The man in black suit with broken silver hair was crushed in his hand.

The man's name is Aizac Ray Pelham Westcott. He is the executive director of the international scale company DEM Corporation, the de facto upper-level executive, and one of the three founders of DEM Corporation.

"—A naturally occurring reversal spirit?!!"

The woman with long platinum-blond hair holding the document looked indifferent, and she was still expressionless when facing her boss.

Turning around and wanting to pour a cup of coffee, he just moved, but he fell to the ground, and the documents were spilled on the ground.

Ellen Mira Mathers.

Although it looks like an iceberg beauty, in fact, the natural stay attribute is full.At the same time, he is the director of the second executive department of DEM, one of the three founders of DEM, and the secretary and right-hand man of Westcott.

The strongest wizard (magician) in the world.The power of manipulating the display device is the best in the world... There is no person or spirit who thinks that he can defeat him in a perfect state.

Westcott shrugged and shook his head.

"The elves will not be born in a reversed state. We are still together to make the Sister (sister) reverse, but I didn't expect that there are already elves who have succeeded. What are the reasons for falling into the abyss of despair, it is really interesting. .If possible, I even want to go to enlighten me"

"However, compared to these, I care more about..."

Having said that, I didn't go on, but kept replaying the black elves from all angles.

quite a while.

Westcott frowned and asked hesitantly, "Ellen, this should be a male."

The blonde woman glanced at the boy in the picture and said lightly, "I don't think it's a woman."

"That's troublesome. Is my experiment wrong? It shouldn't be possible for elves to appear male."

Saying that, he turned the chair and looked out the window.

"That's right, Ellen. There was a call from Nelly Road before."

Nelly Road Island.

Hearing the name, the woman moved her eyebrows.

The name refers to a small island in the Pacific Ocean owned by DEM and its underground remodeled experimental facility.

In the deepest part of the facility there is the DEM's top secrets - the special disaster-designated lifeform she has just captured is imprisoned here.

Article II 377 sub.

Identification code: Sister (sister)

"If you can capture this reversal elf, after obtaining the experimental data information, the possibility of reversing the nun will be greatly improved. However, Ellen, are you sure about this elf?"

After all, it is an unknown elf comparable to the first elf Zodiac (star palace) that caused the Eurasian air disaster [-] years ago.

"In full condition, maybe some assistance is needed."

Allen said lightly, she believes that she does not exist in a state of defeating her own existence, but not being defeated and capturing others are completely two concepts.

Westcott stroked.

"Let's leave it alone. It's too risky to deal with an unknown elf rashly. Let's see if the Sister (sister) can be directly reversed."

The picture on the light screen changed for a while, and there were believed fluctuation values ​​and various numerical properties.

The calm voice of the last middle-aged man made the report.

Spiritual power scale: S+

Shenwei's spiritual costume is in the form of a demon king, and its appearance is religious clothing, which is dark.

The nature of the elf is inversion elf, in order to make any material energy become inert, it can already be determined as reversal elf.

Distinguished Name: High Priest [flamen]

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Kabbalah Tree of Life.

Also known as the inverted tree, the tree of life.

It is regarded as the blueprint of God's creation of the universe, or the structure of the divine body.It is not just a pattern that exists on paper, but a real existence, a three-dimensional universe.

The tree of life is composed of ten circles (Sephira) and 22 paths (pass). These ten circles are also the particles of the tree of life. It is said that each circle has an archangel who guards and guides people.

That is, the spirits that appear in the present world, and the body of the tree of life is also the neighborhood where the spirits are.

In addition there is the hidden eleventh particle point Da'$at (knowledge). Where Da'$at is located, the ten particles of the tree of life become one.

Shiori Wukawa is the last mass point, so he has the power to accommodate ten elves' spiritual power and the ability to establish a spiritual power channel with the elves.

In other words, there should be only eleven elves, not twelve, nor ten.

And, definitely not male.

But what happened in front of him now broke Phantom's cognition, and even Xiaoqin's crying beside him couldn't be bothered.

"Hello, is there anyone?"

In front of the burning flames, a little boy carved in pink and jade lazily shouted:

There was no echo, only the crackling sound of the building burning, and the faint sound of weeping.

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