It is not impossible for a terrifying meteorite with a diameter of one kilometer to bombard the earth in pieces, or to order a large one directly. At least human beings will die.

He even felt that he had a faint connection with the core of the planet through the horn, maybe it is not impossible to directly detonate the earth...

This kind of power to destroy the world was still beheading the red world last time, but it was a combination of man and nature, carrying the power of the world.

This is already a rule close to the law.

Compared with the rule that one of his seven virtues contains ten times of speed and strength out of thin air, it is not known how much stronger.

The so-called rules, in fact, are forces that override common sense. They are created out of nothing, and it is normal to go against logic.

This is equal to, if there is light, there will be light. It is indeed stronger than any of Wang Lie's conceptual rules, but it does not belong to him, it is just given to him.

It's only useful in this world, but it's too much to break the rules.

So what now?

If it was Wang Lie who had recovered all his memories, he might directly try out Lu Chenri and Dao out of curiosity, but in 2.4, the memories Wang Lie recovered at this time were more about power and direction.

People are still the same, but with more humanity, which includes compassion.

Mmm... goodness.

The moment Gao Tian's brilliant angel took out his horn, time seemed to be suspended. The supreme angel flew quietly, his face hidden behind his wings, and no expression could be seen.

"How do you feel that you are different from me?"

The Sword Spirit looked up at Hui Yao in the sky and asked:

Wang Lie smiled lightly, and the voice rang in her ears. "Nobody's the same."

Ziyao's elves looked around before looking up at the sky.

"A strange ability."

"It's just beamline propagation of sound."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Wang Lie then asked, "Your name."

At this moment, he has already seen the pure heart of the elf, like a blank sheet of paper, he has no concept of everything, and the battle is just unwilling to be killed.

The elf girl looked down, as if sighing.

", huh?"

A voice like what I thought in my heart shook the air.

"--that kind of thing, no."

Wang Lie behind the wings seemed to see the sadness revealed in the girl's eyes, and seemed to speak casually.

"Yes, then next time I'll give you one!"

Then, the angel in the sky lowered his eyes, and spoke for the first time after being completely spirited, with a solemn and solemn voice, like a holy voice.

"Let's go back!"

The golden horn seemed to respond to the words, and then it sounded, and this sound rang in the minds of all living bodies in half of the Japanese island, disrupting the order of Hiyori in an instant.

Afterwards, the huge pulling force and the purple halo of spiritual power pulled the surprised elf girl back to the neighboring world.

The plague of elves is temporarily lifted.

27 Tobiichi Origami also stopped communicating and attacking at this moment, but ignored the voice that kept ringing in the earphones, the hatred in her eyes became more and more intense, and the light of the seraphim in front of her was really similar to what she saw five years ago.

This is also the reason why she gave up on the princess and attacked Wang Lie crazily.

Wang Lie didn't take the opportunity to attack. Originally, he planned to kill the few people in front of him to weaken the strength of his organization. This kind of power against the elves level would never be too much for the opponent, otherwise the elves would have been killed long ago.

But now after he heard the conversation of the other party, his mind changed.

The fact that he is a seraph may not be kept secret for long, and even at this time, some people have already speculated. After all, he is probably the only one who did not evacuate in the vicinity, and he made a lot of noise when he rushed out of the school.

But as the supreme angel in the greatest faith on earth.

There will definitely be a lot of scruples about taking action against the elves' institutions or national forces. If you show enough power to turn the table at this time, at least there should be no problem for a short time.

At this time, the eyes of the world's top executives are all anxious here, and thousands of civilians are staring at the screen intently. To be precise, it is the horn in his hand.

But at this moment, Wang Lie felt something strange, as if something massive gathered in the void.

A move in my heart.

A golden light flashed in his eyes, and he unfolded the Tianzi Wangqi technique that he had created and sublimated several times, and the world suddenly changed.

The entire field of vision is covered by holy white light, which is neither spiritual power nor energy, which cannot be detected by human eyes or instruments.

"There are all over the world? No, there are especially many countries in Europe and the United States, and relatively few countries in East Asia. Needless to say, Africa, one Australia is comparable to the sum of them..."

Wang Lie tried to accept a little.

Immediately, the voices of countless people praying rang in my ears, and blessings, wishes and even curses buzzed one after another.

There are male and female voices, old and young, everyone calling the name of the Lord.


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