And others range from sub-gods in the first stage of demigods to false gods in the final stage, that is to say, they have at least the power of demigods, but they can never reach the stage of true gods.

Body, energy, soul, will, and law are the five barriers to step into the true god, like a heavenly barrier that stops the infinite universe, [-]% of the demigods.

Because the true God is a comprehensive detachment, which means the ultimate step from the inner life of the universe to the multiple detachment.

Jumping out of the Three Realms and not being in the Five Elements, this kind of realm is called Daluo.

As for Wang Lie, it is not difficult for him to detach himself from body, energy, and soul, and the will of detachment is actually divinity or demon nature. A single human being is not qualified, so most gods in myth Di is actually just a demigod, or even a myth.

In order to ensure the pure self, Wang Lie will gather the fourteen Taoists to control the divinity and demonity, but this is only one of the reasons. The conceptual body that each contains rules is cut out, and more importantly, for the sake of twenty After the concept of Tao is unified.

One step at a time! ! !

That is, one step of true god!

At this time, Wang Lie only had memories of this step, and he also knew that he was not from this world, but his feelings for the two younger sisters did not waver in the slightest.

It's even worse, because only those who have experienced it like him know how precious such feelings are and how inviolable they are.

"Is it?"

The girl became more and more desolate, and the loneliness in her eyes became more intense, and she couldn't help but sigh.

"Then come to kill me!"

With slow movements, he grasped what looked like a handle protruding from the back of the throne, and slowly pulled it out.

A magical blade that glows like a rainbow, like a star, with a fantastical brilliance.

The girl swung the big sword, drawing a trail with a blurred light.


In the direction of Wang Lie.

A sword cut out.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A sword divides the world.

The unimaginably cold purple sword energy soared into the sky.

above the sky.

The brilliant angel flapped its six pure white wings, stretched out its hand, and golden flames gathered in its hand, forming a great sword of flame.

Cutting through the purple sword energy, Wang Lie slowly raised his head to look at the sky.

Just a moment ago, he felt a familiar spiritual power flashing above the higher clouds.


You are fine.

Now that Wang Lie's memory of five years ago has been awakened, he naturally knows that Qinli is also a member of the elves in this world, but he has sealed his spiritual power, but now he is lazy and sleeping, and the seal is unstable, so he leaked a trace of spiritual power.

"Not now!"

Wang Lie's flame sword was retracted.


The sword elf's brilliant sword pointed directly at the sky. "What do you mean by that, haven't you already denied that you are my companion?"

"As an apology, let me send them away for you!"

Wang Lie looked into the distance.


The five white dots are in the shape of arrows, approaching at an astonishing speed.

After approaching, five human figures shrouded in a translucent air field are faintly visible, and there are flying wings full of sci-fi style floating behind each person.

Not only that, Wang Lie also felt that there was a kind of spiritual power in the five people, but also very powerful energy. Through the operation of the external device, the power of the energy crystal somewhere in the device was mobilized.

That is to say, through the magic crowbar in the body and the device outside the body as the fulcrum, it can pry and command a larger force.

In this way, you can gain the ability to even fight against elves.

Just as the person approached, an emotionless voice spread.

"Full attack!"

In an instant, dozens of missiles bombarded.

In this world where teleportation devices have been developed, even the rustic-looking missiles are definitely not that simple.

"Scatter the flowers."

Wang Lie made a sound indifferently and coldly.

The opponent's attack also enveloped him, his elf transformation is not complete, it doesn't matter if it is a missile from another world in his memory, but the things developed in the world he has lived in for five years must not be taken lightly.

With his right hand spread out, a bright disk like an antenna TV dial was erected in the palm of his hand. The platinum disk slowly opened, like a flower in full bloom, instantly enveloping half of the sky.

Boom boom boom! ! !

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