Rush directly into the encirclement.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Commander, has your elder brother really lost the power of elves?"


"Commander, this seems to be an extremely terrifying technique. Tests have shown that your brother's physical fitness just now is only four times that of an adult male, and it has been continuously improving, which means it was lower before."

As soon as Kannazuki's words came out, there was a sudden gasp.

Although the power of the elves is terrifying, in fact, the human world does not fear and admire them too much, except for the stalker of Seraphim Gabriel.

But this kind of extreme skill is even more shocking. This is an unbelievable state achieved by a human being. It draws a clear boundary line and tells human beings that they can become so powerful even without relying on magical transformation.

Gives people a shock that shocks the worldview.

"This level, it is not an exaggeration to call it a sword master. I don't know if the ancient sword masters and great swordsmen have this level."

"Wait...Look at the steel bars in his hands."

The image on the light screen keeps enlarging, and the frame rate keeps decreasing. At this time, other people realize that the thing in his hand can no longer be called a steel bar at the moment, but a knife that slowly takes shape, and is constantly chopping and pumping. The stabbing is constantly improving.


"What a joke!!!"

The eyes are about to protrude. With the current science and technology, it is actually not impossible for human beings to achieve this physical quality. In other words, what Wang Lie is showing now is the level that can be achieved in theory.

However, absolute force is always a theory.

Manpower is limited, but the monster below has no time at all.

If there are levels of strength, then the person below, relying on indescribable skills or something, is at least five or six levels higher and is forcibly breaking through the sergeant's encirclement.

Moreover, there is still room for energy, and it is completely impossible to imagine what kind of manipulative insight and reflection power it is...

It would have been ashes to replace anyone else.

Wang Lie's body has always been between illusion and reality.

Flashing and jumping non-stop, the artillery fire and bullets basically couldn't lock his position, and the automatic tracking weapon would be split by him casually.

Moreover, at this moment, every muscle in his whole body is vibrating slightly. While releasing his strength, he is constantly absorbing heat energy, radiation and other energy in the air, as the basic energy source for improving his physical fitness.

In just a few minutes, the body strength, power reflection, etc. doubled again, reaching more than eight times that of ordinary people.

The speed is even more difficult to see with the naked eye, and the body skills have gradually changed from predicting to a level of horror that seems to be able to foresee the future.

He was able to rush out of the destroyed area completely covered by firepower, and find incredible vitality in the incredible gaps.And his strong physical fitness and skills allowed him to ignore the long-distance aftermath of the explosion.

So much so that within a few minutes of the battle, Wang Lie walked leisurely among the battle groups, unaffected at all, and cut down the flying machines in the sky from time to time.

He even had the time to observe the types of opponent's weapons and think about what kind of system he would redevelop in this world.

"This shouldn't be human, right?!! It's just that there are monsters other than elves?"

Monitoring the room here from a distance, a man in military uniform was sweating wildly.

Now the battlefields are basically automatic weapons, controlled by artificial intelligence, and the only ones on the battlefield are the central AST members, who are also the strongest force in modern times.

"It's human, but as strong as a monster."

"Can humans really do this?"

Even a so-called magician, in fact, is no different from an ordinary person except for the C3 tactical equipment. The magic power circuit implanted in the body cannot be used by itself.

A middle-aged woman with a higher rank said coldly.

"Just fight him as a non-human monster. Except for elves, no one or any creature can fight against modern technology! If the main powerful weapons are not concentrated on the princess."

"Where did it come from? It looks like it's still wearing the uniform of this school."

"It should be a biological weapon developed by an agent of a certain country or an elf protection organization."

"If you can catch it, you can catch it. If you can't catch it, at least some of the corpses will be left."



Suddenly, the inside of the entire chariot was dented and deformed, and a clear fist mark was punched in from the outside.

hum! ! !

A violent vibration spread throughout the entire body in an instant.When the delicate fist was slowly withdrawn, the whole

At this time, the outer and middle encirclement circles of the battlefield have been broken through. Fires, scorched ground, potholes, and mechanical wreckage are everywhere. The few remaining aircraft circled and flew away.

About the innermost battle has ended, and the elf with identification number: Princess is about to leave.

Wang Lie ignored them.

There is no point in destroying these things, they are just cold machines controlled by artificial intelligence.

With one foot on the shattered metal wreckage of a chariot, he looked around.

At this time, we have reached the inner layer, that is, the back mountain part of the school, which has completely disappeared at this moment, leaving a huge crater

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