The rules of the Canaan Academy are strict, and even the descendants of the vice presidents and elders who want to enter the inner court must participate in the inner court trials and advance to the top [-].After that, there is everything now.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you!" Zi Yan curled her lips and apologized to Hun Han

"It's okay. Just resolve the misunderstanding. Do you want to continue the discussion?" Hun Han shook his head and asked.

"No, if you want to win the championship, I will let you win the championship. I don't like being abused. Hehe, let's talk about it, you won the championship, you have to give me some delicious food." Zi Yan smiled wickedly with.

"No problem." Hun Han nodded slightly.Immediately, he scanned the surroundings and asked, "Who else refuses to accept my chills and wants to challenge me, just come up!"

Silence, the surrounding extremely quiet.

After Ruolin, Su Mo, and Chen Huanhuan, even the Brute Force King was no match for Hunhan.Then for other students, naturally they wouldn't be stupid to go up to embarrass themselves.

Seeing this, Hunhan stared at the referee's seat, and said loudly: "I don't know if I can win the championship of this year's trials. If it doesn't count, I can continue to play with them!"

"Okay, okay, okay. Of course."

Hearing Hunhan's voice, the referee on the referee's bench just wanted to speak out, Hu Gan, the vice president of the outer court, stood up and said loudly: "I announce that the student who won the championship in this year's inner court trials is..."

"Soul cold!"

"Soul cold!"

"Soul cold!"

Hu Qian deliberately paused.The audience in the arena cheered in unison.Shouting Hunhan's name.

Hun Han presented such a wonderful battle, defeating the four most popular players in the championship one after another.The title of champion is well deserved.

"That's right, this student is Hun... Han!"

Chapter 99 Zangshu Pavilion ([-] words for this chapter)

Walking on the green campus path, one after another scorching eyes fell on a figure in water blue clothes from time to time.The water-blue figure, who has long been accustomed to this, walked calmly side by side with a girl in a purple dress.

Suddenly, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl walked up to the little boy in aqua blue, lowered her head shyly, and said softly, "Hello, my name is Qiao Jiaojiao, yes... yes... this is for you." !"

The girl was very shy, her face was flushed, she muttered for a while, but she was really speechless.Reluctantly, he took out an envelope and handed it to the little boy.After the little boy took the envelope, the girl couldn't take it anymore, lowered her head, and ran away from here.

"Brother Hunhan, this is already the ninth love letter!"

The little girl in the purple dress looked at the little boy beside her with a half-smile in her eyes.

"Hmm, I don't know what these nympho think, I'm still a child. Sending me a love letter, doesn't that make me precocious?" Hun Han smiled helplessly, noticing the gaze from the corner.Flipping it empty-handed, burned the envelope into nothingness.

Although this move is a bit unreasonable, Hunhan doesn't like to be procrastinated.

"They saw that Brother Hunhan is so outstanding. For most women, who wouldn't want to marry a wealthy son-in-law!" Gu Xun'er smiled, and glanced at that corner from the corner of her eyes.At this moment, the girl looked depressed.There was even a hint of sarcasm and anger in her beautiful eyes.

Hunhan didn't even read it, the act of burning the love letter would indeed hurt people's hearts.It's just that it's better than dragging your emotions and letting others have illusions about it, and misleading people for life.

Ever since Hunhan won the championship in the trials in the inner court, there have been many nympho players who have set their minds on Hunhan.Many girls from the academy tried their best to get close to Hunhan.Not to mention sending flowers.Only three days have passed since the female student who directly delivered the love letter and poured out her feelings, and now it is the ninth one.

"Brother Hunhan, the vice president's office is right in front of you. I won't go in with you!" Gu Xun'er smiled, and speaking of it, what's the difference between her and the woman just now!

Recently, Gu Xun'er has often haunted Hunhan.Going out of two and entering in a pair is not for getting along with Hunhan and cultivating feelings.


Hunhan nodded. For Hunhan, today is a day to enter the library to choose fighting skills.According to the rules of the inner court selection competition, anyone who enters the top five in the competition is eligible to enter the Canaan College's library.

Today's Gu Xun'er, although talented, has a potential value beyond the S rank.It's just that if you didn't participate in the inner court selection competition, you were naturally not eligible to enter the library.

Entering the office of the vice president of the outer courtyard alone, a smell of books came to his nostrils.An old man with white beard and hair was sitting on a mahogany chair, chatting with the four students in front of him.

With a creak, the door slowly opened.Everyone looked at the door, Hu Gan said with a smile: "Hunhan, you are late."

"I encountered some small things on the road, sorry." Hunhan scanned the spacious room.In front of the mahogany chair, from left to right, are Ruolin, Chen Huanhuan, Princess Yaoye and Xiao Ziyan.

The four people in front of them must be the top five in this selection competition.


Xiao Ziyan greeted Hunhan friendly.


Hun Han nodded, as a response to Xiao Ziyan.

"Okay, since we're all here, let's go to Zangshu Pavilion now!"

After Hu Gan finished speaking, he stood up and slapped the wall several times with his palms.It seems that there are no rules, but there seems to be rules to follow.In order to confuse Hunhan and the others, Hunhan could even hear, a few times, the sound was slightly different.


A deep rumbling sound sounded, and a dark fellow appeared in front of the five Hunhan.

"bring it on."

Hu Gan waved to the five people, and walked into the dark fellows first.The walls of the passage are inlaid with moonstones.The atmosphere was very quiet, only the rustling of footsteps could be heard.The passage inside is like a maze. If there is no one to guide the way, even if you find this place, you may not be able to walk out.

When the dazzling light shone down, Ruolin, Chen Huanhuan, Princess Yaoye and Zi Yan were completely overwhelmed by the scene in front of them.

A groove in a valley extends inward until it reaches a huge and staggeringly thick and simple pavilion.At the main entrance of the pavilion, there are three quaint handwritings looming: Zangshuge!

As for Hunhan, he looked indifferent.Although the Zangshu Pavilion is very large, it is quite inferior to the Soul Clan.

"The top five winners of this year's inner court selection competition have been born, please open the door!"

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