Wang Lie affirmed.

And it's still faith without a master...

Floating freely in a depth different from the present world, they are like rootless duckweeds, floating everywhere.

The quantity is too huge!

This is simply a kind of red.To show off nakedly, if a god of faith from another world sees it, I am afraid that I will go crazy, and I am so greedy that I am crazy, but now only Wang Lie can move this kind of faith.

But a population of [-] billion is enough for anyone who believes in a god to pay any price, and all intelligent beings in many worlds add up to not have half of this.

This is the belief in the sects that believe in God all over the world for thousands of years, and the accumulation of hundreds of millions of people's beliefs. If this huge belief is used by a believer in God, it will even have the power to rival the true God.

Creation in the void, divine immortality, and even opening up a world of the kingdom of God attached to the earth.

In fact, Wang Lie had a certain understanding of faith. In several worlds, there are hundreds of millions of people in various sects who independently worship him as a god. , the ocean of belief that is so strong that it is about to break through the real world is far behind.

And compared to the pure faith in front of him, what is connected to him are curses, depravity and other dark beliefs.

The practice of faith is not considered the line of Western belief in gods.Even in the Eastern system of Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, magic, and witches, they themselves have systems of incense, worship, and sacrifice.

Believe in yourself, believe in yourself.

Faith is immortal and never fades away.Even if it is completely annihilated, it can be reborn from faith.

Faith creates civilization, and civilization guides faith.The gods are high in the clouds, grasping everything and guiding all living beings, which has always been a traceable path.

And the god's residence of belief in it ranges from a meager land to a king of gods, controlling the nature of the world, with boundless power.

As long as Wang Lie is willing to use Gabriel's identity to absorb these beliefs, his strength will immediately break through the sky, comparable to the coming of a true god, and he can beat the whole world with one hand, even if the elves hidden in the world or neighboring borders add up. One finger pressed to death.

For ordinary people, there is no need to consider 193 at all.

This kind of power is already beyond his imagination.

But this is not the case for Wang Lie, or it is too tasteless for him, because with faith as the foundation, it may be possible to move mountains and fill seas, explode stars and destroy seas, create mountains, rivers and even planets, but... there is no true god. day.

Ordinary people may be satisfied with this level of eternal life, and perhaps they will not fall for thousands of years. If the belief is huge, it is possible to rival the true god in one's own field, but it is too small for Wang Lie.

Therefore, Wang Lie will never absorb these beliefs directly, for him these beliefs are poisonous.

But he doesn't need it, which doesn't mean that the people around him don't need it either. It's necessary to study such a good opportunity.

Moreover, his lack of spiritual power can also be solved now. Of course, he will not absorb these beliefs, but directly use them as combustion, as the driving force for driving the horn of doom.

After waking up part of his memory, he doesn't want to be disturbed. There are still many mysteries in this world, and he also needs a calm environment to think slowly.


In the eyes of the world, the horn beside Gao Tian's brilliant angel sounded!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Is the world ending?

The moment the horn sounded.

The pious believers are terrified, and the fanatics simply close their eyes and wait for death full of a sense of holiness.

But shallow believers and non-believers are not too nervous.

To be honest, most people still have some doubts about the ability of angels. After all, myths often imply exaggeration. Most of the top leaders of the world organization know that this is just a special elf.

Maybe it was their god a long time ago, but now that it has been recognized, apart from elves, it is more of a symbol.


the next moment.

Everyone in the world is hearing the same voice at this moment.

Magnificent, magnificent, divine!

"The only thing I want is peace. If there is another person who doesn't know what is good or bad to appear in front of me - until then."

A large group of meteorites appeared in the space orbit outside the earth, each of which was of equal size, as if they had been carefully compared, and were distributed irregularly in various positions outside the earth.

"I will destroy this planet with the power of Doomsday!"

It's fine if others misunderstand, Wang Lie doesn't call himself Gabriel, Gabriel is just the name of his conceptual body.

So give it a shock first.

The three pairs of angel wings spread out, shining brilliantly.

Then, hundreds of meteorites broke into the atmosphere.

A group of 833 stars fell! ! !

A certain red country where the white faith is relatively weak.

Post it, on the forum.

Suddenly a post appeared.

"Fuck, a meteorite just landed in the mountain less than two kilometers away from my house, I'm so fucking scared, I almost peed in fear, that scene was like the end of the world."

"You're kidding! What a big meteorite that is."

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