Dozens of silver-white cylinders have been cut open by the purple sword energy flying from a distance, and the remaining war weapons are constantly retreating. The rest are lying on the ground, and the mechanical wreckage is constantly being burned by the flames generated by the explosion. Ignite, sizzling burning.

"It is true that technology cannot be underestimated to a certain extent, but..."

Wang Lie looked at the gun barrel that was slanted and split at the front, and the surface was still flashing with red arcs.

A large amount of energy is constantly overflowing, and the nature of this energy is very similar to what Wang Lie sensed in Yuanyi Origami's body before.

It should be the magical power that Kotori mentioned, and it is also one of his research goals.

"Reveal device?"

30 years ago, human beings have achieved taboo technology.The calculation results on the computer are manifested in the present world, completely distorting the laws of the real world. It is called a general term for devices that realize "magic" by means of science and technology.

But this is not known to the general public. It was first mounted on the tactical display device used by AST units, and there are also various types for medical use, reinforcement use, and repair use.

Almost omnipotent!

The energy used is a mysterious energy called mana.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Where should the energy source used by the display device be in Qinli, then what is missing is in the human body."

He glanced at the machine and stepped back abruptly.


A majestic black-purple sword aura under his original position cut everything in a vertical line around him~ tofu is generally divided into two halves.

"Excellent, it seems that I underestimated the creatures like elves."

Wang Lie glanced at the crack that spread to the end, dividing any armored machine made of special metal into two, and praised.

I have seen its battle with AST before, and it is far from the current strength. It is probably because the attack strength of these is relatively high. After all, the task now is to drive the elves back to the neighborhood, and when the spiritual power is exhausted to a certain extent, the elves will usually automatically attack. return.


Suddenly there was a rush of sirens in the sky.

Wang Lie changed slightly, and suddenly something sounded.

Get moving fast.Go straight ahead and shoot.

Boom boom boom! ! !

In an instant, a series of beam cannons directly followed his figure and chased after him.Wherever he just passed by, he was immediately bombarded by artillery fire, and there were all deep potholes.

The main target seems to have shifted to him.

"Priority program transfer, override bombardment."

A deep mezzo-soprano rang out from the underground chamber.

boom! ! !

Numerous bombs and light beam bombardments fell from the sky in an instant, covering hundreds of meters of Wang Lie's area like a carpet.

In an instant, the ground shook violently, as if the earth was about to be torn apart.Dust, flames, gravel, and a large number of debris that could not be distinguished as metal wreckage or shell wreckage exploded and splashed everywhere.

There was a violent shock, which lasted for several minutes before the covering fire subsided.

"Concentrated air bomb!" The voice sounded again.


A group of transparent airflow bombs exploded violently, directly exploding the battlefield that had already been turned into a deep pit, and flying a large amount of mud.All the air is squeezed violently, forming ripples and spreading towards all sides.

Immediately afterwards, air-burst bombs were bombarded one after another.

This kind of air blast bomb is extremely powerful, it can instantly squeeze the air, forming a shock wave of huge power, and the superimposed coverage of lethality is very terrifying.Don't talk about humans, even if the special tank is hit, it may be directly torn apart.

"Even the elves don't dare to resist for too long in the face of such an indiscriminate bombardment of a large area. The spiritual power consumed is definitely not a small amount." The officer said coldly. "As long as he is still human, as long as he is still flesh and blood, he must be dead."

According to the test, the elves are semi-energy bodies, so they have such transcendent power.

It is absolutely impossible for humans to do it, absolutely...

Suddenly there was a scream from the side.

"He's still alive!"

"The strength of life has not decreased at all, and it is still increasing. Damn, what kind of monster is this?"

"But logically speaking, this kind of life intensity should be far from enough to survive under such bombing."

The light screen separated like a white whirlwind sword, and soon went around the edge of the crater and entered Laichan High School.

Before his memory recovered, Wang Lie had no concept of this world.

But now, Wang Lie, who has recovered part of his memory, knows very well that the material rules of this world are only a little lower than those of the other worlds in his memory, including Zhan Chihong. Under such strict restrictions, elves can still move and destroy cities. Even affecting the entire planet is a very exaggerated thing.

At this moment, Wang Lie, who had rushed out of the coverage net, was standing downstairs of the teaching building. In his perception, a huge purple sun was [-] meters away in the direction of the school building.

"The physical strength is about fifteen times that of ordinary people."

He glanced at the direction of the school building in the distance.

All the water stains on his body suddenly shook, and they all turned into countless water mist and white air that slowly evaporated, and the floating white mist could be clearly seen in the sunlight.

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