Wang Lie could only nod helplessly.That's right, his gentle and soft touch is actually a money fanatic who has an eye for money.

It seemed that he had received a message, and his expression became serious.

"The people of AST have already been defeated. Although the elves have not left the real world, I am afraid there is not much time left. Nichan, your body cannot be teleported. Lingyin will take you to the battlefield."

"Well! I will rush over there as soon as possible, but I don't need Lingyin to send it off."

Wang Lie nodded slightly.

"then you……"

"Run over! Maybe I can exercise a little strength when I arrive."

Everyone else thought he was joking at the time and didn't take it seriously, but they didn't force it either. This place is not far from the target point.

"The opponent is an elf, and failure means death." Qin Li looked serious. Now Wang Lie is no longer an elf, at least he no longer has the power of an elf.

Wang Lie smiled and shook his head. "I will not die, the elves cannot kill me."

Even though he was already a mortal, he was about to go to the battlefield to face the natural disaster elves, but he was still so calm and calm.

This calmness even infected the people around him, making Shiori calm down.

She believed in Wang Lie. Since she was a child, Wang Lie had never let her down.

"Brother, it's not the last moment."

Shizhi was a little worried, but she was worried about the elves. The existence of elves made her feel very sympathetic, especially after hearing Wang Lie's words.

She knew very well what a terrible creature her brother was, not tyrannical, but a kind of deep indifference.

"Don't worry, I won't kill her!"

Wang Lie smiled.

"Then the battle begins."

Kotori put down the juice, and as soon as the words came out, her whole body turned into a virtual image and disappeared.

In the airship.

Kotori walked onto the bridge and sat on the captain's seat, with the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, muttering to herself. "Ni Jiang, let me see what else you are hiding from your cutest sister!"

"—Is he going to be sent to battle already? Commander."

Kannazuki who was standing next to the captain's seat stared at the screen and suddenly spoke.

Before he could finish speaking, he was punched out.

"How dare you question my judgment, you have become bolder! Kannazuki."

Clap your hands, and two muscular brothers go out with the screaming Kannazuki between them.

Come to Zen High School.

The huge campus that had just left for a few hours already seemed to have been bitten by a tengu, and there were rising smoke and purple spiritual power everywhere.

A shadow like a sharp sword flashed faster and faster.

"Attention all units! Attention all units!! An unknown object has entered the edge of the encirclement net! The speed is Mach [-], and all combat units are ready to fight! Alert level, orange!"

"It should be a robot, so fast."

"I don't know, anyway, there is no ripple of spiritual power, not an elf."

"Just destroy it after so long!"

Wang Lie stopped slowly, his long black and vertical hair tied into a ponytail, and he got a steel bar from somewhere and held it in his hand.

Standing quietly on a high broken wall.

Eyebrows slanted, black eyes were slightly bent, and the military defense that was diverted from a distance did not move at all. He still shook his muscles leisurely, kept exercising his body, and gradually became familiar with the feeling of 807 steel bars in his hands.

What is exuded in solitude and independence is the strength of laughing and destroying the enemy.

"It seems that we have to break through these layers of encirclement to get in touch with the elves over there."

Wang Lie looked far into the depths of the school.

His body cannot be teleported, so naturally he cannot go directly to the elves.

A raised turret.

Tanks, helicopters, armored vehicles, tanks, etc...

Wang Lie tilted his head.grinned.

The steel bar waved lightly. "It's not very smooth, let's forge while chopping."


He disappeared in the same place in an instant, bang!

Countless artillery fires were fired at the same time, and a large number of shells, armor-piercing, radiation, and beam weapons were all released on the spot where he was standing. The building exploded instantly, countless sand and dust rose into the sky, and flames, acid, and metal fragments all exploded and exploded.

All gunfire.A phantom dances like a butterfly, avoiding all physical attacks extremely cleverly, and is not hindered at all by the energy and impact of the phantom.

If you look closely, you can see that each of his muscles vibrates at different frequencies, removing all the damage extremely skillfully.

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