Tiangong Garrison Base.

"What, another elf is coming soon, how is it possible!!!"

Ryouko Kusakabe's expression changed drastically at this moment with her ponytail tied up. She had just dispatched her subordinates, including the team's strongest magician Tobiichi Origami, but that was the lineup facing the elf whose identification name was Princess.

Even I can only try my best to support it, if there is another one at this time...

"What to do, Commander Kusakata."

Ryoko Kusakabe shouted without hesitation: "Apply for support immediately!"

In any case, the lives of her subordinates are the most important. No matter how strict she is usually, she can see her concern for her subordinates at critical moments.


[-] meters above Tiangong City.

Airship - Inside Fraxinus.

The alarm sounded continuously, and there were various data monitoring.

"Monitoring spiritual power to A level."

On the high control position, a girl with red double ponytails and a black ribbon has a serious expression.

A blond man said: "The second elf is coming soon! Commander, what should we do? If we let things go on like this, the team 27 excluded by AST may all be wiped out."

Wuhe Qinli said affirmatively. "No, it has already arrived!"

"It's just that in this city, how could there be a second elf...could it be Ni Jiang?"

She pondered for a while. "No, no, the nature of Ni-chan's spiritual power... Kannazuki! Call up the image of the prediction center."

Soon, a platinum-gold comet moving at supersonic speed appeared in the light screen, and it reached its destination within ten seconds, followed by a burst of purple-gold mixed energy.

A space shock far exceeding the scale of the original book broke out.

Large swaths of cities and neighborhoods were swallowed up, completely annihilated in the collision of space itself, and the hurricane that was set off was more terrifying than a typhoon of the twelfth level.

Soon everything returned to calm, as the purple and platinum spiritual power rose, a terrifying deep crater appeared on the spot.

And in the sky above the pothole, a golden gorgeous and beautiful creature floated in vain, exuding a gleaming halo, facing the purple figure Yaoyao on the ground.

"One is a princess and the other... a male elf!!! How is that possible?"

"Ni sauce!!!"

Kotori blurted out.

No matter how much the person had changed, she still recognized it all at once.

Wang Lie seemed to hear something, it seemed that someone was talking.

The voice was separated by a film, hazy, and some could not be heard clearly, and the language he used was not familiar to him, it was a bit like Chinese, but lighter.

He suddenly realized in a trance that he seemed to be conscious again.

The sense of hearing recovered, the sense of touch recovered, but the sense of sight and smell remained unchanged.

Slowly, Wang Lie opened his eyes.

Three pairs of brilliant wings flapped behind her, her golden hair shone with brilliance, and her handsome face glanced around indifferently.

At this moment, there is already a crater with a diameter of several kilometers under the feet, and the smoke and dust are constantly rising.

He could feel that Kotori wasn't here.


A ray of surprise came from below.

"I am not your companion."

Wang Lie glanced at the fantasy creature below, and said softly.Although he only recovered some of his memory, he already knew that he was not an elf, but was forcibly changed by the laws of this world.

It is like the legend of King Arthur and the sword in the stone in the fantasy legend.

On the throne covered with mysterious golden lines, the girl who came out of fantasy looked at Wang Lie above quietly with awe-inspiring eyes, and there seemed to be a trace of incomprehensible sadness in the deep purple eyes.

The black hair that hangs down to the knees is cute and awe-inspiring.

The face is so exquisite that it seems to be exuding radiance, and the eyes exuding inconceivable brilliance are seated in the center of it.

Purple armor and clothes like a princess dress wrap the whole body. The seam allowances, inner lining, and skirt part of the dress are made of non-material light film that blooms with incredible light. There is a purple crystal headdress on the head.

unusual situation.

Strange appearance.

unique existence.

"The Spirit of the End!"

Wang Lie narrowed his eyes slightly, and he naturally knew the identity of the other party, Sequence Ten, the last elf in theory.

And the big sword stuck on the throne is the angel of the elf, the angel of the sword﹦〈Sandalphon】, a very powerful elf, at least one level higher than his energy level.

The power he recovered at this time is not much, it is only a small half of a weaker conceptual body, his seventeen conceptual bodies are of different strengths, the strongest is naturally the god who turned into the king of winter in the red world sexual concept.

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