hiratsuka took a hot bath, came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, saw Mu Nishino lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone, hesitated for a moment, sat on the edge of the bed, wiped her hair and asked uncertainly: "You really want to marry me?"

Nishino Mu smiled, put down the phone, picked up the bank card on the table and shook it, "Otherwise? Uncle called himself Dad in front of me, and he even gave you a deposit to marry you."

"I'm not a commodity, how can you say that money is a deposit."

"My fault, ma'am, I was wrong, I punish myself to give you a massage."

Nishino Mu raised his hands in surrender.

"Hmph! If anyone asks you to give me a massage, you will touch me." Shizuka Hiratsuka said shyly, "Dry my hair for me."

"Yes, absolutely."

Nishino Mu stood up excitedly, put down his bank card, picked up the hair dryer, and sat behind Shizuka Hiratsuka to help her dry her hair.

How do you say that?

The meaning of the drunken man is not in the wine, but in the mountains and rivers!

On the surface, Nishino Mu was helping Hiratsuka to dry her hair, but in fact her eyes were wide open, staring at the deep groove in front of her from behind.

Hiratsuka Shizuka knew what Nishino Mu was doing, she didn't care, anyway, she would be wiped out later, "Nishino, tell me, if Yukino and the others knew that you really planned to marry me, would they kill me with a knife? ?”

Nishino Mu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly remembered the [Letter of Suicide for Love] posted in the group, frowned and said, "They are not that kind of people."

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