But Wuhe Shiori can't control so much at the moment, her younger sister is suffering, and there are countless people struggling in the flames outside.

The moment she made a decision, she naturally knew what to do.

Itsuka Shiori, who was lying on his back, looked terrible.Stretching from the shoulder to the abdomen, there was a scar that looked like it had been gouged out, and the surrounding area was burned miserably.Even to an outsider like Kotori, it is in a state of hopelessness.


The Phantom [Mosaic] beside the sobbing Kotori froze for a moment, then shifted his gaze and became stern.

[My body, my cause and effect are entrusted to my subordinates; my fate is attached to the sword.

Plain silver and iron.The contract of the ground stone, the surging wind is blocked by four walls.

Close the gates of the four directions, release from the crown, and wander at the three forks leading to the kingdom.

Respond to my call, obey this will, reason, and respond to me! 】

After the last sentence fell, Wuhe Shizhi's young body suddenly burst into large pieces of blood, she couldn't help crying out in pain, tears were about to fall, but she was held back again.

The blood flowed slowly, depicting ferocious and gorgeous vines on the ground, and a gorgeous but cruel image of peach blossoms.

Immediately afterwards, the splendid brilliance lit up and exploded into the sky.

Mosaic, who was trying to persuade Xiaoqin, didn't seem to respond, or said something that shocked him 0.5 so that he couldn't respond.

this moment.

DEM distribution in Japan and Ratatoskr (at the same time the alarm is ringing.

"Beep beep... Warning! Warning! Warning! A space shock from an unknown source will erupt in three minutes. Residents nearby, please go to the nearest shelter as soon as possible and take refuge. Repeat—"

"The scale of the space earthquake is an unprecedented level beyond the [Eurasian air disaster]!!! The center of the space earthquake is directly above the Tiangong station..."

"The scale of the space earthquake decays rapidly..."


"...Anti-Elf Force AST Action Group, please go to the first office as soon as possible!"

"...Repeat again!!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Special disaster-designated lifeforms that exist in the neighborhood.The cause and reason for its existence are unknown.When this world appears, there will be a space quake, causing huge disasters around.

space shock

The elves that exist in the neighboring world, when they appear in the world here, will cause violent shaking of space and a big explosion that causes damage. Space shock is a collective name for this situation.

Buildings and ground facilities in the explosion center will be wiped out like a crater, and the surrounding areas will also suffer damage due to the explosion.

It first occurred 30 years ago and caused nearly 1 million deaths and injuries. It was called the "Eurasia Air Disaster" (ユーラシア Air Disaster).

This phenomenon occurs frequently all over the world.

Before the "aftershock" of the explosion comes, there will be a symptom called "space earthquake".Ordinary people who don't know the existence of elves don't know the reason for this phenomenon.

However, Ratatosk and AST survived by knowing the elves and dealing with the mechanisms of the elves.

The destructive energy formed by the violent spatial collision is unstoppable, almost showing a step-like increase, covering half of the sky in almost a few seconds, and even the destructive range has reached 27% close to the ground.

Once it breaks out completely, most of the sun and land will sink, and the number of people who can survive is probably less than [-]%, but it is not as great as the Eurasian air disaster. After all, the entire population of Japan is less than [-] million.

But this is annihilation.

Just when the space quake of unprecedented scale was about to erupt completely, a white and immature hand stretched out from the void, and gently shook it.

Shrunken in vain, not counteracted, but as if asleep.


Just like it came suddenly, the disappearance of the space shock also disappeared suddenly like being blown away by the wind.

Washed by the space shock, in the cloudless clear sky.

Thirteen magnificent purple gemstones, a crown like thorns, a luxurious body of gemstones of various colors, a black robe with a religious style, and a long staff inlaid with a huge black gemstone in his hand...

In short, it is similar in style to the legendary upstart Jin Shining.

Wang Lie, who was dressed like this, stepped out of the void. At this time, he was an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, or in a normal posture, but his face was still indifferent, and his forehead was slightly wrinkled.

Taking advantage of the remnants of thinking and memory, he naturally fell from the sky while speculating on his current state and the reasons for his formation.

"This is the divine power outfit! Belphegor [Belphegor]"

With the sound of the wind, before falling to a land burning with true red flames, he finally sighed in relief:

"Is it because of the inverted tree [Kabbala's tree of life] and the extreme of human beings?"

British DEM (deusexmanetdustry head office.

"Reverse body!!!?"

Looking at the boy in the jewel-black spiritual costume, who was as handsome as a god in the light screen.

in the building.

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